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The Diary of Anne Frank. 安妮的日記 維基百科,自由的百科全書 安妮的日記 1995 版 《 安妮的日記 》 由 安妮 · 法蘭克 所寫,並在 1947 年 以 荷蘭語 發行(在 1952 年 以 英語 發行),此書發行版的內容是摘錄自安妮在 納粹佔領荷 蘭的時期 所寫的日記的內容。 其首次發行時的版本名為 Het Achterhuis: Dagboekbrieven van 12 Juni 1942 – 1 Augustus 1944 ( 《 密室 ︰ 由 1942 年 6 月 12 日至 1944
安妮的日記 • 維基百科,自由的百科全書 • 安妮的日記1995版 • 《安妮的日記》由安妮·法蘭克所寫,並在1947年以荷蘭語發行(在 • 1952年以英語發行),此書發行版的內容是摘錄自安妮在納粹佔領荷 • 蘭的時期所寫的日記的內容。 • 其首次發行時的版本名為Het Achterhuis: Dagboekbrieven van 12 • Juni 1942 – 1 Augustus 1944(《 密室︰由1942年6月12日至1944 • 年8月1日的日記紀錄》),並在1947年於阿姆斯特丹發行。英文版 • 本安妮·法蘭克︰一位少女的日記(Anne Frank: The Diary of a • Young Girl)則在1952年由Doubleday & Company(美國)and • Vallentine Mitchell(英國)發行,其後即受到大眾廣泛關注,並且深 • 受歡迎。並很快便被編劇家法蘭西絲·古德利屈(Frances Goodrich) • 與亞伯特·哈基(Albert Hackett)在1955年改編為劇本,並於1959年 • 搬上大銀幕。此書現在被認為是二十世紀最重要的書籍之一。
安妮的日記 原文書名: The Diary of a Young Girl • 作者: Anne Frank 譯者: 彭淮棟 • 開本: 25 頁數 : 400 定價 NT$ 280 ISBN: 957-9553-17-3 • 書籍簡介: • 作者安妮‧法蘭克最大的願望是做一位記者和作家。 • 「(二次大)戰後我想出版一本書,叫做《密室》……」 • 一九四二年七月,十三歲的安妮和家人為逃離納粹恐怖統 • 治,躲藏在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹一間倉庫裡,從此展開兩年多的密室生 • 活。「我經常心情沮喪,可是從來不絕望。我將我們躲藏在這裡的生 • 活看成一場有趣的探險,充滿危險與浪漫情事,並且將每個艱辛匱乏 • 當成使我日記更豐富的材料。」一九四四年四月五日安妮在日記裡寫 • 道:「我希望我死後,仍能繼續活著。」
安妮的日記從一九四二年六月十二日寫到一九四四年八月一日。起安妮的日記從一九四二年六月十二日寫到一九四四年八月一日。起 • 初,她這日記是純為自己而寫。後來,荷蘭流亡政府的成員傑瑞特‧ • 波克斯坦從倫敦廣播電臺宣布說,他希望在戰爭結束之後,能蒐集有 • 關荷蘭人民在德軍佔領之下苦難生活的目擊報導,公諸大眾。他特別 • 以信件與日記做為例子。安妮收聽到這段話,為之動心,於是決定在 • 戰爭結束之後,要依據她的日記出版一本書。她開始將她的日記加以 • 改寫、編輯、潤飾,刪去她認為不夠有趣的部分,並且靠回憶增加一 • 些內容。同時,安妮也保留了原始的日記。 • 學術界編纂的《安妮的日記:評註本》將安妮第一次寫成、未經整編 • 的日記稱為A版,以別於第二次所寫、經過整理的版本,是第二種版 • 本,一般稱為B版……奧圖‧法蘭克斟酌許久,決定完成女兒的宿 • 願,將日記出版問世。他從A與B版中選材,編成篇幅較短的一種版 • 本,後來稱為C版,全世界讀者歷來讀到的《安妮的日記》就是這個 • 版本。
奧圖‧法蘭克的遺產由坐落在瑞士巴塞爾的「安妮‧法蘭克基金會」奧圖‧法蘭克的遺產由坐落在瑞士巴塞爾的「安妮‧法蘭克基金會」 • 繼承,該會擁有安妮日記的版權。後來,基金會決定為日記推出一種 • 增訂的新版本,從安妮的A與B兩個版本取材,對奧圖‧法蘭克的內 • 容加以補充,內容大約增加了百分之三十,希望讓讀者更瞭解安妮的 • 內心世界。 • 自從安妮死後,她的日記已經被翻譯成五十五種文字,銷售二千四百 • 萬冊,安妮的確以另一種方式完成她的夢想。這個最新披露的絕對版 • 本對於已經認識安妮的人來說,提供一個重新發現安妮的機會;對於 • 未識安妮的人而言,更是一個值得珍藏的版本。 • 【精采文摘】 • ․一九四○年五月以後,好日子很少,而且相隔很久……我們的自由 • 被一連串的反猶太命令嚴格限制:命令猶太人身上要佩一顆黃 • 星;……猶太人禁止搭電車;……猶太人在下午三點到五點之間才能 • 買東西;…… 這也不准,那也不准,可是日子還是過下來了。賈桂琳 • 常常對我說:「我現在什麼事都不敢做,怕做到不准做的事情。」
你一定想聽聽我對躲起來過日子的想法。這個嘛,我只能說我還不你一定想聽聽我對躲起來過日子的想法。這個嘛,我只能說我還不 • 是很清楚。我想我在這幢房子裡永遠不會覺得賓至如歸,不過這並不 • 表示我討厭它。我們很像在一幢奇怪的公寓裡度假。 • 我不要像大多數人那樣,過了一輩子,結果白活。我要有用,或者 • 帶給所有人喜悅,即使是我不認識的人。我希望在我死後,仍能繼續 • 活著!所以,我非常感謝上帝給了我這個天賦,我利用這天賦長進, • 並且表達我內心的一切。 ․在當前這樣的時代,的確很難:理想、夢 • 想和寶貴的希望也在我們心中浮現,但只有被殘酷的現實壓碎。我沒 • 有把我的理想全都拋棄,也是奇事,那些理想看起來那麼荒謬,那麼 • 不切實際。可是我仍然緊抱著它們,因為世界雖然這樣,我還是相信 • 人在內心裡其實是善良的。
The Diary of Anne Frank • attic: roof 屋頂 convenient 方便的 store 儲藏 no longer 不再 throw away 丟棄 attic: 頂樓, 儲藏室 penthouse:閣樓 豪華的房間 2. rage: = fury violent 兇猛的 cause 引起 destruction 破壞 lock themselves 自己鎖住自己 fly into a rage = hit the ceiling = go through the roof 勃然大怒 • in a rage: 生氣 rage at: 對…發怒 • fly flew flown 飛 wear wore worn 穿 destructive 破壞性的 construction 建設 constructive 建設性的
3. melancholy: = gloomy = depressing = dismal = downcast melancholic 憂鬱症患者 funeral 喪禮 occasion 場合 relative 親戚 gather 聚在一起 take hold of 湧上心頭 4. cardboard: stiff 僵硬的 pack 包裝 container 容器; 貨櫃 hardcover = hardback 精裝書 paperback 平裝書
5. hotheaded: = hasty react 反應 later 後來 regret 懊悔 without thinking about the consequence 不計後果地 6. confide: confidant 知己 密友 confidence 秘密 confidential 機密的 7. subjectively: point of view 觀點 not necessarily 未必 base on 依據 comment 評論 objectively 客觀的
8. contempt: look down upon 輕視 look up to 重視 nothing but 只 politician 政客 statesman 政治家 be contemptuous of 藐視 enrich 圖利 ignore 忽略 9. furious: infuriate 激怒 fury 狂怒be faithful to 對…忠實 in a fury = in a rage 狂怒 He walked out and slammed the door in a fury. be furious about/at 對…感到憤怒 audience 聽眾 rude 粗魯的 remark 評語 語言 hurricane 颶風 region 地區
10. irritable: consequently 結果是 因此 irritate 激怒 irrigate 灌溉 irritable = touchy = quick- tempered = ill-tempered 易怒的 11. snap: sharply 尖銳地 snap 快速照相 The photographer snapped a nice picture of our family. 12. offend: lack 缺乏 defend 防衛 offensive 攻擊性的 defensive 防衛性的
intend to 企圖 intention 企圖 目地 unintentional(ly) (非)故意的(地) = on purpose forgive - forgave - forgiven 原諒 apologize 道歉 steak house 牛排館 tough 太硬了 太老了 太熟了 rare 嫩的 medium 半熟 well-done 全熟
13. aggravate: source 來源 occasionally 偶爾 sibling 兄弟姊妹 permission 允許 resource 資源 off and on 偶爾 14. misery: suffering 受難 want 需求 匱乏 famine 饑荒 leave – left – left 離開 miser 守財奴 miserable 不幸的 15. outburst: explosion 爆發(炸) laughter 笑聲 burst out = erupt = explode = blow up 爆炸 16. stamp: ground 地面 stamp 郵票 郵戳 stamp out = stamp on 鎮壓
17. shed: bleed 流血 ex-boyfriend 已分手的男友 18. annoy: = tease = irritate = vex = disturb = make angry refuse = reject拒絕 annoying 惱人的 19. soothe: = calm = comfort = ease = console = cheer…up 20. journalist: = newspaperman = reporter = correspondent major in 主修minor in 副修 21. innermost:desire 慾望outermost 最外面的 foremost 最先的
22. shatter: piece 碎片 explosion 爆炸 nearby 附近的 fragment n. 碎片 smash v. 粉碎 shatter one’s hope 粉碎某人的希望 23. absurd: = unbelievable = ridiculous = impossible 24. cruelty: behavior 行為 shameful 丟臉的 可恥的 event 事件 century 世紀 properly 適當地 bring – brought – brought bring up 撫養長大 cruel = cold-blooded殘忍的 25. tranquility: = calm = peace = quietness provide 提供 = supply = offer = give escape 逃避
26. meantime: concentrate on 集中 at the same time 同時 27. uphold: = support value 價值觀 regardless of 不顧 28. victorious: champagne 香檳 champion 冠軍 triumph 凱旋 campaign 活動 victory 凱旋 captain 隊長 parade 遊行 triumphantly凱旋地 29. allied: march 行軍 liberate 解放 citizen 市民 cheer 歡呼 outcome 結果 in doubt 質疑的 struggle 鬥爭 close 親密的
Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl living in who was… Holland with her family. She was fourteen years old when she began keeping a diary. begin – began - begun The diary covers about two years of Anne’s young 涵蓋 life, during which time she hid from the Nazis in an two yearshide – hid - hidden
attic with her family. In her diary, Anne wrote down record記下 her thoughts, hope, and fears as World War II when正當 raged her. 肆虐 There is a saying that paper is more patient than 俗話說 三個音節以上 man; it came back to me on one of my slightly 我又想起(這句話) 當我有一次有一點憂鬱的 紙比人更有(耐)韌性
melancholy days, while I sat chin in hand, feeling =when 手撐著下巴 too bored and limp even to make up my mind and I felt…bear的p.p.鬆散的 決定 whether to go out or stay at home. Yes, there is no doubt that paper is patient and I don’t intend to 毫無疑問 企圖 show this cardboard – covered notebook bearing which bears載有
the proud of “diary” to anyone unless I find 榮耀 除非 a real friend, boy or girl. And now I come to the root of the matter, the reason for starting 事情的根源(我追根就底地研究我為什麼要寫日記) a diary; it is that I have no real friend…I want this the reason diary to be my friend, and I shall call my friend 一般動詞 + 受詞 + to VR Kitty. (我把這本日記當作朋友,我叫她Kitty) kitty 是補語
Dear Kitty, This morning when I had nothing to do, I turned 無所事事 翻閱 over some of the pages of my diary and several times I came across letters dealing with the subject 無意中發現 處理(有關於) “Mummy” in such a hotheaded way that I was 母親 (mummy 另一字意是木乃伊)
quite shocked and asked myself: ”Anne, is it really 驚訝 you who mentioned hate? Oh, Anne, how could speak of you!” I remained sitting with the open page in my 仍然坐著 hand, and thought about it and how it came about 想著 變成 that I should have been so filled with hate that I 竟然 如此………………以至於 had to confide it all in you. (我必須向妳傾訴)
I suffer now from moods which kept my head 遭受到…的痛苦 心情(我現在對自己的心情苦惱) under water (so to speak) and only allowed me to (讓我心灰意冷)只得 see the things subjectively, without enabling me to 主觀地 使…能夠 consider quietly the words of the other side. 冷靜地考慮到對方(別人所說)的話。 I hid myself within myself. I only considered myself hide –hid-hidden 想到 and quietly wrote down all my joys, sorrows, and
contempt in my diary. 輕視別人的一種的態度 I used tobe furious with Mummy, and still am 我以前對媽媽很忿恨 仍然 sometimes. It’s true that she doesn’t understand me, but I don’t understand her, either. She does 的確 love me very much and she is tender. But since 溫柔 由於 she landed in so many unpleasant situations 身陷 情況
because of me, and she has been nervous and ir- 一直神經兮兮的 ritablebecause of other worries and difficulties, it 暴燥 因為 is certainly understandable that she snapped at 可以了解的 大吼大叫 me. I took it much too seriously, was offended, and 我太把它當作一回事 覺得被冒犯 was rude and aggravating to Mummy, which, in 我的態度也就很粗魯而讓媽媽生氣
turn, made her unhappy. So it was really a matter 依次 輪流 …的問題 of unpleasantness and misery reboundingall the 反彈(不斷地往返) 一直 time. It wasn’t nice for either of us, but it is passing Those violent outbursts on paper were only giving ventto anger, which in a normal life could have 發洩 been worked off by stamping my feet a couple of 發洩 = several times in a locked room or calling Mummy names 鎖起來的 call one’s name 罵
behind her back. 在她背後 The period when I caused Mummy to shed tears is 這段時間 引起 讓 流眼淚 over. I have grown wiser and Mummy’s nerves are not so much on edge. I usually keep my mouth 緊張 急躁 shut if I get annoyed, and so does she, so we are 煩惱 able to get on much better together. I can’t really = get along
love Mummy in a dependent childlike way – I just in a way 以…方式 don’t have that feeling. I soothe my conscience now with the thought that 安慰 良心 conscious 有意識的 有這種想法 it is better for hard words to be on paper than = unkind words that Mummy should carry them in her heart. bear/keep sth in mind 記住 Yours, Anne
Dear Kitty, I am the best and sharpestcritic of my own work. I 嚴苛的 評論家 know what is and what is not well written. Anyone who 甚麼地方寫得好甚麼地方寫得不好 doesn’t write doesn‘t write doesn’t know how 任何不曾寫文章的人不會了解寫作的好處(美妙) wonderful it is; I used tobemoan the fact that I 以前常常 怨聲載道 couldn’t draw at all, but now I am more than happy 完全沒有繪畫天份 更高興 that I can write. And if I haven’t any talent for writing
books or news articles, well, then I can always 文章 write for myself. I want to go on living even after 即使死後我也希望以我的作品活 my death! Therefore I am grateful to God for giving 下去 很感謝 me this gift, this possibility of developing myself 天份 and of writing, of expressing allthat is in me. 充份地表達我的自我
I can shake off everything if I write. When I write, get out off; free oneself from 擺脫 my sorrows disappear, and my courage is reborn. 消失 重生(再出現) But, and that is the great question, will I ever be 疑慮 able to write anything great, will I ever become a 能夠 journalist or a writer? I hope so, oh, I hope so very much, for I can recapture everything when I write, 再獲得
my thoughts, my ideals, and my fantasies. 幻想Yours, Anne Dear Kitty, “For in its innermost depths youth is lonelier than 最深處 更寂寞 old age.” I read this saying in some book and I’ve always remembered it, and found it to be true. Is it true that grownups have a more difficult time here
than we do? No. I know it isn’t. Older people have =have formed their opinions about everything, and don’t 形成 waver before they act. It’s twice as hard for us 猶豫不決 加倍難 young ones to hold our ground, and maintain our 堅持立場 維持 opinions, in a time when all ideals are being shattered and destroyed, when people are 被粉碎摧毀
showing their worst side, and do not know whether 最壞的一面 to believe in truth and right and God. 不知道是否該相信真理、正義和上帝 It’s really a wonder that I haven’t dropped all my 奇蹟 拋棄 ideals, because they seem so absurd and imposs- 可笑 ible to carry out. Yet, I keep them, because in 難以實現 spite of everything I still believe that people are 儘管有這些困難
really good at heart. I simply can’t build up my 內心 建築 hopes on a foundationconsisting of confusion, 在一個基礎上 由…組成 混亂 misery, and death. I see the world gradually being 悲慘 死亡 逐漸地 turned into a wilderness, and I hear the ever- 變成 荒蕪 逐漸 approaching thunder, which will destroy us, too. I 逼近 雷聲 摧毀 can feel the sufferings of millions and yet, if I look 痛苦
up into the heavens, I think that it will all come right, 仰望 沒問題 that this cruelty too will end, and that peace and 殘虐 結束 tranquility will return again. 寧靜 In the meantime, I must uphold my ideals, for 此刻 堅持 perhaps the time will come when I shall be able to carry them out. Yours, Anne 實現(理想)的時機即將來臨
On August 14, the German secret police discover- ed the hiding place of Anne and her family. They were arrested and sent to concentration camps in 集中營 Germany. In March 1945, just two months before the victorious Allied army marched into Germany, 勝利的盟軍 Anne Frank died in Bergen-Belsen, a
Lesson 1 21-29 Idiom 1-10 1. 使粉碎 s____r 2. 不合理 a____d 3. 親緣關係 a____e 4. 勝利的 v____s 5. 安靜 鎮定 t____y 6. 殘酷 無情 c____y 7. 監守崗位 ____ ____ ____ 8. 緊張 急躁 ____ ____ ____ 9. 發洩 ____ ____ ____ 10. 向某人吐露 ____ ____ ____
Lesson 1 21-29 Idiom 1-10 1. 使粉碎 shatter 2. 不合理 absurd 3. 親緣關係 alliance 4. 勝利的 victorious 5. 安靜 鎮定 tranquility 6. 殘酷 無情 cruelty 7. 監守崗位 hold one’s ground 8. 緊張 急躁 be on edge 9. 發洩 give vent to 10. 向某人吐露 confide in sb.