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This session provides a quick review of the Program and Unit Review website, navigating the ARPD website, and improving our program/unit review process. It covers required information, process owners, templates, PATH tool, timelines, and more.
2014 ARPD Unit Review Process ARPD Process Rev. 9Dec14
Covered in today’s session… • Quick review of Program and Unit Review website • Navigating the Annual Reports of Program Data (ARPD) website • What are we doing to improve our current program/unit review process? • What ARPD information is required (Academic Support, Student Services) • Process owners • Joni and/or Joyce will be covering: Any templates used, use of PATH tool, process used on campus, comprehensive reviews, deadlines, timelines, etc
Purpose • The purpose of the presentation today is to review the process we use to input information into the UHCC systems online Annual Reports of Program Data (ARPD) tool. • Training specific to units should be provided by VC’s and Directors to their representative groups as outlined here in step #7 of the comprehensive process we followed last year. Comprehensive Program-Unit Review Process • We have been asked to produce an annual review for each and every one of our instructional programs and non-instructional units. They are required of each community college in the system and will be taken to the U of H Board of Regents for their purview.
Reason for Unit Review • The review of your unit should be an on-going, year-round, reflective process. • Unit review processes assure educational quality and help programs to evaluate and improve their services. • Unit review is an opportunity for self-study, self-renewal, and an opportunity to identify the need for improvement. • Your unit review may be one of the few opportunities you have to showcase the accomplishments in your area. Take this opportunity to shine. • A robust unit review process is one mechanism available to the college to improve student success.
How do we improve our program review process? Upon conclusion of every program/unit review cycle extra care is taken to ensure that we are improving our program/unit review process on campus. This is accomplished by sending out questionnaires (one for instruction and one for units), and then meeting with those groups across campus and collecting their feedback. The feedback is reviewed and an action plan is put into place, which is used in the planning phase for our next review cycle. Your suggestions, and the actions taken for improving this process, are then published to the Program Review website and have been linked here for your convenience. 2013 Program - Unit Review Process Improvement Summary Starting this year and going forward… “The CERC in conjunction with the Admin Team will ensure that the entire program-unit review process is evaluated every year, once the review process has ended. The evaluation will be prior to Summer break, and feedback from the campus will drive the plan for the following year’s review. IR will develop the survey and will ensure that a summary of this work is published every year.”
About the ARPD Web Submission Tool • If you have attended the training session in-person today you can skip the next few slides that deal with Navigating the ARPD site. I’ve included the slides here for those that may not have been able to join us today for the live demonstration. • The Annual Reports of Program Data Web Submission Tool (or ARPD for short), is a repository for Annual program and unit reviews for: Instruction, the Academic Support Unit, and Student Support Services. Much of the data that you will need to complete your review has been provided by the Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges. • The ARPD is a home-grown tool, developed in-house, and was developed specifically to meet the needs of the community college system.
ARPD Web Submission Tool Best Practices • Your units data table is available on-line within the tool usually by August 15th every year. You should have everything you need to begin writing your review within the web submission tool. • Plan to save your work often—especially when switching between screens, and plan to do most of your formatting within the tool if you are copying and pasting in from Word. Also plan to spell check and save your review in Word before starting. • One of the nicest features about the ARPD is that you can go back and look at reviews from previous years. You can also enhance your own review by leveraging off similar reviews at other institutions. • The following slides will take you through the process for completing the ARPD for both Academic Support and Student Services Unit Reviews. The next set of slides is specifically for Academic Support. Student Services specific slides follow.
Navigating the ARPD Web Submission Tool Academic Support UHCC Annual Report of Program Data Web Submission Tool • Begin by clicking on the link above. To enter information on your review, click on the button in the lower part of the screen called, “2014 Academic Support Submission”. You will be asked to log in by typing in your UH username and password, in order to get to the web submission site. The default will take you to the “Status” tab, where you will be able to view whoever was the last user to modify the information in your review. • Clicking on the “Users” tab will take you to a screen that shows all of the people that have permission to update your program. For each program within the Academic Support unit there is a list of people with specific roles: Program Coordinator, one, two, and three. The VCAA determines who can update your program. If there is someone you’d like to add to the list, contact the VCAA with your request. • You can enter the information about your program in any order you wish, but moving from left to right across the tabs at the top of the screen follows the same logical path we used when we were filling out the templates in the past. Start by clicking on the “Analysis” tab. • On the Analysis screen you can either preview what has already been inputted by clicking on the “Preview” button, or you can go to the edit screen and begin entering or updating information.
Navigating the ARPD Web Submission Tool Academic Support • While you are on the Analysis screen, click on the “Edit” button, then scroll to the bottom of the page, under the data sheet. There are 3 sections for you to edit here: Analysis of your Program, Action Plan, and Resource Implications. Simply click on the “Edit” link and you will be taken to a screen very similar to MS Word, where you can begin typing in your analysis. (Note the Save button in the left hand corner!) • In the Action Plan section you will need to include the actions you plan for your unit going forward, based on your analysis. • If you are requesting additional people, services, or equipment for your program, you will need to make the justification in the “Resource Implications” section. • Now click on the “Description tab” and input the year and web address of your last comprehensive review. You should be able to copy and paste the link right off the program-unit review website for the year of your last review. Finish this tab off by typing in a brief description of your program and mission. • Now, click on the “P-SLOs tab” and go to the next slide…
What to enter on the “P-SLO” tab in ARPD Web Submission Tool Academic Support • Indicate which PLOs were assessed during the reporting year’s assessment(s). • Expected Level of Achievement Enter the benchmark for outcome(s) assessed. What represented “excellent,” “good,” “fair,” or “poor” performance using a defined rubric and what percentages were set as goals for student success (for example: “85% of students will achieve good or excellent in the assessed activity.”) • Courses Assessed (if applicable) List the courses assessed during the reporting period. • Assessment Strategy/Instrument Describe what, why, where, when, and from whom assessment artifacts were collected. • Results of Program Assessment The % of those served who met the outcome(s) and at what level they met the outcome(s). • Other Comments Include any information that will clarify the assessment process report. • Next Steps Describe what the program will do to improve the results. "Next Steps" can include revision to syllabi, curriculum, teaching methods, student support, and other options.
“Academic Support Metrics” tab in ARPD Academic Support • Click on the “Academic Support Metrics” tab then the “Edit” button. • For each of the 4 sub units that comprise the Academic Support Unit there will be 2 data sections; the Student and Faculty Information Section, and the Sub unit indicators (like Technology Resources Indicators). • The Student and Faculty Information section at the top of the page will give you annual student headcount, and faculty, staff and student fte. The data has been provided for you. • In the lower section of the form you will find the sub unit Indicators. • To add the data for your sub unit, simply click on the “Edit Section” button on the right hand side of the form and begin to enter the required data. Be sure to click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page before leaving the screen. • If you have any questions about the data that you are being asked to provide, please consult the glossary. If you still have questions after reviewing the glossary, contact the VCAA. • Don’t forget to set your health calls prior to closing out.
“Help” tab in ARPD Academic Support • The “Help” screen is a very useful resource for some of the documentation needed to support your unit within the review process. It contains all of the glossaries and health call scoring rubrics for each year we have used the online tool.
Navigating the ARPD Web Submission Tool Student Services UHCC Annual Report of Program Data Web Submission Tool • Begin by clicking on the link above. To enter information on your review, click on the button in the lower part of the screen called, “2014 Student Services Submission”. You will be asked to log in by typing in your UH username and password, in order to get to the web submission site. The default will take you to the “Status” tab, where you will be able to view whoever was the last user to modify the information in your review. • Clicking on the “Users” tab will take you to a screen that shows all of the people that have permission to update your program. For each program there is a list of people with specific roles. For Student Services there is only one role, “Support Staff”. The VCSS determines who can update your program. If there is someone you’d like to add to the list, contact the VCSS with your request. • You can enter the information about your program in any order you wish, but moving from left to right across the tabs at the top of the screen follows the same logical path we used when we were filling out the templates in the past. Start by clicking on the “Analysis” tab. • On the Analysis screen you can either preview what has already been inputted by clicking on the “Preview” button, or you can go to the edit screen and begin entering or updating information.
Navigating the ARPD Web Submission Tool Student Services • While you are on the Analysis screen, click on “Edit” button then scroll to the bottom of the page, under the data sheet. There are 3 sections for you to edit here: Analysis of your Program, Action Plan, and Resource Implications. Simply click on the “Edit” link and you will be taken to a screen very similar to MS Word, where you can begin typing in your analysis. (Note the Save button in the left hand corner!) • In the Action Plan section you will need to include the actions you plan for your unit going forward, based on your analysis. • If you are requesting additional people, services, or equipment for your program, you will need to make the justification in the “Resource Implications” section. • Now click on the “Description tab” and input the year and web address of your last comprehensive review. You should be able to copy and paste the link right off the program-unit review website for the year of your last review. Finish this tab off by typing in a brief description of your program and mission. • Now, click on the “P-SLOs tab” and go to the next slide…
What to enter on the “P-SLO” tab in ARPD Web Submission Tool Student Services Indicate which PLOs were assessed during the reporting year’s assessment(s). Expected Level of Achievement Enter the benchmark for outcome(s) assessed. What represented “excellent,” “good,” “fair,” or “poor” performance using a defined rubric and what percentages were set as goals for student success (for example: “85% of students will achieve good or excellent in the assessed activity.”) Courses Assessed (if applicable) List the courses assessed during the reporting period. Assessment Strategy/Instrument Describe what, why, where, when, and from whom assessment artifacts were collected. Results of Program Assessment The % of those served who met the outcome(s) and at what level they met the outcome(s). Other Comments Include any information that will clarify the assessment process report. Next Steps Describe what the program will do to improve the results. "Next Steps" can include revision to syllabi, curriculum, teaching methods, student support, and other options.
“Cost per Student” tab in ARPD Student Services • Click on the “Cost per Student” tab, then the “Edit” button. • There are 3 different values that need to be added on the Cost per Student screen in ARPD. Basically, all of the fund amounts that will be entered are used in the calculation for the Cost per Student for your unit. The costs that need to be entered are: • General Funds = actual personnel costs + b budget expenditures • Federal Funds = dollars from federal grants • Other Funds = any other funding sources • Once the values are loaded and saved in the tool, the values for “Overall Program Budget Allocation” and “Cost per Student” will auto-calculate into your datasheet.
“CCSSE” tab in ARPD Student Services • Click on the “CCSSE” tab. • You will see that the results of our CCSSE reports going back to 2010. (2010, 2012, 2014) You will want to be sure to include an analysis of the CCSSE data for your program (Analysis tab). “Help” tab Student Services The “Help” screen is a very useful resource for some of the documentation needed to support your unit within the review process. It contains all of the glossaries and health call scoring rubrics for each year we have used the online tool.
Does my unit have to complete an Annual Review? • All units have to do an annual review, however some sub units may be combined into one single review. Those units/sub units that have been approved to be combined into a singular annual review are listed here: • Administrative Affairs may turn in one annual review, which will include the contributions from the Business Office, Budget & Fiscal Management, Planning Operations & Maintenance, and Human Resources. The review for Administrative Affairs is being coordinated by AVP Unebasami. • The Academic Support Unit will complete one annual review online, which will include the contributions from: Technology Resources, Library, Tutoring Services, and Testing Services. • The Office of Continuing Education and Training may turn in one annual review, which will include the contributions from Apprenticeship, IEP, and Workforce/Community Development/Skills Development. • The Office of Student Services will complete one annual review online, which will include the contributions from Admissions & Registration, Counseling, Financial Aid, Student Life, Records & Data Management, and the Information Center. • University of Hawaii Center at West Hawaii will turn in one singular annual review.
Completing the Academic Support and Student Support Services Unit Review ANNUAL REVIEWS All Units are required to submit an annual review. Please follow this simple 2-step process: Step 1:Complete your review using the annual unit review template or PATH tool, and by following the established Annual Review and Budget Process. Step 2: TheVCAA and VCSS will input their information directly into the ARPD online tool. Note: The comprehensive review process, annual review and budget process, and their associated templates, are brought to you by the VCAA and Dean of CTE Programs. The template and instructions should be part of their presentation today.
Process Owners • The graphic below depicts who is responsible for each part of the program review process—from Assessment through CERC. For more information on the processes please use the contact list below. Contact List Assessment: Vacant 934-xxxx ARPD: Shawn Flood 934-2648 Annual/Comp Process: Joyce Hamasaki 934-2522 CERC: Joni Onishi 934-2514
Questions? The intention of this presentation was to provide a single source for all of the documentation related to the Annual Reports for Program Data —specifically for our non-instructional units. As always, your feedback regarding this process is essential in making improvements year over year. Please take a moment to provide feedback at the end of this process. Those wishing to print this presentation without color may set their printer settings to print in “grayscale,” and set to print in portrait orientation, if desired. If you need more information on this process please feel free to contact me: HawCC Institutional Analyst Shawn Flood934-2648 Mahalo!