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Review of Second National Communications - Jamaica Case Study

Review of Second National Communications - Jamaica Case Study. CSP Sub-Regional Workshop – Caribbean GEF Focal Points, Barbados. 16-18 June, 2009. Second National Communication Institutional Arrangements. Meteorological Service, Jamaica. Jamaica’s SNC.

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Review of Second National Communications - Jamaica Case Study

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  1. Review of Second National Communications - Jamaica Case Study CSP Sub-Regional Workshop – Caribbean GEF Focal Points, Barbados. 16-18 June, 2009

  2. Second National CommunicationInstitutional Arrangements Meteorological Service, Jamaica

  3. Jamaica’s SNC Started September 2006 – to be completed 2009. The SNC will • outline the role that combating climate change plays in ensuring Jamaica’s environmental sustainability and achieving the MDGs. • Recommend policies and technologies to reduce greenhouse emissions • Promote forestry and agriculture practices that will protect and enhance carbon sinks

  4. SNC elements • Sectors/zones • Coastal Zone, Human Settlement, Human Health, Water Resources, Agriculture, Tourism • Four contracts awarded (Coastal Zone & Human Settlements; Water Resources & Agriculture: Scenarios & Human Health; Socio-economic assessments)

  5. SNC elements For each of the sectors/zones studied the key findings will be presented on the: • Effects (direct and indirect) of climate variability and change (impacts) • Vulnerable areas/communities • Adaptation strategies • Integration of socio-economic and environmental scenarios • Interrelations between the effects on the different sectors/zones

  6. Results and Achievements Completed - • National Circumstances for 2000 (the base year for the reporting of the SNC) • The national inventory of the anthropogenic emissions by source and removal by sinks of greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol

  7. Results and Achievements (2) • Programmes containing measures to facilitate adaptation to climate change consisting of the development of climate scenarios for the years 2015, 2030 and 2050, and • Integrated assessment for water resources and agriculture, coastal resources and human settlements and human health

  8. Results and Achievements (3) • Needs assessments of clean technologies that could be transferred from annex 1 Parties, • Evaluation of the Climate Research and Systematic Observing System • Support for a workshop to inform members of the musical fraternity about climate change

  9. Results and Achievements (3) • Practical example – • Data from GHG assessment to be used to inform Motor Vehicle Emission Standards and regulations

  10. Usefulness of SNC • V&A assessments will be used to identify potential projects for funding • Institutionalization of national response to climate change • Produce policy-relevant knowledge and information to effect policy dialogue • Facilitate public education and awareness for mainstreaming CC concerns at different levels of the society

  11. SNC – National Level Impact • The SNC is included in the Medium Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework to support the implementation of the National Development Plan Vision 2030 • Vision 2030 provides the framework to ensure that climate change issues are mainstreamed into national policies and development activities • Included in MDG report to ECOSOC

  12. National Level impacts • The SNC has brought together various sectors to provide information and review recommendations. • Comments on the proposed Caribbean Adaptation to Climate Change Strategy were obtained through the SNC consultation process

  13. Meeting a Challenge -Supplementing the SNC • Proposal made for an additional component on Advocacy and Communications, funded by the UNDP. • This would showcase the SNC to professional audiences, the academic and research community and the wider public including school children, particularly through a national exposition and scientific conferences. 

  14. Meeting a Challenge Supplementing the SNC Additionally, • decision-makers, particularly Members of Cabinet, Parliamentarians and Local Government Officials will be sensitized to the key climate change issues, participate in dialogue and have an opportunity to participate in preparations for the UNFCCC in 2009.

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