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Behaviour for Learning. Salliann Coleman November 2012. Behaviour can be an area where we expect so much and teach so little Galvin, Miller and Nash ( 1999) If you think you are too small to make a difference try sleeping in a room with a mosquito
Behaviour for Learning Salliann Coleman November 2012
Behaviour can be an area where we expect so much and teach so little Galvin, Miller and Nash ( 1999) If you think you are too small to make a difference try sleeping in a room with a mosquito African proverb
Teachers’ Standards 7. Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment • have clear rules and routines for behaviour in classrooms, and take responsibility for promoting good and courteous behaviour both in classrooms and around the school, in accordance with the school’s behaviour policy • have high expectations of behaviour, and establish a framework for discipline with a range of strategies, using praise, sanctions and rewards consistently and fairly • manage classes effectively, using approaches which are appropriate to pupils’ needs in order to involve and motivate them • maintain good relationships with pupils, exercise appropriate authority, and act decisively when necessary.
Behaviour and Discipline in Schools • Good order is essential in a school if children are to be able to fulfil their learning potential. Poor and disruptive behaviour in the classroom reduces children’s ability to concentrate and absorb information; and it unsettles children and causes immense stress for teachers. • The Association of Directors of Children’s Services stated that “improved standards of behaviour lead to improved attainment and well-being outcomes for children and young people” • Poor behaviour also has an impact on learning. According to a survey of NASUWT members in March 2009, low-level disruption was leading to the loss of an average of thirty minutes teaching time per teacher per day. • We note that the OECD’s Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) in 2009 suggested that, across 23 countries researched, as much as 30% of teaching time was lost due to poor pupil behaviour. • Ofsted told us that in schools in which behaviour standards were judged as being inadequate, learning was “too often hindered by poor concentration, persistent low-level misconduct and, sometimes, by more serious disruption involving a minority of pupils”. CESC (2011) Behaviour and Discipline in schools
Recent Review…. The endemic problem that we have had for far too long is that we are looking at the child and what is wrong with the child, not looking at what is wrong with the learning environment. [...] anyone who ran a business by trying to decide what was wrong with their customers rather than what was wrong with their services would soon be out of business. Curriculum organisation can […] have a significant impact on pupil behaviour. The NUT believes that head teachers and senior colleagues should work collaboratively and in consultation with teachers in order to design coherent curriculum models which can meet the needs of all children. Such models should be based on teachers’ professional judgement and knowledge of their pupils The school behaviour policy, which should be discussed by all members of the school community, especially staff and pupils and not just considered by Governors as a paper exercise, is of paramount importance to the effectiveness of behaviour management in schools….. A good school behaviour policy, agreed and communicated to all staff, governors, pupils, parents and carers, consistently applied, is the basis of an effective approach to managing behaviour. Behaviour andDiscipline in Schools House of Commons Education committee Volume 1 26th January 2011
Powell S, Tod J (2004) A systematic review of how theories explain learning behaviour in school contexts.
So what is behaviour for learning? Behaviour for learning is about relationships which enable children to participate in school life and that of the wider community; to work and collaborate with others showing respect and empathy; to access the curriculum developing motivation for and a love of learning. This involves developing sound relationships with themselves (their self, their identity, their community), with others (collaboration, reflection, empathy, respect, dialogue) and with learning and the curriculum (resilience, persistence and motivation to gain knowledge and experience).
How patterns of behaviour develop • All behaviour reflects underlying needs and has a purpose • Behaviour is inextricably linked to emotions and perceptions • Behaviour is learned • Behaviour can change
Circles of intimacy http://www.teachfind.com/national-strategies/david-moore-video-circle-intimacy-1
Aspects of learning • Emotional • Social • Cognitive • Links back to fixed mindset idea
Self Esteem • Self-concept refers ‘to the composite ideas, feelings, and attitudes people have about themselves’ (Hilgard, Atkinson, and Atkinson, 1979: p.605). • Self-concept is also defined by Purkey (1988) as the sum of a complex, organized, and dynamic system of learned beliefs, attitudes and opinions that each person holds to be true about his or her personal existence. • We could then regard self-concept ‘as our attempt to explain ourselves to ourselves, to build a scheme (in Piaget’s terms) that organises our impressions, feelings and attitudes about ourselves’(Woolfolk, 2001: p.73)
Self -concept Self concept Self –image Ideal self Self esteem
Self fulfilling prophecy • The expectancy-confirmation cycle of self fulfilling prophecy ( Cooper 1979) as applied to educational settings has been a topic of interest since the 1960s.
Initial interaction with pupils … We automatically make rapid assessments of pupils on initial interaction. • What criteria do you think you apply in these situations? • Why do you think you use these? Chaplain, R. ( 2003) teaching without disruption in the primary school. London Routledge
Communication The way that you communicate with others affects how they feel and can have an impact on their behaviour. What you say, how you say it and your body language are important
Communication Body language- things to consider: • Is it positive? • Does it match our words? • Is it non confrontational?
Teacher's non verbal behaviour • Non verbal behaviour has the potential to play a unique role in teaching because messages that are not conveyed through talk may be conveyed through nonverbal means. (Neil 1991) • ‘The non verbal behaviour of the teacher has been shown to reflect their attitude towards the child or the lesson.’ (Goldin-Meadow, Kim and Singer 1999) • ‘Teachers can be reliably rated on scales of optimism, confidence, dominance, enthusiasm and warmth, ratings which correlate with student evaluations of effectiveness’ (Ambady and Rosenthal 1993)
Implications? • The use of non verbal language (gesture, mime, body language) is a powerful strategy to reinforce appropriate behaviour, and also to remind children what appropriate behaviour is, without interrupting the flow of a session. • However a mismatch between the teacher’s non verbal behaviour and speech may produce confusion and may contribute to inappropriate behaviour in the classroom
Language • Hughes and Vass ( 2001) consider the use of language in relation to pupil motivation and confidence and define three desirable forms of language: • The language of success • The language of hope • The language of possibility
Managing feedback Praise v positive feedback Positive feedback places less emphasis on the evaluative element ( e.g.' good’, ‘well done’) and more on the descriptive element e.g. ‘ this group’s worked well together’ . Importance of descriptive element is that it is factual
5 Rs Relationships( & communication) Rights Responsibilities Rules Choices Routines Negative Positive consequencesconsequences
Relationships Good relationships underpin all successful behaviour management. Consider the implications of this for your own practice – what examples can you think of which demonstrate the impact of teacher/pupil relationships………
Rights- what do you understand to be teachers’ and pupils’ rights?Rules- what strategies would you use to develop an effective mechanism of rules?Routines- consider effective routines that you have observed. What made them effective?
Responsibilities What do you think these might be? Responsibilities for managing our own feelings and behaviour…. Teachers’ responsibilities : Children’s responsibilities:
5Rs Work within this framework • It sets the climate for success • It builds confidence and self correction • It reduces confrontation and tension • It is an educational process • It is fair, reasonable and logical • It provides a platform for learning
Analysing behaviour The ABC approach. There are many versions of this but typically these 3 features exist: A - antecedents B - behaviour C - consequences
Promoting and planning for positive behaviour Know and value your children Build self esteem and self respect Build a positive, secure class ethos Have high expectations Teach the behaviours which will enable children to meet the expectations Use the language of choice to teach responsibility for behaviour Use positive and motivational language Be well organised – think ahead Separate the behaviour from the child (Warnock 1978) Keep the focus on primary behaviours Actively build trust and rapport Model the behaviour you want to see Always follow up on issues Work to repair and restore relationships
We must model the behaviour expected….. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngMs_4I1__o
The Profile of activities and engagement • Task • Authority • Recognition • Grouping • Evaluation • Time
Skills in managing the classroom context • Managing the physical setting • Managing the social structure • Managing the psychological setting
Practical aspects of behaviour management from Bill Rogers ‘Three steps of Decisive discipline’ • Preventative • Corrective • Supportive
Respond rather than react Consider your response to this…… James grabs Sarah’s ruler and appears to hide it from her. How would you respond?
Potential responses • ‘James, stop being childish and give Sarah her ruler back.’ • ‘James, we ask before borrowing in this classroom.’ • ‘James, you’re quite able to get on with your work, so return Sarah’s ruler and let her do the same’. Discuss effectiveness of these…..
Respond rather than react Reactive approaches tend to be ineffective Think about your responses to small scale incidents. What messages do they convey: • About the pupil • About the classroom climate • About the purpose of the classroom
A Life in Your Hands Atremendous Power. I’ve come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It’s my personal approach that creates the climate, It’s my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child’s life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humour, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanised or de-humanised. Haim Ginott