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Grace Fellowship Church www.gracedoctrine.org Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Thursday Sept 13, 2007.
Grace Fellowship Churchwww.gracedoctrine.org Pastor/Teacher Jim RickardThursday Sept 13, 2007
Memory Verse2 Peter 1:19, “And so we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts.”
The Upper Room DiscourseJohn 13-16John 13:3Resurrection, Ascension and Session
The Session of Christ related to the Rapture of the Church(continued)
Doctrine of Prophecy FulfilledChrist's First Coming and Return
Neh 2:4-8 w/ Dan 9:24-277 weeks = 49 years 62 weeks = 434 years 1 week = 7 years 70 weeks = 490 years
Dan 9:24 tells us what the culmination of each time period would usher in.
b) “To make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness.”
Dan 9:24-27 w/ Neh 2:4-8 7 weeks = 49 years 62 weeks = 434 years 69 weeks = 483 years
You can not have the crown without the Cross. Therefore, the Cross must come first and then the crown can be given. Rom 3:21-26; 5:10; Col 3:1 cf. Deut 32:43
Rom 5:10,“For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son (atonement for our sins), much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.”
Col 3:1, “Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is (today after the Cross), seated at the right hand of God (crowned in glory).”
For everlasting righteousness to come in, our sins had to be paid for, first.
Rom 10:4,“For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.”
When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior we receive the righteousness of God as one of the 40 plus things received at the moment of salvation. James 2:23
James 2:23,“And Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.”
Therefore, at salvation we are given everlasting righteousness. Rom 5:20-21
Rom 5:21,“So that, as sin reigned in death, even so grace would reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
At the Second Advent of our Lord, He will establish that righteousness visibly on earth as He establishes His Millennial kingdom. Rev 19:11ff
Therefore, the second two-fold prophetic results are linked to the second portion of Daniel's overall vision that counts down the time frame to the "cutting off of Messiah" and provides a link to the third portion of Daniel's overall vision.
To calculate the “cutting off” we must interrupt utilizing the Jews calendar that has 12 months, each 30 days, resulting in a 360-day year, and compare it to our Julian calendar made up of 365 days.
Dan 9:24-27 w/ Neh 2:4-8 7 weeks = 49 years 62 weeks = 434 years 69 weeks = 483 years
Dan 9:24-27 w/ Neh 2:4-8 7 weeks = 49 years 62 weeks = 434 years 69 weeks = 483 years 483 yrs. x 360 days/year = 173,880 days (360 day Jewish calendar)
March 14, 445 BC to March 14, 32 AD is 476 years of 365 days or 173,740 days.
March 14, 445 BC to March 14, 32 AD is 476 years of 365 days or 173,740 days. Add back the 116 leap days.
March 14, 445 BC to March 14, 32 AD is 476 years of 365 days or 173,740 days. Add back the 116 leap days. Add 24 days from March 14, to April 6, (Palm Sunday)
March 14, 445 BC to March 14, 32 AD is 476 years of 365 days or 173,740 days. Add back the 116 leap days. Add 24 days from March 14, to April 6, (Palm Sunday) 173,740
March 14, 445 BC to March 14, 32 AD is 476 years of 365 days or 173,740 days. Add back the 116 leap days. Add 24 days from March 14, to April 6, (Palm Sunday) 173,740 + 116
March 14, 445 BC to March 14, 32 AD is 476 years of 365 days or 173,740 days. Add back the 116 leap days. Add 24 days from March 14, to April 6, (Palm Sunday) 173,740 + 116 + 24
March 14, 445 BC to March 14, 32 AD is 476 years of 365 days or 173,740 days. Add back the 116 leap days. Add 24 days from March 14, to April 6, (Palm Sunday) 173,740 + 116 + 24 173,880 *Since only one year expired between 1 B.C and A.D. 1, the total is 476, not 477. *A total of 476 years divided by four (a leap year every four years) gives 119 additional days. But three days must be subtracted from 119 because centennial years are not leap years, though every 400th year is a leap year.
Nisan 1 (March 14), 445 BC to April 6, 32 AD Palm Sunday “Cutting off of Messiah” = 173,880 days
Grace Fellowship ChurchThursday, September 13, 2007Tape # 07-067The Ascension and Session of Our Lord, Part 44 Prophecy of Christ’s Return, Part 3 Upper Room Discourse, Part 117Dan 9:24-27; Rom 5:10, 20-21; Col 3:1; Jas 2:23James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2007