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Vocab Unit 7 Jeopardy Eng 2

Vocab Unit 7 Jeopardy Eng 2. Definitions 1. Synonyms. Definitions 2. Antonyms. Complete the Sentence. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. Definitions 1 100 Points.

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Vocab Unit 7 Jeopardy Eng 2

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  1. Vocab Unit 7 JeopardyEng 2

  2. Definitions 1 Synonyms Definitions 2 Antonyms Complete the Sentence 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  3. Definitions 1 100 Points To prepare by combining ingredients, make up (as a dish)

  4. Definitions 1 100 Points concoct

  5. Definitions 1 200 Points To find fault with, scold, rebuke

  6. Definitions 1 200 Points reprove

  7. Definitions 1 300 Points Very careful and exact, attentive to fine points of etiquette or propriety

  8. Definitions 1 300 Points punctilious

  9. Definitions 1 400 Points To make milder or softer, quality, or value

  10. Definitions 1 400 Points mitigate

  11. Definitions 1 500 Points To talk a great deal in a foolish or aimless fashion

  12. Definitions 1 500 Points prate

  13. Synonyms 100 Points Infractions of the rules

  14. Synonyms 100 Points violations

  15. Synonyms 200 Points Prate for hours about the old days

  16. Synonyms 200 Points chatter

  17. Synonyms 300 Points To pillage the royal coffers

  18. Synonyms 300 Points sack

  19. Synonyms 400 Points Punctilious in their business dealings

  20. Synonyms 400 Points exacting

  21. Synonyms 500 Points Tried to mitigate our disappointment

  22. Synonyms 500 Points relieve

  23. Definitions 2 100 Points Severe or stern in manner

  24. Definitions 2 100 Points austere

  25. Definitions 2 200 Points To commit sacrilege, treat irreverently

  26. Definitions 2 200 Points desecrate

  27. Definitions 2 300 Points Coarse, unfeeling

  28. Definitions 2 300 Points crass

  29. Definitions 400 Points Strong and sturdy

  30. Definitions 2 400 Points stalwart

  31. Definitions 2 500 Points Pale, gaunt, resembling a corpse

  32. Definition 2 500 Points cadaverous

  33. Antonym 100 Points In their beneficent wisdom What is the opposite of beneficent? Beneficent means kindness…so the opposite is??

  34. Antonym 100 Points cruel

  35. Antonym 200 Points An austere training regimen What is the opposite meaning of austere? Austere means severe or stern…so the opposite would be...

  36. Antonym 200 Points mild

  37. Antonym 300 Points Pitied the cadaverous victims Cadaverous means…pale, gaunt (extremely thin) So the opposite is…

  38. Antonym 300 Points portly (portly means “having a stout body; somewhat fat”)

  39. Antonym 400 Points Thoroughly crass manners What does crass mean? What does the opposite of crass?

  40. Antonym 400 Points elegant

  41. Antonym 500 Points Eventually debase the foundation What does debase mean?

  42. Antonym 500 Points enhance

  43. Complete Sentence 100 Points Far from being _____ defenders, the Imperial Guard ran away at the first sound of gunfire, leaving the palace unprotected. You are looking for an ADJECTIVE to describe _______defenders who were scared and ran away.

  44. Definitions 3 100 Points stalwart

  45. Complete Sentence 200 Points “What ever possessed him to _____(infinitive verb) that obviously false excuse for being late with his term paper?” the teacher asked. To+____ (verb)= you need a verb!

  46. Complete Sentence 200 Points concoct

  47. Complete Sentence300 Points The wily general seemed to know almost instinctively where the enemy’s defenses were most_____. **what does wily mean? Skilled at gaining an advantage, especially deceitfully **Looking for an adjective to describe the enemy’s defenses.

  48. Complete Sentence 300 Points vulnerable

  49. Complete Sentence 400 Points When my partner in that scene unexpectedly muffed his part, I became so _____ that I, too, forgot my lines. (if you partner messes up, what are you likely to do?)

  50. Complete Sentence 400 Points disconcerted

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