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Welcome to the 4th Grade Open House. How to contact us…. You can call the school to leave us a message at 410-996-5060. You can send in a note with your child. You can e-mail your child ’ s teacher at: aide@ccps.org aesessions@ccps.org vmondish@ccps.org. How can we contact you?.
How to contact us… • You can call the school to leave us a message at 410-996-5060. • You can send in a note with your child. • You can e-mail your child’s teacher at: aide@ccps.org aesessions@ccps.org vmondish@ccps.org
How can we contact you? • E-mail is the easiest way. Please leave us your e-mail address, if you have one. • It is difficult to get to the telephone during the day, but we prefer to communicate this way, when possible. • Homework assignment books are the best way for us to communicate. Check your child’s homework book daily.
4th grade at a glance… • Field trip to Fair Hill Nature Center October 24th • Field trip to Annapolis in the spring
Chorus started this week. There is still time to join. Our school’s Chess Club will be starting in October. Look for information coming home soon! Band is also starting soon. You should have already received paperwork for your child to participate in band, with information regarding acquiring an instrument for your child. Other activities…
Common Core • All but 5 states have adopted the Common Core • The objective is to produce a clear frame work throughout the nation for what students should know and be able to do at each grade level
Homework • Homework expectations and purpose have changed. You might have noticed fewer problems around foundational skills. • Reading every night is extremely important.
Spelling • Spelling is introduced every other Monday, or the first day of the school week. • Students are to study as needed throughout the week. • Spelling tests will be every other Friday, or the last day of school for the week.
Math • Math homework will be most nights. • It will review the concepts learned in class that day, or review old concepts. • Basic facts need to be studied each night, as needed. These are essential skills.
Reading • Students should be reading a minimum of 20 minutes every night. This needs to be documented on a Reading Log, which is checked by the teacher each Monday, or the first day of the school week.
Other homework… • Friday folders should come home every Friday, or the last day of the school week. It will include work completed during the week. Friday folders need to be signed, emptied, and returned each Monday.
Homework Assignment Books • Please check your child’s homework assignment book nightly. It is a great way for us to communicate. • As homework is completed each night, please check to see that it is completed.
Systems thinking • In order for students to be motivated to work hard, they need to have some power in their own learning. • Students will set their own goals this year and decide what they will do to reach those goals. • As goals are reached, We will celebrate those successes!
To prepare the students for 5th grade, we are putting more responsibility on them. With your support at home, we can work together to help the students become more responsible about their education. Communication is the key to your child’s success this school year. Feel free to contact us at any time with concerns or questions. Let’s work together to make this the best year for everyone! Responsibility
The basis of PBIS is to teach good behaviors to the students, and then hold them accountable for following those behaviors, as well as for not following the behaviors. We teach the students that there are consequences, good or bad, for their actions… PBIS
When your child does not follow the expectations… • 1. The student is given a verbal or non-verbal warning. • 2. If negative behaviors continue, they move their clip to warning. This is just a visual warning. • 3. The next step is move their clip to Consequence. This means the students will write about their behavior. • 4. The last step is Contact Parent. This means an MIR (Minor Incident Report) goes home to you to be signed. We like to compare MIRs to a “timeout” you might use at home.
4. If an MIR does not return the next day, or if a second MIR is given within a week or two, a phone call will come home to you. • 5. The next step would be a conference between the teacher and the parent to discuss what we can do together to help your child. • 6. After 3 MIRs, or after a major incident, your child may receive an afterschool detention.
7. If your child has a behavior that is dangerous to others or warrants a suspension, he/she would receive an ODR (office discipline referral). This is a paper that goes with your child to the office. You will receive a phone call from Mrs. Moomaw or Ms. Rominski about the incident. This paper stays in your child’s discipline file. We like to compare ODRs to being grounded at home.
When your child DOES follow the expectations… • REWARDS! REWARDS! REWARDS! • If your child goes an entire week without ending the day below “ready to learn”, your child gets to eat lunch in the classroom with the teacher or other prizes.
Other Rewards • As a class, the students earn marbles for getting compliments around the school. Once they reach their goal, the class celebrates! • In lunch, the students earn points for behaving as a class. Once they reach their goal, they get to participate in Finer Diner! • In specials, the students earn points as a class for behavior. The class with the best average at the end of the marking period gets a special treat!
Let’s not forget… • Pride Tickets!!! • Pride tickets are earned for following the 3Ps (positive, productive, and prepared) either in their behaviors or in their academics. • These tickets go into a bin, and every week a winner from each grade is picked from the bin to get a prize. • The more tickets they earn, the better the chance their name will be picked!