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Ulrike Haslinger, Austrian Centre for Language Competence , Graz: “ Convergences between modern/foreign languages; curricula in Austria”. An initiative of the Austrian Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture. Our main areas of activity:. 1) International and national language policy work
Ulrike Haslinger, Austrian Centre for Language Competence, Graz: “Convergences between modern/foreign languages; curricula in Austria” An initiative of the Austrian Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture
Our main areas of activity: 1) International and national language policy work 2) Development of didactical materials 3) Networking and action programmes 4) Dissemination
The language situation in Austria I. Official language: German (88,6 %) II. Six officially recognised minoritiylanguages/autochthonous minorities;since 1955 (1,5 %) - Slovene in Carinthia and Styria; - Croatian, Hungarian and Romani in Burgenland - Czech, Slovak and Hungarian in Vienna III. Since 2005: Austrian Sign Language (not included in 2001 Consensus/ used to be classified as German speakers) IV. Other migrant languages(9,9 %)(e.g. Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Turkish) Map legend: Burgenland 1 Carinthia (Kärnten) 2 Lower Austria (Niederösterreich) 3 Upper Austria (Oberösterreich) 4 Salzburg 5 Styria (Steiermark) 6 Tyrol (Tirol) 7 Vorarlberg 8 Vienna (Wien) 9
Curriculum development in AustriaTeam for Curricula Correspondents • In charge > respective departments of the ministry (depending on type of school) • Departments set up working groups + nominate experts • AT team for Curricula Correspondents: • Muriel Warga (Language Policy Coordination) • Anna Lasselsberger (Department of Schools and Migration) • Ulrike Haslinger (Austrian Centre for Language Competence)
Convergences between modern / foreign languages Curricula in Austria EDUCATION PRINCIPLES embrace • Language awareness • Intercultural Understanding • Key competences (EC): • Mother tongue • Foreignlanguages • Learning tolearn • Socialandciviccompetence • Interculturalcompetence • Draft Education principles (AT): • Sprechen und Kommunizieren (“Language andcommunication“) • Handeln in der Gesellschaft (“Acting in society“) • Sich kreativ ausdrücken und die Umwelt gestalten(“Expressingoneselfcreatively & shapingtheenvironment“)
Convergences between modern / foreign languages Curricula in Austria Important features of language teaching in the classroom Plurilingual & intercultural education • Applying CoE instruments (e.g. CEFR, ELP) and innovative support materials for teacher teaching (e.g. by ÖSZ) • Supporting languages (esp. mother tongues, German as the language of instruction) • Embracing the language potential in the classroom: making speakers of other languages visible • Holistic approach to language learning through language analysis in class e.g. by comparing languages: What makes a language easy / difficult to learn? • Developing learning strategies: How to learn languages? INNOVATIVE PROJECTS • Curriculum Mehrsprachigkeit / “Multilingual Curriculum“ (Draftversion!) for lang. awareness • “Didactical Coaching“ (Autumn 2012: Module forteachertraining: Whatdoestheteacherneedtoaccommodatehis/her multilingual students in theclassroom?) • “Textbook Guidelines“ (January, 2012: Recommendationsfortextbooksaddressing multilingual learners)
(Draft) Multilingual Curriculum (MC)Curriculum Mehrsprachigkeit MC‘s: • respondstoneeds & demandsofmultiling. society & ling. reality in Austria • supportsindivid. lang. profilebylinking & supporting lang. competences • facilitateslearnerautonomy • encouraging: • languageawareness • reflexionon languageitselfand on variouslanguagesituations • knowledgeaboutlanguagesandthemeaningoflanguageforothers • acquisitionoflinguisticknowledgein ordertocomparelanguages • languagelearningstrategiesand, whereverpossible • self-confidencein languagecompetences. • contributestoLifelonglearning (> supporting formal and informal learning) In doing so, MC isfocussing on • ling. & cognitiveressourcesoflearners + theirindivid. ling. experiences • learningprocessesin institutionalisedlanguageclassrooms • andnewmedia.
(Draft) Multilingual Curriculum (MC)Curriculum Mehrsprachigkeit MC‘sis: • an instrumentforimplementationwithin LEPP process(Lang. Edu. PolicyProfiling) • ascertainingfocalpointsofcurrent Austrian (language) educationpolicy(e.g. supporting all languagelearners, esp. vulnerable groups, minoritylanguages; earlyandcontinuouslanguagelearning, modern andclassicalforeignlanguages, languagesacrossthecurriculum) • combining 3 resources: • existinglearningtargets in variousschoolcontexts (e.g. curriculafor German and German as a secondlanguage, curriculaforforeignlanguages, curriculaforminoritylanguagesandcurriculaforfirstlanguagesofmigrantstudents) > interdisciplinarycharacter! • analysisoflinguisticdemands in thecurriculaformaths, general science and social studies at the primary level, physics, geography, andhistory (compulsoryeducation) aswellassubjetcs in uppersecondarylevel (humanities, naturalsciences, economy, politics, law) • criticalanalysisoftherecommendationsformultilingualism in literature(focus on linguisticsanddidactics).
(Draft) Multilingual Curriculum (MC)Curriculum Mehrsprachigkeit MC: • correspondswiththe Austrian schoollevelsandconsiderscognitivedevelopmentaccordingtoagelevel • combinescontentandaimsofvariouscurriculaforlanguagesandthereforeputsholisticlanguagelearningintotheforeground • isstructured in areassuch as “Knowledgeaboutlanguage“, “Beingawareofvariouslanguagesituationsandbeingableoffunctioningappropriately“ • offers a systematicallystructuredoutlineofteachingandlearningactivitiesfrom Year 1 to Year 12/13 (levelofmatriculation); activitiesextractedfromexistingcurriculafor a concentrationof multilingual activities in onedocument • toavoidunnecessaryrepetitions, to promote commonterminologyandcommoncognitivebasisforlanguageteaching & learning • tosupportacquisitionof “Bildungssprache“/academiclanguage • contributesto a language-friendlyenvironmentatschool
(Draft) Multilingual Curriculum (MC)Curriculum MehrsprachigkeitEXAMPLE LowerSecondarylevel (Year 7 and 8) • Aims: Studentsacquire an understandingformultilingualism in Europe & in theworld. 2. Didacticalprinciples: Teacherprovidesauthenticgraphics, maps, picturesandtexts in severallanguagestoworkwith. Studentsreceivevariousindividualisedtasksandfeedback. 3. Aimsandteachingcontentforparticularareas: Awarenessofanddealingwithlinguisticvariety. Aims: studentsareawareofswitchingbetweenlanguages (incl. switching code-switching, switchingbetweendialectandstandardlanguage, switchingbetweenyouthlanguageand adult language, oral andwrittenlanguage).
(Draft) Multilingual Curriculum (MC)Curriculum Mehrsprachigkeit MC addresses: • teachers(asthemaintargetgroup) andteachertrainers • expertsinvolved in thedevelopmentofcurricula • expertsinvolved in thedevelopmentofteachingmaterials / textbookauthors • headmastersinvolved in thedevelopmentofwhole-school languagepolicy
(Draft) Multilingual Curriculum (MC)Curriculum Mehrsprachigkeit Implementation of MC: • ideallythrough extra contacthours (compulsoryfor all students) but… • in practice: implementationthroughteachertraining • currently in development: • Module forteachertraining (Prof Hans-Jürgen Krumm) • Module fortextbookdevelopment MC: • (draftversion) basicversioncurrentlyupfordiscussion in Austria • very positive feedbackfromthecommunityofexperts