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94th session of the JINR Scientific Council 5-6 June 2003. Comments to the Programme of JINR’s Scientific Research and Development for 2003–2009. LONG TERM PROGRAMME. A. Sissakian. CONTENTS. Introduction Chronology of preparation and discussion of the draft Programme
94th session of the JINR Scientific Council5-6 June 2003 Comments to the Programme of JINR’s Scientific Research and Development for 2003–2009 LONG TERM PROGRAMME A. Sissakian JINR SC
CONTENTS Introduction Chronology of preparation and discussion of the draft Programme Resolution of the JINR Committee of Plenipotentiaries on the 7-year Programme (March 2003 session) Recommendations of the JINR PACs on the 7-year Programme (April 2003 meetings) Final draft and some further steps related to the long-term Programme Conclusions JINR SC
LONG-TERM RESEARCH PROGRAMME Chronology of preparation and discussion The SC invites the JINR Directorate to present at its 93rd session a Draft Programme of JINR for the next 7 years. (91st session of JINR SC, January 2002) PACs for PP, NP, CMP (April & November 2002) JINR Scientific and Technical Council (December 2002) Presentation of the draft version (93rd session of SC, Jan. 2003) endorsement of the general lines by the SC Finance Committee (Febuary 2003) Committee of Plenipotentiaries (March 2003) approval of the general provisions PACs for PP, NP, CMP (April 2003) FINAL DRAFT. 94th session of SC, JUNE 2003 JINR SC
Decisions of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries on theJINR Long-Term Research Programme J I N R • To approve the general provisions ofthe proposed Programme of JINR's Scientific Research and Development for 2003–2009. To commission the JINR Directorate to begin the realization of the Programme. • To ask the Plenipotentiaries to start work with the Governments of the JINR Member States on the long-term planning of the scientific and financial participation in the activity of JINR, based on the estimates presented in the "The Programme of JINR's Scientific Research and Development for 2003–2009". • To request the JINR Directorate to publish the final text of the Programme after its discussion at the 94th session of the JINR Scientific Council. D U B N A JINR SC
Recommendations of the JINR PACs on the 7-year Programme (April 2003 meetings) PAC for Particle Physics The PAC takes note of the detailed draft of JINR’s Programme of Particle and Relativistic Nuclear Physics Research for 2003-2009 presented by Vice-Director A. Sissakian. The PAC appreciates the efforts of the JINR Directorate towards the development of a competitive long-term programme. The PAC endorses the general lines of the second draft of the Programme and asks the JINR Directorate to prepare the final text of the Programme,which takes into account all the programmatic remarks made by the PAC, especially visionary concepts intended to promote internationally outstanding large-scale facilities and infrastructure at JINR in the future to be presented at a session of the Scientific Council. JINR SC
PAC for Nuclear Physics Taking into account the results of the discussions at the above sessions of the JINR Scientific Council and Committee of Plenipotentiaries, the PAC agrees with the additions and improvements made to the JINR Scientific Programme for 2003–2009 concerning nuclear physics and recommends that its final text be published. JINR SC
PAC for Condensed Matter Physics The PAC endorses the general lines of the second draft of the Programmeand asks the JINR Directorate to prepare the final text of the Programme taking into account the remarks concerning the general importance and development of Condensed Matter Physics at JINR and the uniqueness of the large-scale and basic facility: the IBR-2 reactor complex with its spectrometers. JINR SC
Preparation of the final draft of the “Programme of JINR’s Scientific Research and Development for 2003-2009” The Russian and English texts of the Final Draft Programme are available since 14 May 2003 on the JINR web-site: http://www.jinr.ru/years_7/ • Pre-requisites of the long-term Programme: • Scientific basis of the Institute • Financial-economic stabilization • The Institute reforms JINR SC
JINR’s LONG-TERM RESEARCH PROGRAMME • Final, updated draft: • SUMMARY (Vision Statement) • - strategic policy • aims and tasks of the Programme • concepts of JINR’s development • panorama of JINR basic facilities • users’ policy • information technology • education of young scientists • financial and social aspects of the Programme JINR SC
JINR’s LONG-TERM RESEARCH PROGRAMME Final draft: Introduction (extracts) According to the concept of JINR’s development as a multidisciplinary scientific centre, the following main fields of research are represented in the Programme: JINR SC
Theoretical Physics: Quantum field theory and modern mathematical physics; Fundamental symmetries; Standard Model and beyond; Astroparticle physics; Nuclear structure near the drip-line; Dynamics of few-body systems; Exotic properties of nuclear matter; Systems with strong correlations; Integrability; Self-organization; Disordered structures. Elementary Particle Physics: Origin of mass; Nature of spin; Fundamental symmetries (chiral symmetry); Nature of dark matter; Neutrino mass; Deconfinement; Search for supersymmetry. Relativistic Nuclear Physics: Non-perturbative QCD; Spin effects in hadronic processes; Quark-gluon degrees of freedom; Asymptotics in nuclear collisions; Mechanism of hadronization and confinement; Heavy-ion collisions; Multiple production; Nuclear multifragmentation processes; Hypernuclei and nuclei; Cumulative effects; Spin structure of light nuclei; Physics of resonances. Nuclotron; Superconducting magnet technology. Heavy-Ion Physics: Nuclear reactions induced by beams of stable and radioactive nuclei; Synthesis and properties of transuranium and superheavy nuclei; Properties of nuclei close to proton- and neutron- drip-lines; Chemistry of actinides and transactinides; Radioanalytical investigations; Heavy-ion accelerators; Production of secondary beams; Interaction of heavy ions with condensed matter. Low- and Intermediate-Energy Physics: Fundamental physics phenomena and processes in nuclear physics; Rare decays of elementary particles and nuclei; Non-accelerator particle physics; Nature and properties of the neutrino. JINR SC
Nuclear Physics with Neutrons: Violation of fundamental symmetries in neutron-induced reactions; Beta-decay and electromagnetic properties of the neutron; Ultracold neutrons; Nuclear data for science and technology; Ecological study with neutrons. Condensed Matter Physics: Strongly correlated electron systems; Low-dimensional systems; Heterostructures; Quantum wells and dots; Quantum liquids; Chaos; Self-organization; Disordered systems; Polymers; Biopolymers; Biomembranes; Nanomaterials; Physics of surfaces. Radiation and Radiobiological Research: Radiobiology; Radiation genetics; Mutagenesis; Chromosomal aberration; Biophysics of photobiological processes; Target therapy; Radiation protection; Dosimetry; Neutron spectrometry; Radiation transport through matter. Networks, Computing and Computational Physics: Distributed high-performance computing infrastructure; High-speed networking; Information, algorithmic, and software support; Modelling of physical systems; Data processing and analytic calculations for physics problems; JINR’s GRID segment and global GRID structures. Educational Programme: University-type education; Continuous education “secondary school–higher education institution–research institution”; Postgraduate programmes; Extension of specialties; Collective use centres; International schools; JINR-based educational departments. JINR SC
LONG-TERM RESEARCH PROGRAMME Relativistic Nuclear Physics (RNP) New Draft Organizational steps: After the 93rd session of the JINR Scientific Council, three evaluation committees on RNP (for scientific and upgrade programme of the Nuclotron) were established: 1. JINR interlaboratory committee Coordinators: Dr D.Blaschke, Dr S.Vokal Deputy-coordinators: Prof. V. Burov, Dr P. Zarubin 2. Committee of internal and external experts Chairman: Prof. B. Sharkov (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) 3. Internal VBLHE committee (Chairman: Dr S.Vokal) JINR SC
PAC for Particle Physics (April 2003 meeting) • Recommendation on the report of the evaluation committee for the scientific programme of the Nuclotron • The PAC strongly supports the steps taken to establish the scientific and technical advisory committees for the programme of the Nuclotron. The PAC appreciates the report of Professor B. Sharkov and endorses the recommendations of the Technical Evaluation Committee for the Scientific Programme of the Nuclotron and recommends that in 2003-2005 major efforts be focused on: • generation of polarized deuteron beams at intensity of 109 p/cycle • upgrade of the injection complex to increase the injection repetition rate up to 0.5-1 Hz • development of the Nuclotron diagnostic system • increasing of the final ion energy up to the projected target parameters (6 GeV/u) • slow beam extraction for heavy ions at A>40 • development of the technical project for the Nuclotron booster • upgrade of the ion sources: new laser ion source JINR SC
LONG-TERM RESEARCH PROGRAMME Relativistic Nuclear Physics New Draft Polarization Phenomena at Relativistic Energies: SPHERE,PIKASO,DELTA-SIGMA, STRELA Effects of Nonpertubative QCD in Nuclei: SPHERE, MARUSYA, NIS Nuclear Structure at Relativistic Energies: BECQUEREL, FASA JINR SC
Polarization Phenomena at Relativistic Energies: SPHERE,PIKASO,DELTA-SIGMA, STRELA • Investigation of the nature and properties of nonnucleon (mesonic, multiquark …) degrees of freedom in nuclei at large x>1 (cumulative processes). • Study of the polarization properties of the deuteron at the large transfer momentum (complementary to the JLab investigations). • Search of the role of three-nucleon forces. JINR SC
LONG-TERM RESEARCH PROGRAMME Relativistic Nuclear Physics Over the last several years, the model of a users’ centre on the basis of the VBLHE accelerator complex has been continuously and successfully tested. It is planned that the scientific policy and practical work at the VBLHE accelerator complex will be oriented to the maximum number of external researchers. Necessary decisions ensuring the protection of external users’ interests, accessibility of the Laboratory main resources, including the buildings, experimental zones of the accelerator, will be drawn up. JINR SC
LONG-TERM RESEARCH PROGRAMME Particle Physics Verification of predictions, tests of the Standard Model(CP-violation, QCD, Higgs mass, etc) Search for the effects beyond the Standard Model (supersymmetry, superstrings, leptoquarks, technicolour, proton decay, compositeness, extra dimensions, CPT and Lorentz violation, dark matter, etc) Study of the nature and properties of neutrinos (neutrinoless double beta decay, neutrino oscillations, magnetic moment of the neutrinos, etc) Construction of the model of the Universe, etc by means of investigation of the new physical phenomena with particles, nuclei, stars, galaxies, etc. JINR SC
Time Schedule of External HEP Projects (2003 – 2009) construction of facilities data taking data analysis possible extension of the project CERN - JINR Accelerator Project 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 ATLAS CMS LHC ALICE damper LEP DELPHI DIRAC PS HARP NA45 NA48 NA48/1 SPS NA48/2 NA49 COMPASS NOMAD CLIC Accel, R&D JINR SC
Time Schedule of External HEP Projects (2003 – 2009) construction of facilities data taking data analysis possible extension of the project DESY, GSI, BNL, FNAL Uppsala, KEK-PS, IHEP Gran Sasso Project 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Accelerator HERMES HERA HERA-B H1 TESLA TTF, beam diagnostics STAR RHIC PHENIX D0 Tevatron CDF Celsius WASA KEK-PS E391a IHEP EXCHARM II Thermalization BOREXINO Gran Sasso OPERA SIS HADES JINR SC
LONG-TERM RESEARCH PROGRAMME Astrophysics and Cosmology Project TUS “Astrophysical studies on space satellites” 2003-2005 - construction of instruments 2006-2009 - data taking and analysis JINR SC
LONG-TERM RESEARCH PROGRAMME NUCLEAR PHYSICS DRIBs HEAVY-ION PHYSICS Synthesis of new nuclei and study of nuclear properties and heavy-ion reaction mechanisms using ion beams of stable and radioactive isotopes. Development of the U400+U400M cyclotrons + MT25 microtron Complex for producing intensive beams of accelerated ions of stable and radioactive Isotopes (DRIBs project). Radiation effects and modification of materials, radioanalytical and radioisotopic investigations with heavy ions, applied research. JINR SC
LONG-TERM RESEARCH PROGRAMME NUCLEAR PHYSICS Nuclear Physics with Neutrons Plan for Creation and Operation of IREN source Main Parameters: Electron beam energy – 200 MeV Neutron flux – 1015 n/s Neutron pulse duration – 400 ns Repetition rate – 150 Hz 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007-2009 1272 K$ Creation and start, first stage 350 K$ Full completion 950 K$ Modernization of spectrometers 760 K$ Data taking JINR SC
LONG-TERM RESEARCH PROGRAMME NUCLEAR PHYSICS Low- and Intermediate-Energy Physics • Aims: • fundamental physics phenomena and processes in nuclear physics • rare decays of elementary particles and nuclei • non-accelerator particle physics The key tasks in non-accelerator particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology are investigations of the neutrino nature and its properties. The shortest way to gaining important information in this area is the study of the neutrinoless double beta decay of nuclei (projects NEMO, TGV, GENIUS, and MAJORANA) . JINR SC
LONG-TERM RESEARCH PROGRAMME Condensed Matter Physics Scientific program The program of the scientific research for the next 7 years includes investigations in the topical subjects of the condensed matter physics, chemistry, biology, nuclear medicine, radioecological research,material science and engineering, geophysics, radiation and radiobiological research, etc. JINR SC
LONG-TERM RESEARCH PROGRAMME Condensed Matter Physics • the modernization of the reactor IBR-2 • the scientific program • the development of the neutron • scattering experimental technique • ion tracks in polymers • interaction of heavy ions with metals, semiconductors and insulators • radioecological research, ultrapure radioisotopes for nuclear medicine and biomedicine • design of accelerator complexes for condensed matter physics and nuclear medicine • radiation genetics • biophysics of photo-biological processes • radiation research JINR SC
2004 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 LONG-TERM RESEARCH PROGRAMME IBR-2 Reactor Modernization Programme IBR-2 is included in the 20 years’ strategic programme of neutron scattering research in Europe. Main Parameters: Peak power in pulse – 1500 MW (2000 MW after modernization) Flux in moderator – 2.4 . 1016 n cm-2 s-1 Pulse width – 200 μs Purposes of modernization: higher nuclear safety, operation reliability and stability, longer life-time of major equipment IBR-2 operation Σ2003-2009 = k$ 4,620 JINR = k$2,100 MAE = k$ 2,520 MR-3 Fuel elements Manufacturing of main equipment Disassembly Equipment Installation IBR-2Мstartup JINR SC
LONG-TERM RESEARCH PROGRAMME Networking, computing and computational physics • To provide the JINR Scientific Programme and the JINR Member States with the information environment adequate to modern international scientific cooperation, it is necessary: • to provide JINR and its Member States with high-speed telecommunication links • to create a high-speed, reliable and protected JINR Local area network (LAN) • to create and support a distributed high-performance computing infrastructure and mass memory • to provide information, algorithmic and software support • to develop a GRID-segment of JINR and provide its integration in the European and global GRID-structures JINR SC
Educational Programme Development of JINR as a "super-university," where scientific research will be closely connected with the education process. The Educational Programme will attach special importance to the training of specialists from JINR Member States for work both at JINR and laboratories of the Member States. The Programme is mostly realized on the basis of the JINR University Centre. The UC is going to be the main unit around which various educational activities will concentrate. 4th, 5th and 6th-year students of MEPI, MIPT, MSU, and other higher education institutions Specialized training programmes for the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and other countries Outreach activity: JINR-trips Extension of the list of specialties and departments (MIREA, Dubna University) New engineering specialties (MEPI) Development of the cooperation with international Organizations (CERN, DAAD, EPS, EUPEN, IAPS and UNESCO) Optional lectures, conferences, and schools for students and postgraduates from the JINR Member States (Advanced School of Theoretical Physics) Preparatory courses and practicum for secondary school teachers and students Revival of the School of Physics and Mathematics Training in new specialties and qualifications improvement Training technical and working staff Postgraduate studies Bilateral supervision: JINR and a Member State Master's degree programmes JINR SC
1 Gbps In-House Facilities of JINR in 2009 FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH U 400M U 400 MT-25 DRIBs upgraded NUCLOTRON modernized complex of heavy-ion cyclotrons IREN Upgraded IBR-2 JINR’s NETWORK Applied and basic research (nonbudgetary resources) PHASOTRON DELSY (?) JINR SC
Some further steps related to the 7-year Programme • Preparation of an addendum to the Programme: Booklet of abstracts/summaries on expected physics results in HEP and on accelerator activities at JINR. • Active work with the Plenipotentiaries and Governments of the JINR Member States on the long-term planning of the scientific and financial participation in the activity of JINR. • Prioritization of research activities. • In the course of its implementation, the Programme will be updated. The priorities of the research activities will be established and indicated in the annual Topical Plan for JINR Research and International Cooperation and in the 3-year “rolling’’ Scientific Programme. JINR SC
CONLUSIONS JINR’s development in 2003–2009 will be accompanied by social and economic reforms, including structural reforms, aimed at maintaining the status of the Institute as an attractive international scientific centre. “Young Staff at JINR”- TOP PRIORITY PROGRAMME (JINR University Centre, Dubna University, Dubna International Advanced School of Theoretical Physics, “JINR-CERN” schools, etc.) JINR SC