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Ukraine – EU Scientific and Technological Cooperation: state and prospects of development. Yegor Dubynskyi First Secretary Mission of Ukraine to EU INCO NCP of Ukraine. Basis for the Ukraine-EU relations development
Ukraine – EU Scientific and Technological Cooperation:state and prospects of development YegorDubynskyi First Secretary Mission of Ukraine to EU INCO NCP of Ukraine
Basis for the Ukraine-EU relations development Relations between Ukraine and the European Union were first established in December 1991, when Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, holding the presidency of the EU at that time, officially recognized Ukrainian independence on behalf of the European Union. COMBIOM Kyiv
European aspirations of Ukraine The policy of Ukraine aiming to develop the Ukraine-EU relations is based on the Law of Ukraine dating from the 1st of July 2010 “On the Foundations of Internal and Foreign Policy”. According to Article 11 of this Law, one of the key elements of Ukrainian external policy is “ensuring the integration of Ukraine into the European political, economic and legal area in order to obtain the EU membership”. COMBIOM Kyiv
The EU policy regarding Ukraine - ENP During the last few years, the European Union considered Ukraine as the country of primary importance in the framework of the European Neighborhood Policy, launched in 2004. This policy was extended to countries of East Europe, South Caucasus and South Mediterranean, thus unifying the EU approaches towards the development of relations with countries of the specified regions. COMBIOM Kyiv
The EU policy regarding Ukraine - EaP To deepen the relations with its Eastern neighbors on the basis of new principles EU launched the Eastern Partnership initiative in May 2009. The Eastern Partnership does not provide partner countries with a candidate status, but it is a new multilateral forum for a dialogue between the EU and its neighbors and the platform supporting mutual projects between the EU, its member states and partner countries in such areas as infrastructure, exchange of best practices and economic integration. COMBIOM Kyiv
The legal basis and instruments of cooperation Current legal basis of the Ukraine-EU relations is laid down by the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) from the 14th of June 1994 (came into force on the 1st of March 1998). 7 priorities are listed in the PCA, such as: energy, trade and investments, justice and home affairs, adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to that of the EU, environment protection, transport, border cooperation, cooperation in areas of science, technology and space. COMBIOM Kyiv
The legal basis and instruments of cooperation Taking into account that the 10-year term of PCA was expiring in March 2008, in 2007 Ukraine and the EU launched the negotiation process on a new agreement. Upon the entry of Ukraine to the World Trade Organization, in the 2008 Ukraine and the EU launched negotiations on creating a free trade area, opening ways towards the liberalization of movement of goods, services, capital and non-tariff instruments of economic regulatory policy. On 19 December 2011 the parties announced that they agreed on the full text of the Association agreement. COMBIOM Kyiv
The EU technical assistance for Ukraine The European Union is the biggest donor of Ukraine. Since 1991 the overall amount of financial aid granted to Ukraine in the framework of TACIS program, in macro-financial assistance and humanitarian aid has exceeded EUR 1 billion. In 2007, the EU reorganized and unified its TACIS programme with other technical assistance aid programmes available to Ukraine into the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument with budget for the EU 2007-2013 financial perspective is around EUR12 billion, EUR 494 million of which is earmarked for Ukraine in the framework of the National indicative programme of the ENPI assistance. COMBIOM Kyiv
The EU technical assistance for Ukraine Since 2007 Ukraine obtained an access to new forms of the European technical assistance. For reform in the field of legislation approximation and institutional capacity building aid is provided in a form of expert consultations in the framework of the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange (TAIEX). Moreover, technical and expert assistance might be given by member states in the framework of “TWINNING” projects. On the 22nd November 2010 a PCA Protocol concerning access of Ukraine to the EU programmes was signed, opening for Ukraine a way to participate in the Union’s programmes. COMBIOM Kyiv
The EU technical assistance for Ukraine Brand-new assistance instruments are the Neighborhood Investment Facility (NIF), with estimated budget of EUR 700 million for the period of 2007-2013, and the Governance Facility with an annual budget of EUR 50 million. The NIF funds are assigned as loans and follow the loans granted by the international financial institutions to the member states in order to support economic reforms and infrastructure projects. The Governance Facility funds are given to partner countries in order to support the reforms of public governance sector. With the beginning of the Eastern Partnership in 2009, the EU technical assistance for Ukraine and other partner countries is set to grow. Apart from the ENPI funds for the Eastern partners (EUR 250 mln for 2010-2013), additional EUR 350 mln will be earmarked for these countries for the period of 2013-2020. COMBIOM Kyiv
Ukraine – EU S&T Cooperation: the legal base The legal base of Ukraine - EU Cooperation in science and research is constituted by the Agreement between Ukraine and EU on Scientific and Technological Cooperation from the 4 of July 2002, which was renewed on the 21 of December 2011 following the adoption of the Law of Ukraine № 4041-VI, dated 16 November 2011. The first meeting of the Joint Committee established under the EU-Ukraine S&T Cooperation Agreement took place in Brussels on 23 November 2011. The Ukrainian delegation was led by the State Agency for Science, Innovation and Informatisation. COMBIOM Kyiv
The Ukraine – EU Joint Committee on S&T Cooperation On the Meeting both sides reviewed the current levels of cooperation under both FP7 and through Ukrainian funding programmes and discussed ways of increasing cooperation notably in the areas of health, ICT and nanotechnology/materials research, including on a bi-regional level with the other countries of the Eastern Partnership. COMBIOM Kyiv
Health Research sphere on the first meeting of the Ukraine – EU Joint Committee on S&T Cooperation The Ukrainian side gave a comprehensive presentation on promising trends for EU-Ukraine cooperation in healthcare in the sphere of bio-medicine. In particular, the following fields were presented as being good candidates for increasing EU-Ukrainian cooperation in health research: • Understanding the molecular mechanisms of some severe pathologies, such as cardiovascular disorders and problems related to human reproduction; • diagnostics (biosensors) and biomarkers – e.g. for inflammatory joint diseases in patients exposed to radiation, or hepatitis C disease outcomes; • Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis; • Molecular and cellular treatment including uses of stem cell treatments COMBIOM Kyiv
The first meeting of the Ukraine – EU Joint Committee on S&T Cooperation COMBIOM Kyiv
Participation of Ukraine in 7FP In the beginning of 2009 Ukraine announced its intention to get the status of associate member in 7th EU Framework Program on research and technology development. Ukraine is currently the 7th among the most proactive international cooperation partner country in FP7 following USA and BRICS countries in terms of successful projects. 150 research organizations participate in 112 FP7 grant agreements with EU contribution exceeding 14mln euro. Overall success rates of submitted projects is 15,9%. Among the main partners are UK, Germany, France, Italy, Poland and Russia. COMBIOM Kyiv
Europe 2020 Strategy Europe’s strategy for getting out of the economic crisis By 2020 Europe will be “… a new sustainable social market economy, a smarter, greener economy where our prosperity will result from innovation and from using resources better, and where knowledge will be the key input…” Re-launch of the 3% of GDP objective for investment in Research and Innovation by 2020. COMBIOM Kyiv
The 5 targets for the EU in 2020 • 1. Employment • 75% of the 20-64 year-olds to be employed • 2. R&D • 3% of the EU's GDP to be invested in R&D • 3. Climate change / energy • greenhouse gas emissions 20% (or even 30%, if the conditions are right) lower than 1990 • 20% of energy from renewables • 20% increase in energy efficiency • 4. Education • Reducing school drop-out rates below 10% • at least 40% of 30-34–year-olds completing third level education • 5. Poverty / social exclusion • at least 20 million fewer people in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion COMBIOM Kyiv
The 7 flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 Smart growth Digital agenda for Europe Innovation Union Youth on the move Sustainable growth Resource efficient Europe An industrial policy for the globalisation era Inclusive growth An agenda for new skills and jobs European platform against poverty COMBIOM Kyiv
Horizon 2020 The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2014-2020 • Commission proposal for a 80 billion euro research and innovation funding programme (2014-2020) • A core part of Europe 2020, Innovation Union & European Research Area: • - Responding to the economic crisis to invest in future jobs and growth • - Addressing people’s concerns about their livelihoods, safety and environment • - Strengthening the EU’s global position in research, innovation and technology . COMBIOM Kyiv
Horizon 2020: what’s new • A single programme bringing together three separate programmes/initiatives (the 7th Research Framework Programme (FP7), innovation aspects of Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP), EU contribution to the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)) • Coupling research to innovation – from research to retail, all forms of innovation • Focus on societal challenges facing EU society, e.g. health, clean energy and transport • Simplified access, for all companies, universities, institutes in all EU countries and beyond. COMBIOM Kyiv
Horizon 2020: three priorities • Excellent science • Industrial leadership • Societal challenges COMBIOM Kyiv
Priority 1. Excellent science • World class science is the foundation of tomorrow’s technologies, jobs and wellbeing • Europe needs to develop, attract and retain research talent • Researchers need access to the best infrastructures COMBIOM Kyiv
Proposed funding (million € in current prices, 2014-2020) COMBIOM Kyiv
Priority 2. Industrial leadership • Strategic investments in key technologies (e.g. advanced manufacturing, micro-electronics) underpin innovation across existing and emerging sectors • Europe needs to attract more private investment in research and innovation • Europe needs more innovative SMEs to create growth and jobs COMBIOM Kyiv
Proposed funding (million € in current prices, 2014-2020) COMBIOM Kyiv
Priority 3. Societal challenges • Concerns of citizens and society/EU policy objectives (climate, environment, energy, transport etc) cannot be achieved without innovation • Breakthrough solutions come from multi-disciplinary collaborations, including social sciences & humanities • Promising solutions need to be tested, demonstrated and scaled up COMBIOM Kyiv
Proposed funding (million € in current prices, 2014-2020) COMBIOM Kyiv
Horizon 2020: next steps Ongoing: Parliament and Council negotiations on the basis of the Commission proposals Ongoing: Parliament and Council negotiations on EU budget 2014-2020 (including overall budget for Horizon 2020) Mid 2012: Final calls under 7th Framework Programme for research to bridge gap towards Horizon 2020 Mid 2013: Adoption of legislative acts by Parliament and Council on Horizon 2020 1/1/2014: Horizon 2020 starts, launch of first calls COMBIOM Kyiv
УКАЗ ПРЕЗИДЕНТА УКРАЇНИ № 259/2012 Про делегаціюУкраїни на переговори з ЄвропейськоюКомісієющодоучастіУкраїни у СьомійрамковійпрограміЄвропейського Союзу з досліджень і технологічногорозвитку • 1. УтворитиделегаціюУкраїни на переговори з ЄвропейськоюКомісієющодоучастіУкраїни у СьомійрамковійпрограміЄвропейського Союзу з досліджень і технологічногорозвитку • 2. Дозволитиглавіделегації в разі потреби: • вносити за погодженнямізкерівникамицентральнихорганіввиконавчоївладизміни до персонального складу делегації; • залучати в установленому порядку до роботиделегаціїпрацівниківпідприємств, установ та організацій, а такожнауковихрадників та експертів. • 3. Визнати таким, щовтративчинність, Указ Президента Українивід 12 травня 2009 року №303 «Про делегаціюУкраїни для участі у переговорах з ЄвропейськоюКомісієющодоучастіУкраїни у СьомійрамковійпрограміЄвропейського Союзу з досліджень і технологічногорозвитку». • 4. Міністерствуосвіти і науки, молоді та спорту України за погодженнямізМіністерствомзакордонних справ УкраїнизатвердитивказівкиделегаціїУкраїни на переговори з ЄвропейськоюКомісієющодоучастіУкраїни у СьомійрамковійпрограміЄвропейського Союзу з досліджень і технологічногорозвитку. • 5. КабінетуМіністрівУкраїнивирішитипитаннящодофінансовогозабезпеченняучастіделегаціїУкраїни у переговорах з Європейською • Президент УкраїниВіктор ЯНУКОВИЧ • 13 квітня 2012 року COMBIOM Kyiv
Action Plan to Develop Innovation Strategy of Ukraine • Understanding that innovation policy is a major driver of future socio economic growth. • Understanding that liberalization of trade and economic regimes subject to the free trade area arrangements, especially future EU-Ukraine DC FTA, subsequent integration of Ukrainian economy can bring about further comparative inequalities in EU’s and Ukraine’s economic growth rates unless effective innovation programs are in place in Ukraine. • Understanding the strong cooperation potential between Ukraine and EU in the innovation area, especially in the context of the Innovation Union pillar of the EU 2020 Strategy and the upcoming H2020 programme as well as in the ENP context where the creation of a "common knowledge and Innovation space" is flagged as a cooperation priority. • Understanding the need to introduce the conference in the context of innovation in view of bringing key stakeholders from both regions (policy-makers, innovation agencies, business and research communities) together to address corresponding opportunities and challenges. COMBIOM Kyiv
PROJECT PURPOSES (Specific Objectives): • Purpose 1:The Strategy seeks to encourage effective and prompt development of necessary links between education (vocational training) and industries, especially in view of prospective boost of investment brought about by establishing free trade area with the EU. • Purpose 2: To create effective institutional capacity for the evaluation of innovation and policy measures, which includes experts and their training if necessary; • Purpose 3: To explore possibilities to lessen tax and administrative burdens on businesses in order to stimulate innovation and growth within existing legal framework, propose new measures to that end; • Purpose 4: To propose actions to provide innovation with necessary finance, specifically increase returns on the technical assistance programs, exploit global loan facilities, earmark funds for the policy and technology developments ready to be implemented. • Purpose 5:.To overhaul existing and develop new innovation networks enabling effective and timely data exchange on new technology developments, market, funding, cooperation opportunities, integration in wider networks. COMBIOM Kyiv
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