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Welcome to Mount Dora High School

Welcome to Mount Dora High School . High School 101 for Freshmen and Parents. Common Board Configuration. Agenda: I Do: Present information about the transition into High School. We Do: Questions and Answers. You Do: Prepare for next year as a MDHS Cane. Date: April 9, 2013.

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Welcome to Mount Dora High School

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  1. Welcome to Mount Dora High School High School 101 for Freshmen and Parents

  2. Common Board Configuration Agenda: I Do: Present information about the transition into High School. We Do: Questions and Answers. You Do: Prepare for next year as a MDHS Cane. Date: April 9, 2013 Bell ringer: Pick up an orange MDHS folder with a packet of information in it. Learning Goal: Our new Canes will understand and be able to uphold the Hurricane creed. Essential Question: How can your transition to MDHS ensure that you will be College and Career Ready? (R U C² Ready?) Exit Ticket: 3 things you learned 2 things you are going to do to prepare for Freshman year 1 question you may still have Please include your name and email address Objective: Parents and students will have increased their understanding of the opportunities available at MDHS and will demonstrate this by preparing for success as future Canes! Vocabulary: Terms, Semester, Grading Period, Attendance Policy, G.P.A., Graduation Requirements

  3. Transition into High School First Day of Class: Monday, August 19, 2013 School Day 7:35amto 2:25pm - M,T,TR,F 7:35am to 1:25pm - Wednesdays Number of Classes Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 4 Classes – each 80 minutes long 1 Homeroom Class – 30 minutes long Wednesdays 4 Classes – each 75 minutes long no Homeroom (tentative, district is currently reviewing schedules for next year)

  4. Transition into High School • TERMS There are two terms per year: • Term I – August to January • Term II – January to June • SEMESTERS A semester equals two grading periods. • GRADING PERIODS Each report card equals a grading period. Most classes are on an alternating schedule, known as an A/B schedule.

  5. Transition into High School Attendance is MANDATORY! MDHS Attendance Policy • Attendance Notes • Absences: Excused and Unexcused • Tardies *See the Attendance Policy handout (Also on the guidance portion of the school website)

  6. Transition into High School • With a Parent Note 3 Absences will be excused per TERM. • All other absences will be counted as unexcused. • More than 3 excused absences per term is considered excessive, and a written statement from a licensed practicing physician verifying an illness or an injury must be provided, at that point the absence will be excused. • Once a student has 4 or more unexcused absences in a course within a semester, it will result in a maximum grade of 59 in that course. • Tardy? Missing 30 minutes or more of a class constitutes an absence. • 3 Tardies = 1 unexcused absence

  7. Transition into High School We encourage the students to: • Be Proactive • Speak up and ask for help • Be responsible for yourself • Be Active Participate in extracurricular activities by joining a sport or club

  8. Get Involved at MDHSBecome a Well-Rounded Student We offer: • Sports • MDHS offers Competitive Sports • Clubs • MDHS offers a variety of clubs such as Key Club (community service), Band, ROTC Drill, Business, Agricultural, Drama and more! Most students who are active are more successful.

  9. Get Involved at MDHSBecome a Well Rounded Student • Students at MDHS are encouraged to become involved in other activities. • Involved students do better academically and have better attendance. • Involved students develop other skills necessary for success in life. • Involved students demonstrate they can juggle more responsibilities. • Extracurricular activities give students a way to feel success in other areas and develop a feeling of contributing to a greater good.

  10. Get Involved at MDHS Parents can get involved too! • School Advisory Council • Athletic Boosters • Volunteering Look for listings of other opportunities on our website, marquee, in newsletters, and in the main office.

  11. Frequently Asked Questions/Comments

  12. Frequently Asked Questions/Comments What kind of schedule should my student have this year?

  13. ANSWER • English • Math • Science • Social Studies (optional freshmen year) • Hope (PE): Health Opportunities through Physical Education • Electives and/or Intensive Reading *You may not get your first elective choice

  14. Frequently Asked Questions/Comments How many credits does my student need in order to graduate?

  15. Graduation Requirements Students going toward a standard diploma are required to complete and pass 24 credits in order to graduate. (see graduation requirements for a specific listing of courses)

  16. G.P.A. and Graduation Credit Requirements (cont.) • 2.0minimum grade point average • Passing scores on EOCs and Reading Assessment • 24 credits • 4 – English • 4 – Math: Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2, and 1 addt’l • 3 – Social Studies: World, American, Am. Gov’t, Economics • 3 – Science: Biology, Chemistry or Physics • 1 - HOPE • 1 – Practical Arts (vocational), Fine/Performing Arts • 8 – Electives • At least one course within the 24 credit program must be completed through online learning *Graduation requirements are tentative. Please note that this may change. We will keep you updated on any changes. If you would like you can also visit the Florida Department of Education website for more information. *

  17. Frequently Asked Questions/Comments What can I do if there is a conflict with my schedule? Do I need to set up an appointment?

  18. ANSWER • Every student has the opportunity to submit a schedule change request form. If requests are reasonable and we have the ability to grant the request, we will try to make the change. • Appointments are not necessary to submit a request. • Please keep in mind that the following are not reasons to change a schedule: lunch times, time of day, friends’ schedules, distance to class, requests for specific teachers.

  19. Frequently Asked Questions/Comments If my student has a problem in a class or at school, what do I need to do?

  20. ANSWER (cont.) Contact the right faculty member: Depending on the situation and where it took place, there are certain people you need to speak to in order to get accurate information. Your friends, neighbors or other students may not have the whole story or the correct story. There’s always two sides...

  21. Questions Person with answers Answer (cont.)Who should you go to…

  22. Questions Person with answers Answer (cont.)Who should you go to…

  23. Be Sure to Visit Important Websites: 1. Mount Dora High School’s Website: www.MountDoraHighSchool.com 2. eSembler– attendance, grades, teacher contact – access through our website

  24. How To Contact Your Guidance Counselor Kyisha Savary (Key-sha Save-ree) Phone Number (352) 383-2177 Email savaryk@lake.k12.fl.us Email is the easiest way to contact a Counselor

  25. Hurricanes Are… Honorable Unstoppable Respectful Ready for Success Intelligent Committed to Excellence Achieving High Standards Never Tardy Exceeding Expectations Striving to move Mount Dora High School from Good to Great! At MDHS you will find a caring & dedicated staff to guide & educate students.

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