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Script to tell Congress: Urgent Lift Jan.5 th Demolition orders

Script to tell Congress: Urgent Lift Jan.5 th Demolition orders. How to ask your Senators and Representatives for help!. Your Goal:. To speak directly to their “Senior Staffer for Foreign Policy” Ask him or her to call the Israeli Embassy and the State Department on your behalf ,

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Script to tell Congress: Urgent Lift Jan.5 th Demolition orders

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  1. Script to tell Congress: UrgentLift Jan.5th Demolition orders How to ask your Senators and Representatives for help!

  2. Your Goal: • To speak directly to their “Senior Staffer for Foreign Policy” • Ask him or her to call the Israeli Embassy and the State Department on your behalf, • and call you back!

  3. What you will need: • Phone number to their office in Washington, DC • A phone and about 10-15 minutes for your call • A follow-up email to send right after

  4. First, find their number www.House.gov, enter your zip code www.Senate.gov, enter your state

  5. Place your call • When the receptionist answers, ask to speak to the senior staffer responsible for foreign policy • Before your are transferred, ask for the senior staffer’s name and write it down.

  6. If you reach their voicemail Leave a message: • My name is ______ and I am a constituent. Please call me back at _<your phone number>_. • My call is urgent • I have invested in a peaceful Palestinian village called Al Aqaba in the West Bank. New demolition orders have been issued for 3 homes plus 5 animal shelters. Demolitions are to begin January 6th 2012. • I need your help to lift these demolition orders.

  7. When they answer, or call you back • Start by introducing yourself: • My name is ______ and I am a constituent* from __________. * Constituent is a person who lives in their representative’s district and this includes young people. Anyone can call—you don’t have to be a voter to be a consitutuent.

  8. Explain Whyyou are calling • I have invested in a peaceful Palestinian village called Al Aqaba in the West Bank. New demolition orders have been issued for 3 homes plus 5 animal shelters. Demolitions are to begin January 6th 2012. • I need your help to lift these demolition orders.

  9. Tell them more • Have you heard about this case? • Al Aqaba is a tiny village in the Jordan River Valley.

  10. It---------------------- is in the middle of the West Bank far from borders, and is NOT A SECURITY RISK.

  11. More about Al Aqaba • Al Aqaba is a tranquil and conflict-free place where villagers have worked together to prevent total demolition repeatedly over the past 20 years.  • The village is currently engaged in the very town planning required for the issuance of building permits by Israel. • The Israel Civil Administration rejected two of Al Aqaba’s master plans for the village and refuses to issue them building permits. Al Aqaba is waiting to hear about their third master plan they sent to the Israel Civil Administration.

  12. Now, tell them the problem • In Al Aqaba new demolitions orders were issued for 3 homes plus five animal shelters. Even though currently, Al Aqaba is in the process of the town planning required for the issuance of building permits, • According to the U.N., dozens of Palestinian homes in Area C have been issued demolition orders, with demolitions starting on Jan. 6, 2012.

  13. The Greater Problem • These January demolitions are only the tip of the iceberg. • 97% of Al Aqaba is under demolition orders. Including the kindergarten that many Americans helped build. • There are 12,500 demolition orders in the other 149 Palestinian villages in Area C of the West Bank. These villages are also in the process of town planning that is required for the issuance of building permits by Israel. • I believe that Palestinian towns that are engaged in the very town planning required for the issuance of building permits, such as Al Aqaba, should not come under demolition orders.

  14. On my behalf, • Please call the State Department, and the Embassy of Israel in Washington D.C. to urge that the January demolition orders in Al Aqaba and the rest of Area C be lifted . • Also, urge them to lift all 12,500 demolition orders against Palestinian villages in area C that are in the process of the town planning required for the issuance of building permits by Israel.

  15. When will you get back to me? • Write down the date, and expect your return call then.

  16. Thank you very much for your assistance • I look forward to your call on <date promised> or I’ll give you a call to touch base.

  17. Add contact info to the template letter • And email your letter to the Senior Staffer right away!

  18. Mark your calendar • To follow up on the date promised – and if possible, • email us to let us know if you got through: Contact@RebuildingAlliance.org

  19. That’s it! • Chances are, they’ll make the calls. • Call us at the Rebuilding Alliance and tell us your experience! (650) 325-4663

  20. Give Al Aqaba a Future For all of our children!

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