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VET to Work Pilot Study 2008 - 2009

VET to Work Pilot Study 2008 - 2009. VET to Work. An initiative of National VET Disability Advisory Taskforce Commenced 2008 Extended to 2009 ? 2010. VET to Work. Education Pathway Outcomes Success of State Transition Program Collaboration & Partnerships

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VET to Work Pilot Study 2008 - 2009

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  1. VET to Work Pilot Study 2008 - 2009

  2. VET to Work • An initiative of National VET Disability Advisory Taskforce • Commenced 2008 • Extended to 2009 • ? 2010

  3. VET to Work • Education Pathway Outcomes • Success of State Transition Program • Collaboration & Partnerships - Disability Employment Network - Schools - Registered Training Organisations

  4. VET to Work • Research indicated that people with a disability have; - poorer VET outcomes • poorer outcomes in obtaining and sustaining employment • Are overrepresented in rates of unemployment

  5. State Transition Program A program operating over 3 school terms designed to assist students with an intellectual or learning disability make a smooth transition from school to future pathways.

  6. History • Commenced in 2000 • Western Adelaide region schools • 20 students • 2 VET courses - Retail - Engineering • Coordination funded by Personnel Employment

  7. History • 2005 Department Education & Children's Services (DECS) funding • Students from all Adelaide regions were able to access the program • DECS continue to contribute towards the program, which has grown to providing 16 VET course options for participants at different certificate levels • 114 students in 2009

  8. VET to Work The VET to Work Pilot Study offers additional support to students with disabilities, (with primary focus on intellectual, learning and sensory disabilities) in VET to improve their training and employment outcomes and their transition from VET into employment.

  9. Who is Eligible? Students who: • Are enrolled as a student of either TAFESA or the Australian Technical College (ATC), Northern Adelaide during 2008-09. • Have a recognised disability, with primary focus on intellectual, learning and sensory disabilities. • Are due to complete their VET course within the time frame of the pilot (12 months). • Are eligible for a DEN service and prepared to register with one at the completion of their course. • Are available and prepared to seek employment at the completion of their VET course.

  10. How does it work? Staff from the Disability Employment Network (DEN) are engaged to provide: • Up to 50 hours of mentoring support per student during their VET course. This includes: - working with the student and TAFESA professionals to coordinate reasonable adjustment to the learning experience over 12 months. - an add-on service to TAFE’s student services support program - Structured Workplace Learning where a course requirement

  11. How does it work? • Mentoring support can include: - assisting the student to time manage, - organising assignments, - assessment preparation, - any counselling the student requires, including career counselling.

  12. How can students be referred?  Students may join the pilot through: • Self referral • The State Transition Program; schools; DEN providers; Northern Adelaide Australian Technical College (ATC) • TAFE providers and staff

  13. EVALUATION • Australian Institute of Social Research- Adelaide University • 2008 cohort – 42 students • Focus Groups • Quantitative • Interim

  14. EVALUATION • In 2008, students participated in the following certificate levels; • Certificate I, 11 students • Certificate II, 12 students • Certificate III, 12 students • Certificate IV, 7 students • TOTAL42 students

  15. EVALUATION • Students studied in the following industry areas (2008); - Community Services (10) - Business (5) - Hospitality (7) - Horticulture (1) - Retail (1) - IT (1) - Automotive (3) - Music (1) - Meat Processing (1) - Hair & Beauty (1) - Library Studies (1) - Trades (woodwork, engineering, electrical etc) (8) - Finance (1) - Horticulture (1)

  16. EVALUATION • Some participants who had had previous experience with TAFESA contrasted their experiences with and without the DEN Support Worker. For one student, the absence of a DEN Support Worker combined with depression, health issues and a lack of awareness about the services offered by TAFESA, made her initial study experience difficult and overwhelming. This stood in clear contrast to her subsequent experience as a supported Pilot participant, which she described as a ‘much easier’ and ‘much happier’ time. She noted that her DEN Support Worker helped her extensively with a variety of tasks, helped her develop her confidence as a student and connected her with TAFESA Student Services staff. Similar contrasts between studying at TAFESA with and without a DEN Support Worker were drawn by other students.

  17. EVALUATION • As of May 2009, • 36.6% in employment (58.7%) • 26.2% seeking employment (41.3%) • 26.8% further education and training (-) • 10.4% disengaged


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