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Global Health and Global Inequity

Global Health and Global Inequity. UNC Global Health Seminar September 15, 2004 Nils Daulaire, MD, MPH Global Health Council. Life Expectancy for Children Born Last Year. 74 years. Top 1/5 of the 131 million born in that year. Life Expectancy for Children Born Last Year. 74 years.

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Global Health and Global Inequity

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  1. Global Health and Global Inequity UNC Global Health Seminar September 15, 2004 Nils Daulaire, MD, MPH Global Health Council

  2. Life Expectancy for Children Born Last Year 74 years Top 1/5 of the 131 million born in that year.

  3. Life Expectancy for Children Born Last Year 74 years 64 years Middle 3/5 of all children born.

  4. Life Expectancy for Children Born Last Year 74 years 48 years 64 years Bottom 1/5

  5. Life Expectancy for Children Born Last Year 74 years (+2.7) 48 years (-1.5) 64 years (+3.9) How have things changed over the past decade?

  6. Global health inequities: One of every 7 children born into poverty in a developing country will not survive to age 5 – 20 times the risk faced here.

  7. Global health inequities: One of every 7 children born into poverty in a developing country will not survive to age 5 – 20 times the risk faced here. In many countries, one of every 12 young women will die from pregnancy or childbirth before reaching the end of her reproductive years – 250 times the risk faced here.

  8. Global health inequities: One of every 7 children born into poverty in a developing country will not survive to age 5 – 20 times the risk faced here. In many countries, one of every 12 young women will die from pregnancy or childbirth before reaching the end of her reproductive years – 250 times the risk faced here. In some southern African countries, the likelihood that any given adolescent will die from AIDS is greater than that she will live her life HIV-free.

  9. Premature Deaths in Developing Countries Source: WHO, 2001

  10. Principal Contributors to Global Burden of Disease * * * * These 10 conditions comprise 46% of all healthy years of life lost worldwide. * * * Disability-Adjusted Life-Years Lost (millions) Source: WHO, 1999

  11. 54% 85% 79% 89% Children under 5 bear the greatest burden… Proportion of global burden of selected diseases borne by children 0-4 years (estimated, year 2000) Diarrhea Malaria Pneumonia Measles Children 0 – 4 years Percentage of deaths occurring among: All other age groups Source: Adapted from Murray & Lopez, 1996

  12. Laxmi’s Short Life Kg 15 14 13 12 11 M 10 X D ARI D 9 D D ARI ARI D 8 ARI D D D D ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI FEVER 7 D D D D D D D ARI D ARI D 6 ARI ARI KEY ARI – Acute Respiratory Infection D – Diarrhea M – Measles FEVER – Fever Unknown Origin ARI D 5 4 3 ARI 2 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 AGE IN MONTHS

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