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Early Years 2018. Parent’s Meeting. Routine. Afternoons Art PE Understanding the World PSHE RE Music. Mornings Guided Reading Literacy Phonics Maths. Phonics. Children split into smaller groups within the class. Taught at the group’s pace from Letters and Sounds.
Early Years 2018 Parent’s Meeting
Routine Afternoons • Art • PE • Understanding the World • PSHE • RE • Music Mornings • Guided Reading • Literacy • Phonics • Maths
Phonics • Children split into smaller groups within the class. • Taught at the group’s pace from Letters and Sounds. • Starting with Phase 1 skills (rhyming, alliteration, segmenting and blending) • Moving on to Phase 2 quickly (s, a, t, p, i, n)
Homework • Home reading is your child’s weekly homework. • Some weeks the children will be set a piece of homework to support the learning in class. • Some weeks the children will be set a longer term project for homework. • The completion date will always be included on the instruction sheet.
Home Reading • Starting with picture books to discuss and get into routine. • Introduction of words as and when each child is ready. • Reading book and record to be brought to school each day so children can choose to read. • Each child will read with an adult twice a week in school. • Please read with your child, and write in their record, every night.
Behaviour • Dojo points (on monsters) as rewards. • Children with the most points on a Friday win a prize from the box. • Traffic light – green, amber (think about your behaviour), red (serious behaviour and discussion with parents at the end of the day) • Golden time treat on a Friday – if a child has been on amber or red they will miss some minutes of the treat.
Spare kit and Wellies • Outdoors in all weathers and conditions. • Please ensure your child has a coat at school every day. • Wellies (in a carrier bag with the child’s name on) to be kept on their peg. • Spare clothes to be kept in book bag in case of accidents and spills.
Morning Drop Off • Dropping off from the garden door still. • Please begin to drop your child off at the door rather than bringing them into the cloak room now that they are becoming more settled.
Current focus • Topic: Ourselves and our families – homes, siblings, hair colour, eye colour, journey to school, settling in to school. • Recognising and writing own name from memory. • Recognising and counting with the numbers to 10. • Letter sounds and recognition of letters s, a, t, p, i, n • Independence when putting on own coat, going to the toilet, looking after own belongings.