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Preparation of the seven-year programme for the development of JINR for 2010-2016. Mikhail Itkis 105 th Session of the JINR Scientific Council. Heavy Ion Physics. Number of observed decay chains Element 118 3 Element 116 26
Preparation of the seven-year programme for the development of JINR for 2010-2016 Mikhail Itkis 105th Session of the JINR Scientific Council
Heavy Ion Physics Number of observed decay chains Element 118 3 Element 116 26 Element 115 4 Element 114 43 Element 113 2 Element 112 8
Heavy ion Physics – Basic Facilities • The basic role in realization of the plan of researches is associated with creation of accelerator complex DRIBs-III. • The purpose of the project is expansion of a set of accelerated ions, both of stable, and radioactive isotopes, essential increase of intensity and quality of beams. • Realization of project DRIBs-III provides: • a new experimental hall, • development of new generation experimental set-ups, • completion of modernization of cyclotrons U400 and U400М, • new high-intensity universal accelerator of heavy ions.
Heavy ion Physics – Basic Facilities 1. Modernization of accelerator U400M. The basic purposes of the modernization started in 2007 are: increase of intensity of light ion beams by a factor of 4 – 5, increase of the maximal energy of light ions up to 100 MeV/A and, acceleration of lowered (6 – 15 MeV/A) energy ions, increase of stability of parameters of beams, extraction of beams in the second direction. 2. Modernization of accelerator U400. The basic purposes of planned in 2010 – 2011 modernization of the accelerator are: improvement of quality and intensity of stable and radioactive beams, providing of a smooth variation of energy of ions in the range 0.8 – 25 MeV/A, decrease in the consumption of rare isotopes, decrease in power consumption by a factor of 3 – 4. 3. Development of highly effective multi charged ion sources
Heavy ion Physics – Basic Facilities New FLNR experimental hall The small area of the existing U400 experimental hall (nearby 150 м2) does not allow to place new experimental set-ups and leads to significant losses of time due to impossibility to work on another set-up if an experiment is running on one of them. For the radical solving of this problem construction of a new experimental hall having the area 2500 м2 is planned. It will be used for work with beams of radioactive and exotic nuclei using new experimental set-ups, including those from other research centers.
New FLNR experimental hall 2600м2
Heavy ion Physics – Basic Facilities New high-intensity accelerator of heavy ions Principal cause demanding creation of the new accelerator, is the impossibility of essential increase in intensity of beams of accelerated ions on existing accelerators (even after their modernization) owing to problems with injection into and extraction of ions from the accelerator. It should have an opportunity of stand-alone operation; work as the driver accelerator for producing ions of radioactive isotopes, and as postaccelerator in DRIBs-III complex; produced beams should be transported to available experimental halls. It is necessary to provide acceleration of ions from carbon up to uranium up to energy 5 – 10 MeV/A with stepwise and smooth variation. For ions with masses A<100 the beam intensity should be not below 5·1013/s.
IH DTL, RFQ, CH DTL, Debuncher supercond. QWR Cavities 108 MHz 324 MHz 108 MHz 108 MHz Energy MeV/u 7.1 1.8 2.4 3.3 4.2 5.2 0.3 1.4 6.1 0.003 ECR source 30 15 5 10 20 25 0 Z / m Possible solution for a new accelerator (proposed by GSI and University of Frankfurt) • Main components: • Room temperature RFQ and IH-DTL at 108 MHz • Superconducting CH-DTL (324 MHz) and QWR (108 MHz) cyclic or linear? “cold” or “warm”?
Heavy ion Physics – Basic Facilities • next generation experimental set-ups • Universal gas-filled separator for synthesis and studying of properties of SHE; • Preseparator for radiochemical and mass-spectrometric researches; • Cryogenic detector for studying chemical properties of SHE; • Systems for collecting and production of single-charged ions in gas media (gas catcher); • Radiochemical laboratory of II class; • Separator of radioactive neutron rich nuclei for RIB production; • Spectrometer for studying reactions induced by RIBs; • Wide aperture spectrometer of fission fragments
Experiments on FLNR accelerators 1. Synthesis and studying of properties of superheavy elements In 2010-2016 efforts will be concentrated on further more detailed studying of already opened isotopes of superheavy elements, and also on search of new methods of synthesis of heavier elements. Planned experiments will be aimed at synthesis of nuclei with Z=110–120 in reactions between 232Th, 236,238U, 237Np, 242,244Pu, 241,243Am, 246,247,248Cm, 249Вк and 249Cf with 36S, 48Ca, 50Ti, 58Fe and 64Ni. The significant attention will be given to synthesis of an element with Z=117. 2. Characteristics of the spontaneous and induced nuclear fission Mechanisms of formation and decay of heavy and superheavy nuclei in reactions with heavy ions will be studied on CORSET (+ DEMON +HENDES) and FOBOS set-ups which allow to study mass-energy distributions of fission fragments, preequilibrium, pre- and post scission neutrons, and also multiplicities and energy of γ-quanta
Experiments on FLNR accelerators 3. Chemical properties and identification of superheavy elements For the comparative studying of chemical properties of superheavy elements and their light homologues compounds methods of gas phase termohromatography, and also methods of an ionic exchange and extraction from solutions are applied. 4. Mass spectrometry of isotopes of superheavy elements For precision measurement of masses and studying of physical and chemical properties of these elements separator MASHA at the beam of the modernized cyclotron У400М will be used. In experiments with the use of a plasma ion source for isotopes of Kr, Xe and Hg at the test bench the mass resolution Δm/m≈3∙10-4 has been reached. The «MASHA» set-up considerably surpasses known similar devices by efficiency of separation of superheavy atoms and completeness of the information on characteristics of their decay.
5. Nuclear spectroscopy of isotopes of heavy and transfermium elements Together with IN2P3 (France) will proceed the realization of the project GABRIELA on α-, β- and γ-spectroscopy of transfermium isotopes with the use of the separator VASSILISSA. 6. Mechanisms of reactions with stable and radioactive nuclei Experiments with beams of radioactive isotopes will be carried out on ACCULINA set-up. Secondary beams of ions 6,8He, 9,11Li, 12,14Be, 8B with energy in the range 25-35 MeV/A are produced by irradiation of targets with primary beams of 7Li, 11B, 13C, 15N and 18O ions, generated by the cyclotron U400М. For ions 6He and 8He with the energy 25 Mev/A intensities of 1.5106 and 7103 particles/s were reached. Mechanisms a nucleon-nuclear interactions at energy in the near to Fermi's domain are studied on a fragment separator COMBAS allowing also to produce secondary beams of neutron rich nuclei with 2≤ Z≤11
? N normal hierarchy I inverted hierarchy δ=0 δ=π ? Δ12 δ=0 Neutrino physics and rare phenomena δ=π Δ Δ δ=0 δ=π Δ12 δ=0 δ=π νeνµντ ?
NEMO 3 Experiment 116Cd405 г Qbb = 2805 кэВ 96Zr 9,4 г Qbb = 3350 кэВ 150Nd 37,0 г Qbb = 3367 кэВ 100Mo6,914 кг Qbb = 3034 кэВ 48Ca 7,0 г Qbb = 4272 кэВ 82Se0,932 кг Qbb = 2995 кэВ 130Te454 г Qbb = 2529 кэВ Cu621 г Present Limits: T1/2(bb0n) > 5.8 1023 yr (90 % CL) <mn> < 0.6–1.3 eV Expected 2009-2010: T1/2(bb0n) > 2.0 1024 yr (90 % CL) <mn> < 0.3 –0.7 eV 2011 – First Module in place of NEMO 3 2012-2014 – Installation in New Laboratory T1/2(bb0n) > (1-2) x 1026 ans <mn> < 0.06 - 0.10 eV
GERDA: Search for 0νββ in 76Ge detectors Startup of experiment at Gran Sasso underground laboratory in 2009. Phase 1:2009-2011 ~17.9 kg 76Ge enriched detector T1/2 > 3 x1025 mν < 0.2-0.5 eV (definite test of KKGH result) Phase 2:2012-2016 ~40 kg 76Ge mν < 0.07-0.2 eV
Search for Neutrino Magnetic Moment GEMMA experiment Experiment at Kalinin Nuclear Station • Power of 3 GW • On/Off. 315/50days • Distance from reactor core – 14,5 м • 70 мwe overburden • GEMMA II 2009 - 2010 • ~6,0×1013 / cm2 / s • t ~ 2 years • B ~ 0,2 keV -1 kg -1 day-1 • m ~ 6 kg (two detectors) • Tth ~ 1,5 keV GEMMA III • m ~ 20 kg , Tth ~ 100 eV 1,5 10 -11 B ~ 5 10 -12B
OPERA: Direct search for νμ→ντoscillations 8 cm (10X0) 1 mm 44 200 44 (mm) emulsion “grains” track segment ~15 grains/50 mm nt ne,nm e , m, h sqx~ 5 mrad sx~ 0,5 mm t decay “kink” >25 mrad nm nt OPERA ECC brick Pb ES Pb ES 152000 bricks in total
Precision studies of rare muon and pion decays Present Limit: <1.2·10-11 • Plans • Present data taking toreach10-13 • Obtain a“significant” resultbefore the LHC era • • Eventual reach of • 10-14 during LHCera
UHECR and Dark Matter Search EDELWEISS-II : Search for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMP) with cryogenic Ge detectors at 20 mK, used for calorimetric and ionization measurements. Present limit: ~10-6 pb Expected by 2012 : 4x10-9 pb.
UHECR and Dark Matter Search • BAIKAL Physics issues: • Search for local sources of high energy neutrinos (>15 GeV) • Search for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles and Monopoles • Search for neutrino fluxes of Ultra High Energies (>10 TeV) 1 Gt (km3) Detector, which will use new strings design and instrumentation
IREN- 2009 2015 • Implementation of the nonmultiplying U target; • Average energy about 200 MeV; • Peak current 5.0 A; • Operation frequency 150 Hz; • Beam power about 30 kW; • Pulse width 200 ns; • Intensity about 71013 n/s • Since June 2009 to start regular two-shift operation for experiments at beam #3 and gamma producing target; • Average energy of the electrons 50 MeV; • Peak current 2.8 A; • Operation frequency 50 Hz; • Beam power 1.4 kW • Pulse width 200 ns • Intensity some above 1012 n/s;
IBR-2 pulsed reactor will continue to play its role as the JINR core basic facility for condensed matter research Reactor core Main movable reflector FuelPuO2 Active core volume 22 dm3 CoolingliquidNa Average power 2 МW Pulsed power 1500 MW Repetition rate 5 s-1 Average flux 8·1012n/cm2/s Pulsed flux 5·1015n/сm2/s Pulse width (fast / therm.)215 / 320 μs Number of channels 14 Additional movable reflector Parameters
IBR-2MR&D activities 2010-2016 (4 220 k$) Simulation and optimization of the spectrometers of the IBR-2M reactor, development of methods of neutron spectrometry Modernization of elements of spectrometers and exploitation of present equipment R&D of novel neutron and X-ray detectors and DAQ, increasing of effectiveness of their application Cryogenic investigations R&D of cold moderators, installation and performance control of new equipment Development of the network and computer infrastructure of the IBR-2M spectrometer complex (remote control, new network technologies, software, hardware)
Condensed Matter Physics at IBR-2M in 2010-2016 (total requirement 5 598.3 k$) I. Nanosystems and Nanotechnologies II. Biomedical Research Priority directions of research III. Novel Materials IV. Engineering Diagnostics. Earth Sciences
Detector system Neutron guide Background chopper 1м 32м 8м Directions for development of spectrometers complex • First priority projects – creation of new high intensity diffractometer for microsamples DN-6, new multifunctional reflectometer GRAINS, upgrade of SKAT/EPSILON spectrometers complex (with external funding from BMBF) • 2. Second priority projects – completion of the FSD diffractometer project, upgrade of the spectrometers HRFD, DN-2, YuMO, REMUR, REFLEX, NERA-PR, DIN-2PI • 3. Development of the projects of new small angle neutron scattering spectrometer and neutron reflectometer with atomic resolution • 4 Development of new neutron scattering methods for studies of structure and dynamics of nanosystems and novel materials Layout of the new high intensity diffractometer for microsamples DN-6 project
Planned financing schedule for the first priority projects (k$)
Fieldsof research: • Research into the mechanisms of the genetic action of accelerated multi-charge ionsand neutrons with different energies. • Study of the action of heavy particles and neutrons on the eye's lens and retina. • Research into the regularities of the biological action of accelerated heavy ions on the central nervous system. • Mathematical modelling of biophysical systems. • Radiation research.
LABORATORY OF RADIATION BIOLOGY Confocal CARS microscope Ready for users by the end 2009
Theoretical support Theory of Elementary ParticlesD.Kazakov, O.Teryaev Nuclear Structure and DynamicsV.Voronov, A.Vdovin Theory of Condensed Matter and New MaterialsV.Priezzhev, V.Osipov Modern Mathematical PhysicsA.Sorin, A.Isaev Dubna InternationalAdvanced School of Theoretical Physics (DIAS-TH)A.Sorin, V.Voronov
Concluding remarks • Presented draft planning is based on the current vision of the JINR budget for years 2010-2016, proposed to the Committee of Plenipotentiaries by JINR Directorate and based on the constantly increasing contributions of JINR’s Member States year by year. Security of the budget is of primary importance here. • Planed distribution of funds between topics and their financial profiles have to be made consistent with overall budget limitations. • It is clear that timely execution of presented tasks requires further concentration of human and material resources. • Fresh young personnel from Member States is highly welcome.