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Wrap-Up & Future Directions

Wrap-Up & Future Directions. Analyze Situation Set Management Objectives. Assess Vulnerabilities (Current and Future). Iteration as Required. Develop Risk Management Strategies. Formal Adaptive Management Cycle. Evaluate and Decide. Implement and Monitor. Our Workshop Framework.

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Wrap-Up & Future Directions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wrap-Up & Future Directions

  2. Analyze Situation Set Management Objectives Assess Vulnerabilities (Current and Future) Iteration as Required Develop Risk Management Strategies Formal Adaptive Management Cycle Evaluate and Decide Implement and Monitor Our Workshop Framework

  3. Would it work? Should a risk management approach to climate adaptation be promoted?

  4. What are you going to do different tomorrow? What are you putting in next years budget?

  5. What are the key knowledge gaps? How can we better integrate climate science into forest sector management and planning? Managers & decision-makers, what research would you like to see?

  6. What are the barriers? Why don’t we see more long range plans that incorporate climate adaptation?

  7. What would ‘flexible’ forest sector policies look like? If you could identify one thing to change, what would it be?

  8. Have you seen any techniques that would work for engaging stakeholders?

  9. Where to next? We’ve had workshops on climate science, climate impacts, and now this, what would be a good next step?

  10. THANKS !!

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