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The New Coach at the High School: The Literacy Coach

The New Coach at the High School: The Literacy Coach. Denise Bell Literacy Coach Waco HS, Waco ISD. On your slip of paper, write you answer to the question: What does it mean to be “literate”?. Writing Technique: Silent Discussion. lit·er·a·cy noun.

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The New Coach at the High School: The Literacy Coach

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  1. The New Coach at the High School: The Literacy Coach Denise Bell Literacy Coach Waco HS, Waco ISD

  2. On your slip of paper, write you answer to the question: What does it mean to be “literate”? Writing Technique: Silent Discussion

  3. lit·er·a·cynoun 1. the quality or state of being literate, especially the ability to read and write. 2. possession of education 3. a person's knowledge of a particular subject or field

  4. Focus Questions What prompted the development of the role of a High SchoolLiteracy Coach? What challenges were faced when implementing the Literacy Coach position? How does the Literacy Coach help to improve campus performance? What future challenges do we face in regards to Literacy?

  5. What prompted the development of the role of the Literacy Coach? Focus Question One

  6. Discipline 2008 Table 2: Percentage of students with at least one school infraction.

  7. Discipline 2008 Percentage of students who have been suspended.

  8. Discipline 2008 Percentage of students who have been placed at DAEP as of December 10th

  9. Academics from 2004 to 2008

  10. Waco High School Accountability Figure 1: Reading/ ELA 2004 - 2008

  11. Waco High School Accountability Figure 2: Mathematics 2004 - 2008

  12. Waco High School Accountability Figure 3: Science 2004 - 2008

  13. Waco High School Accountability Figure 4: Social Studies 2004 - 2008

  14. Waco High School Accountability Figure 5: AYP Graduation Rate 2004 - 2007

  15. Scholastic Reading Data 2008

  16. Scholastic Inc.

  17. Scholastic Inc.

  18. Scholastic Inc.

  19. What challenges were faced when implementing the Literacy Coach position? Focus Question Two

  20. The Waco HS Literacy Movement began in August 2009

  21. Challenges Administration Faced Funding – How do we pay for it? Time – When do we schedule teachers, students, meetings, etc.? Motivation – How do we get buy-in from staff? Focus – understanding of what the role would be

  22. Challenges to the Movement Student resistance Teacher resistance • High schoolers with low literacy levels have learned coping behaviors • Pushing students of ALL levels • Mindset of “I passed TAKS so I read fine” • Word calling behaviors • “I am not a trained reading teacher.” • “Why didn’t they learn this in elementary school?” • Learned ability to teach around the reading when faced with pressure to cover content

  23. How does the Literacy Coach help to improve campus performance? Focus Question Three

  24. Using the Vocabulary 4 Square, fill in each square for what you believe a Literacy Coach is? Vocabulary Technique: Four Square analysis

  25. Where to begin? Using MRT training and understanding, I broke language skills into multiple areas to explain to teachers I would research strategies for teachers to use to improve each area. I compiled the presentations based on our campuses capabilities (6 departments – 30 minutes once a week for 6 – 7 weeks) ** See bibiliography

  26. Literacy Coaching at WHS – Year One “Plant the Seed” Whole campus training through departments on components of being “literate” and strategies to strengthen literacy skills Whole faculty meetings - Focused on populations that historically have high reading concerns and provided strongly comprehensive trainings (LEP, Dyslexia, repeaters) Literacy Walks*

  27. Literacy Coaching at WHS – Year One “The Roots Take Hold” “Literacy in Action” – voluntary session on strategies (40 teachers) “Literacy Leaders” – two teachers from every department study a strategy then lead a study in that strategy for their department Faculty meeting refreshers in spring Exemplars of word walls, strategies and vocabulary games are shared with teachers Targeted PLC trainings in math

  28. Literacy Coaching at WHS – Year Two “Sprouting New Growth” Summer Training – “Enhanced Literacy” taken by 75%+ of the faculty including incoming teachers which reviews last year’s training and focuses on reading comprehension Focused strategy studies Learning Communities throughout the year Continuation of Literacy Leaders, and specialized population trainings Coach begins working with students of high need

  29. Literacy Coaching at WHS – Year Two “Sprouting New Growth” Focused analysis of LEP student needs and progress Sharing of TELPAS scores in conjunction with ELPS training to help teachers understand connection Creation of modification sheet for these students

  30. Year Two and Beyond “Envisioning a Forest” Goal: Teachers will use strategies as part of their regular teaching. Goal: Literacy Coach will be a source of ongoing embedded professional development with new books, methods, and strategies. Goal: Teachers will take ownership and leadership in learning together. Goal: Literacy Coach will be able to expand time to observe, model, co-teach and work with feeder schools.

  31. Standard Practices for Literacy at Waco High Word walls in all classrooms that are ongoing and referenced VIPs (Visual Instructional Plan) in all classes but especially Math classes Timed paired partner reading by students Minimum of writing once a week in all classes Vocabulary review and games are regular practice in class Focus on scaffolding for students identified as struggling learners

  32. Year Two and Beyond “Envisioning a Forest” Goal: Carrying the literacy strategies and techniques to our feeder campuses

  33. Our Progress from 2008 to 2011

  34. Student Attendance

  35. Discipline Percentage of students with at least one school infraction.

  36. Discipline Percentage of students who have been suspended.

  37. Discipline Percentage of students who have been placed at DAEP as of December 10th

  38. Academics from 2008 to 2011*^ *All scores are preliminary for 2011 ^2011 includes TAKS-M in state accountability calculations for the first time

  39. Reading/ELA-R 2004 - 2011

  40. Social Studies 2004 - 2011

  41. Mathematics 2004 - 2011

  42. Science 2004 – 2011

  43. AYP: ELA-R 2004-2011

  44. AYP: Mathematics 2004 - 2011

  45. AYP: Graduation Rate 2004 – 2011* *Preliminary

  46. What future challenges do we face in regards to Literacy? Focus Question Four

  47. Future Challenges Continued funding Success breeding complacency Staff turnover Ongoing review of current research practices which effect various populations of students Expansion and continuity of services to students Literacy Coach time

  48. QUESTIONS? dmbell@wacoisd.org

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