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Behaviour 4 Learning Policy. Launching June 2012. Why are we changing the policy?. To make sure that we have a clear set of rules that EVERYONE follows. To be zero tolerant of poor behaviour. Reduce disruption in lessons. Clear sanctions.
Behaviour 4 Learning Policy Launching June 2012
Why are we changing the policy? • To make sure that we have a clear set of rules that EVERYONE follows. • To be zero tolerant of poor behaviour. • Reduce disruption in lessons. • Clear sanctions. • To improve the Reward system at Buckler’s Mead Academy.
What does it mean for Students • All staff in all lessons expect the same behaviour and attitude to learning. • High expectations across the Academy. • Reduced disruption in lesson. Rewards for All.
Consequences • In lessons there will be 3 levels of consequence for poor behaviour. • Level 1 – 10 Minute detention • Level 2 – 1 hr detention • Level 3 – 2 hr detention These will be displayed on signs in all classrooms.
So how wouldthiswork? Scenario: Billy misbehaving in PE lesson • Billy is misbehaving in the changing rooms, he is warned by the teacher (1st warning). • Billy continues to misbehave at the start of the lesson and is not paying attention to the teacher, he receives another warning (2nd warning). • Billy continues to disrupt the lesson and has not completed any work(3rd warning). • At this stage Billy has a choice to make…follow the instructions given and no further action will be taken or continue with his behaviour and receive a Level One Consequence.
So how wouldthiswork? Billy makes the wrong decision and continues with his behaviour…he now has a 10 minute detention with the teacher (Level 1 Consequence). If Billy’s behaviour continues to disrupt the the learning of other students he will be sent to a buddy classroom and receive a 1 hour detention. (Level 2 Consequence) If Billy’s behaviour disrupts the learning of students within the classroom he has been buddied to, SLT will be asked to remove him to the Internal Exclusion Centre and receive a 2 hour Academy detention (Level 3 Consequence) The member of SLT will decide how long Billy remains in the Internal Exclusion Centre that day
Internal Exclusion Centre Time Out will no longer exist If students are escorted to the Internal Exclusion Centre (IEC) during the Academy day, that member of staff will decide how long they must remain in the IEC. Almost all ‘External Exclusions’ will take place within the IEC. It is unfair that if a student seriously disrupts the learning of other students or breaks Academy rules, that they should get a ‘day off’. We have been told by a number of students that students being sent home or excluded off site, get an easy time and some get to do fun activities! Students in the IEC will have a longer Academy day and no breaks outside with friends.
New Rewards Policy It is very clear that 90% of Buckler’s Mead students do the right thing every lesson and every day. However these students don’t always get rewarded for their efforts. However sometimes the other 10% get rewardedfor doing the exact same thing! The new policy ensures that ALL students get rewarded for meeting the Buckler’s Mead Academy expectations. BMA’s Behaviour, Motivation, Achievement & Attitude
BMA Expectations Be punctual to lesson Smart and proper uniform Arrive equipped for lesson Polite Co-operative Work hard Homework on time Respect others How To Achieve Them How You Won’t Achieve Them Late for lesson Incorrect uniform/make up Lack of equipment Rude Disruptive Lack of work in lessons Forget Homework Show lack of respect These expectations are very basic…get them right at Buckler’s Mead and you will experience success long after!!
Vivo Miles is an online system which allows teachers to award students electronic points called “Vivos”. These “Vivos” can be used to purchase a range of privileges or items on the Vivo website. How do you earn them? 1 Vivo will be awarded to students each lesson and registration for achieving the ‘BMAs’ Additional Vivos can be awarded by completing ‘extra earners’. These will be advertised on the website and the Vivo notice board. An extra earner may be to help with environmental rota or attend a revision class.
Examples of Privileges and Rewards • Priority access to trips • Academy Moped Licence • Priority access to Key Stage 3 disco • Priority common room access • Jump the lunch queue pass • Prom points • Sports equipment hire • Vouchers • Electrical goods • Mobile phone top up • Non Academy uniform days • Priority access to concerts • Vivo Lottery • And lots more…… Screenshot of the Vivo website
Have your say and get involved! • Can you think of a privilege we could add to the catalogue • Earn extra Vivos – they all count! • Want to suggest of an extra curricular trip – what about paintballing!! • To find out about the above and how to share your ideas have a look at: • Vivo Website – there is even an app! • Vivo notice boards around the Academy • Speak to staff and the Academy parliament Student Vivo cards and welcome letter will be handed out on June 11th
New Mobile Phone Policy – The Basics • Mobile phones can disrupt lessons and distract students from their work. If Buckler’s Mead Academy students are being given the privilege of bringing mobile phones on site, they must appreciate this and follow these simple guidelines. If students break these rules, they will have their mobile phone confiscated. • Students are allowed mobile phones at Bucklers Mead but….. • Mobile phones must be on silent and in bags, out of site in lessons. • Students can use their mobile phone in lessons if teachers allow them – for example as a calculator. • Mobile phones must not be used inside Academy buildings. • Students must not make voice calls at anytime of the Academy day, without staff consent. • Remember other Schools ban students from taking mobile phones to School. We decided against that…but if students do not follow these rules, it will mean we will consider banning ALL student mobile phones.
New Mobile Phone Policy – The Basics • Mobile phones will be confiscated if students break the Mobile Phone rules….it will work like this! • The first time a student breaks the rules and their mobile phone is handed over without dispute it will be confiscated by the teacher and taken to the Academy safe in the main office. The student will be able to collect the mobile phone at the end of the Academy day. A letter will also be sent to the parent/carer to inform them of the incident. • The second time a student breaks the rules and their mobile phone is handed over without dispute it will be confiscated by the teacher and taken to the Academy safe in the main office. Parents will be notified and the pupil will not be allowed to collect the phone without a parent/carer’spermission. Parents/Carer’s must speak to a member of the Senior Leadership Team or Head of Year. • The third time a student breaks the rules and their mobile phone is handed over without dispute it will be confiscated by the teacher and taken to the Academy safe in the main office. Parents will be notified and the student will not be allowed to collect the phone without a parent/carer present. The Academy will now ban the student from bringing a mobile telephone to the Academy. • You have been warned!!!
That is a lot of change and information!! If you have any questions please ask you form tutor first, they will most probably have the answer or can tell you who else to speak to.