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Evansville Community School District Planning Project: Results & Next Steps

Evansville Community School District Planning Project: Results & Next Steps. Introductions. Evansville Colleagues Bruce Miles. Goals for this Session. 1) Present desired project outcomes & logistics 2) Review all survey summaries 3) Specify next steps, dates, & specifics

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Evansville Community School District Planning Project: Results & Next Steps

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  1. Evansville Community School District Planning Project: Results & Next Steps

  2. Introductions • Evansville Colleagues • Bruce Miles

  3. Goals for this Session

  4. 1) Present desired project outcomes & logistics 2) Review all survey summaries 3) Specify next steps, dates, & specifics 4) ID how apply results 5) Evaluate this session

  5. “Chainsaw Planning” Funnel Data (Hard data & soft data)

  6. Survey Results – STAFF(May & June; N = 139)

  7. Survey Results: Staff (1 of 5) 1) What two or three things are going well in your building? • Teachers, Staff and Administration • Curriculum Initiatives • Support and Services

  8. Survey Results: Staff (2 of 5) 2) What two or three things are going well in the district? • Supported and Valued By Administration, Community and Each Other • Financial Management and Resources Focused on Students First • Communication and Collaboration

  9. Survey Results: Staff (3 of 5) 3) What two or three things need to be improved in your building? • Continued Teamwork Development and Morale Building • Common Systems • Facilities Concerns

  10. Survey Results: Staff (4 of 5) 4) What two or three things need to be improved in the district? • Communication • Prof. Development Opportunities • Collaboration

  11. Survey Results: Staff (5 of 5) 5) What do you believe the district could do to address one or more of your areas of concern? • Provide Time and Resources • Communication • Leadership and Collaboration

  12. Survey Results – Class of 2011(@ Graduation; N = 104)

  13. Survey Results: Students (1 of 6) 1) How would you rate your overall experience…? Average = 3.99 2) How would you rate your academic/learning…? Average = 3.84

  14. Survey Results: Students (2 of 6) 3) What is 1 thing you wish would have been different…better overall experience? • Academic Opportunities and Differentiation • Choices and Freedom • Extracurricular Opportunities

  15. Survey Results: Students (3 of 6) 4) What is 1 thing you wish would have been different…better academic/learning experience? • Course Variety and Options • Differentiation • Classroom Environment and Support

  16. Survey Results: Students (4 of 6) 5) What is one thing you will always remember…? • Teachers and Staff (31 comments) • Positive Experiences and Opportunities (Opportunities created by school) • Memorable Moment (Product of the school environment)

  17. Survey Results: Students (5 of 6) 6) Which adult(s) at EHS made a lasting impact on you, and why? • Made Learning Real, Relevant and Enjoyable • Cared And Took Time • Treated Us with Respect and Providing Future Career Aspirations

  18. Survey Results: Students (6 of 6) 7) What suggestions do you have that would help us improve for current and future EHS students? • Curriculum and Teaching Opportunities • Social and Extracurricular Opportunities • Programmatic Opportunities

  19. Free Bonus Research: Why Some Schools are Waaay More Effective (Not in the packet)

  20. Applied Research: Effective Schools • High Expectations 3 • Safe & Orderly Environment 2 • Clear & Focused Mission 2 • Strong Leadership 2 • Monitoring Student Progress 1 • Staff Training 1 • Staff Control Instructional Decisions 1

  21. Applied Research: Connectedness & Schools • School connectedness is lower in schools with difficult classroom management climates. • The overall level of school connectedness is lower in schools that temporarily expel students for relatively minor infractions • When students are permanently expelled for the first occurrence of an infraction, connectedness is lower still. • Students in schools with harsh discipline policies report feeling less safe at school than in schools with moderate policies. • On average, students in smaller schools feel more attached to school than students in larger schools. • Co-curriculars are a significant predictor of connectedness.

  22. Teacher Interpersonal Skills Student Achievement is Directly Relatedto a Teacher’s Interpersonal Skills • A teacher’s interpersonal skills are crucial to creating/maintaining a positive working climate. • Two Dimensions of Communication • Dominance-Submission (Influence) • Cooperation-Opposition (Proximity)

  23. Applied Research: Co-Curriculars Students who participate in structured extracurricular activities, are likely to have: • Higher academic achievement • Higher levels of commitment to school • Higher levels of attachment to school Additionally... • Schools that encourage students to participate in after-school programs show significant declines in discipline problems and dropout rates.

  24. Here is What Will HappenLater Today…

  25. Planning Activities: Later Today• Train Coordinators 9:30-11:00• First staff group 12:15-1:45 • Second staff group 1:15-2:45• Compile results 3:15-4:00

  26. Outcome Diagnosis Worksheet

  27. Priorities Worksheet (Write your organization’s new Vision here.) (Write your organization’s new Mission here.) Step #3: Identify between 4 & 6 Priorities. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) (Optional) 6) (Optional)

  28. Planning Activities: Sep-Nov• Multiple community sessions Sep/Oct - Two hours each• Final planning session Nov 8 - Four hour session

  29. Closure • Thank you for the opportunity to work with you • If I may provide more information or be of assistance, please contact me at: • Phone (800) 500-7017 • Email bruce@bigrivergroup.com • Website www.bigrivergroup.com

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