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Household Chores Helper

Get assistance with chores like cleaning, cooking, and organizing. Ask for help or offer assistance in managing household tasks efficiently.

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Household Chores Helper

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cap 1 Vocab 2 Offering help and talking about chores

  2. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores ¿Algomás?

  3. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores Arreglar la sala

  4. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores cortaR el césped

  5. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores Debeslavar los platos

  6. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores Decorar el patio

  7. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores Limpiar el baño

  8. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores No teolvides de…cortar el césped

  9. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores Pasa la aspiradora en la sala

  10. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores poner

  11. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores Poner la mesa

  12. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores Preparar la cena

  13. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores ¿puedoayudarte?

  14. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores ¿Quémástengoquehacer?

  15. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores ¿Qué hay quehaceren la cocina?

  16. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores Sacar la basura

  17. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores Tenemosqueponer el postre en el refrigerador.

  18. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores Tenemosqueponer los refrescos en el refrigerador.

  19. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores Vamos a limpiar

  20. Cap 1 Vocab 2 Offering help and talking about chores

  21. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores Anything Else ¿Algomás?

  22. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores To clean up the living room Arreglar la sala

  23. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores To cut the grass Cortar el césped

  24. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores You should/must wash the dishes Debeslavar los platos

  25. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores To decorate the patio Decorar el patio

  26. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores To clean the bathroom Limpiar el baño

  27. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores Don’t forget to cut the grass No teolvides de cortar el césped

  28. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores To Vacuum the living room Pasarla aspiradoraen la sala

  29. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores To put poner

  30. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores To set the table Poner la mesa

  31. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores To make dinner Preparar la cena

  32. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores Can I help you? ¿Puedoayudarte?

  33. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores What else do I have to do? ¿Quémástengoquehacer?

  34. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores What needs to be done in the kitchen? ¿Qué hay quehaceren la cocina?

  35. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores To take out the trash Sacar la basura

  36. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores We have to put the dessert in the refrigerator. Tenemosqueponer el postreen el refrigerador.

  37. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores We have to put drinks in the refrigerator. Tenemosqueponer los refrescosen el refrigerador.

  38. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores We are going to clean Vamos a limpiar

  39. Cap 1 Vocab 2 Offering help and talking about chores

  40. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores You should/must wash the dishes Debeslavar los platos

  41. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores To decorate the patio Decorar el patio

  42. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores To cut the grass Cortar el césped

  43. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores To clean up the living room Arreglar la sala

  44. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores We have to put drinks in the refrigerador. Tenemosqueponer los refrescosen el refrigerador.

  45. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores To make dinner Preparar la cena

  46. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores What needs to be done in kitchen? ¿Qué hay quehaceren la cocina?

  47. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores We are going to clean Vamos a limpiar

  48. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores To put poner

  49. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores What else do I have to do? ¿Quémástengoquehacer?

  50. Cap 1 Vocab 2 - Offering help and talking about chores Anything Else ¿Algomás?

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