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Instruments for Supporting Scientific and Technological Cooperation with Brazil the role of

Instruments for Supporting Scientific and Technological Cooperation with Brazil the role of The International Bureau of the BMBF. Dr. Matthias Frattini. Overview. Core-tasks of the International Bureau How the International Bureau is supporting S&T Cooperation

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Instruments for Supporting Scientific and Technological Cooperation with Brazil the role of

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  1. Instruments for Supporting Scientific and Technological Cooperation with Brazil the role of The International Bureau of the BMBF Dr. Matthias Frattini

  2. Overview • Core-tasks of the International Bureau • How the International Bureau is supporting S&T Cooperation • Instruments for cooperation support • Cooperation with Brazil

  3. Core-tasks of the International Bureau • Supporting the Federal Ministry of Education and Research(BMBF) in the planning and implementation of international cooperation in research and education • SupportingGerman research institutions in planning and implementation of their international cooperation with priority-countries • Developingcooperation opportunities with funding agencies all over the world within the framework of national, bilateral and multilateral programs • Building up and fostering networks with other stakeholders in International Cooperation

  4. Development of an international cooperation project Phase I Exploration Phase II Initiation Phase IV Contact Phase IV Funding Support: IB DAAD embassy IB DAAD a.o. IB DAAD a.o. BMBF DFG a.o. Objectives: Identification of potential fields for cooperation Linkage between institutions and decision makers Exchange of potential project partners – establishment of cooperation Funding of defined projects Restricted IB activities Main focus of IB activities Activities: • Embassy reports • Expert missions • DAAD-consultants • Expert missions • DAAD-consultants • Fact-Finding delegations • Kick-off Workshops • STC-Meetings • Expert -delegations • IB-mobility projects • PPP / 2+2 • Specific programs BMBF • Funding by Federal States • Funding by Industry • (DFG-Funding)

  5. Supporting STC – Exploring potential fields for cooperation • Expert delegations of the BMBF • Fact finding missions of German experts Missions on land management research to different EMBRAPA research centers, November 2005 and July 2006, Brazil • Inviting foreign experts to Germany Latinamerican experts at Hannover Fair 2008 and Biotechnica 2008 • Studies on the research activities of partner countries - Studies on the „research landscape“ of Brazil and Chile - Study on the cooperation between Germany and Latin American Countries in the field of social and human sciences

  6. Supporting STC – Establishing cooperation • Preparative projects for specific research programmes of the BMBF or the EU, by funding travel costs of start up projects (Funding of travel costs for German scientists) • Organizing and financing the participation in fairs, work shops and innovation fora - “Innovation Forum” on production technol., nanotechnol. biotechnol. and other areas in São Paulo, March 2007 • Supporting new cooperation by funding pilot projects or feasibility studies e.g. building up joint „virtual“ research institutes

  7. Instruments for the Support of ST Cooperation • Annual calls for Science & Technology Cooperation projects • Workshopsand innovation fora on specific issues • Exploratory contact travels to potential partners In general, all the instruments are open for applications from research institutes and SME. Joint projects of research institutes and companies are very welcome.

  8. STC with Brazil – Mobility Projects 2004 - 2007

  9. STC with Brazil • ST-Cooperation since 1969 • Steering committee: Joint Commission for Cooperation in Scientific Research and Technological Development – Last meeting, November 2007 in Brasilia Examples of excellent Cooperation : • Innovation Fora on Technology Transfer and Sustainable Development • Mata Atlântica: Biodiversity Protection in the Atlantic Rainforest • Soundness of Marine Ecosystems • Environmental Pollution through Sugar Cane Production • Environmental Management of Brazilian Harbors New initiatives under discussion: German-Brazilian Year of Cooperation(Aug. of 2009 until Jul. of 2010) Priority AreasEnvironmental research and technology Biotechnology Marine research Nanotechnology Medical research New materials Informatics Space research

  10. Specific research programmes of the BMBF (examples) In the past: • SHIFT – Studies on Human Impact on Forest Floodplains in the Tropics Proposals for sustainable management of tropical ecosystems, 1991 - 2004 • MADAME – Mangrove Dynamics and Management Sustainable management of mangrove ecosystems in northern, 1995 - 2005 Ongoing: • Programme - MATA ATLÂNTICA Protection of biodiversity in and sustainable management of Mata Atlântica ecosystems, 2002 – 2009 (actually in second phase) • SUSTAINABLE LAND MANAGEMENT – open call Management strategies to global change and climate issues (e.g. environmental and water technologie. Not specific for GER-BRA cooperation)

  11. Thank you for your attention Contact Information International Bureau of the BMBF Dr. Matthias Frattini Heinrich Konen Str. 1D-53227 Bonn matthias.frattini@dlr.de +49 - (0) 228 - 3821 434 www.internationales-buero.de www.kooperation-international.de

  12. Priority Countries: ARG, BRA, CHL and MEX Research areas of the 82 Mobility Projects Funded by the International Bureau in 2007

  13. STC with Argentina • ST-Cooperation since 31.10.1969 • Steering committee: Joint Commission for Cooperation in Scientific Research and Technological Development (last meeting in 1997, next meeting in Nov 2008) Examples of Excellent Cooperation : • New partner institute of Max-Planck-Society (second world wide) at Argentinean Center of excellence for Biomedicine (foundation in December 2007) • International Master Programme in Biomedical Sciences (Universities of Freiburg and Buenos Aires) New initiatives: • German-Argentinian Week of scientific and technological cooperation (Buenos Aires, November 12-17, 2008) Priority areas  Life sciences Biotechnology  Environmental technologies and sustainable development Marine and Polar research Nanotechnologies Information and Communication Technologies

  14. STC with Chile • ST-Cooperation since 1970 • Steering Committee: Mixed Commission on Science & Technology (next meeting 2009) Examples of Excellent Cooperation : • Intensification of the co-operation in Antarctic research – Agreement between Alfred Wegener Institute and Chilean Antarctic Research institute signed 2006 • “Risk Habitat Megacity” – development of strategies for a sustainable urban development in Latin America • Innovation Forum (held end of Sept. 2008 in Santiago at ExpoAlemania) Priority Areas Marine & Antarctic research  Environmental Research  ICT  Biotechnology  Sustainable Use of Natural Resources

  15. STC with Mexico • STC-Agreement since 1975 • Steering-Committee: Mixed Commission for Science & Technology, last meeting Aug. 2007 in Berlin Examples of Excellent Cooperation : • Joint Master course in Protection of Environment & Climate, renewable Energies (currently 2nd application round) • Start of operation of a new antenna to receive data from the German satellite TerraSar X in Chetumal (Nov. 2007) • Innovation Forum at POWERMEX 2008 in Mexico City (October 11-16, 2008) on e.g. renwable energies and energy efficiencies, sustainable production technologies Priority Areas:  Biotechnology  Protection of Climate & Sustainable Development  ICT  Marine Sciences  Geosciences  Production Technologies  Renewable Energies & Energy Efficiency  Vocational Training

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