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Classification of Living Hexapod Orders

Classification of Living Hexapod Orders. Class Hexapoda (“six-legged” animals). “Entognatha” (3 orders) Insecta (28 orders). “Apterygota” (2 orders) Microcoryphia (=Archaeognatha), Thysanura Pterygota (winged insects) (26 orders). Some characters of the Pterygota:

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Classification of Living Hexapod Orders

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  1. Classification of Living Hexapod Orders Class Hexapoda (“six-legged” animals) • “Entognatha” (3 orders) • Insecta(28 orders) • “Apterygota” (2 orders) • Microcoryphia (=Archaeognatha), Thysanura • Pterygota(winged insects) (26 orders) • Some characters of the Pterygota: • “wings” present (character complex: wings, flight musculature, pterothorax restructuring [high pleura, apodemes, axillary sclerites]) • head tentoria fused • Circum- and suboesophageal blood vessels lost • “Paleoptera” (“ancient-winged” insects) (2 orders) • Ephemeroptera • Odonata

  2. Order Ephemeroptera

  3. Ephemeroptera (adult head) • mouthparts vestigial • eyes often dimorphic (males only) • ocelli present • antennae short enlarged “turbinate” eye small lateral eye

  4. Ephemeroptera (adult thorax) • 1-2 pairs wings present • legs usu. well-developed

  5. Ephemeroptera (adult abdomen) • 10-segmented • styli absent • exsertile vesicles absent • cerci present • median caudal filament present or absent

  6. Ephemeroptera (life cycle) swarm mating molt to adult oviposition oviposition eggs subimago emergence adult death eggs larval development

  7. Ephemeroptera (life cycle) elongate male foreleg upward looking male eye

  8. Ephemeroptera (mating swarms) dopler radar image of mayfly swarm

  9. Ephemeroptera (life cycle)

  10. Ephemeroptera (life cycle) larval gills

  11. Ephemeroptera (life cycle)

  12. Ephemeroptera (life cycle)

  13. Ephemeroptera (fauna) • World Fauna • ca. 30 families • ca. 2000 species • North American Fauna • 21 families • Baetidae (lab) • Caenidae (lab) • Ephemeridae (lab) • Heptageniidae (lab) • Polymitarcyidae (lab) • ca. 600 species

  14. Ephemeroptera : Baetidae

  15. Ephemeroptera : Caenidae

  16. Ephemeroptera : Ephemeridae

  17. Ephemeroptera : Ephemeridae

  18. Ephemeroptera : Ephemeridae

  19. Ephemeroptera : Polymitarcyidae

  20. Order Ephemeroptera FINIS

  21. Ephemeroptera : Heptageniidae

  22. Order ooooo

  23. Order ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo

  24. Text Slide Blank • oooo–oooo • oooo–oooo • oooo–oooo • oooo (oooo) –oooo • oooo–oooo • oooo–oooo • oooo–oooo

  25. Order Ephemeroptera Leptophlebiidae ephe0001 CSIRO 1991:280

  26. ephe0032 mating position ephe0031 mating swarm Order Ephemeroptera CSIRO 1991:21 (32); Edmunds et al. 1976:17 (31)

  27. ephe0033, egg Order Ephemeroptera CSIRO 1991:283 (33)

  28. ephe0035 larval morphology Order Ephemeroptera ephe0034 mouthparts ephe0036 gills CSIRO 1991:292 (36); Edmunds et al. 1976:42 (35), 43 (34)

  29. ephe0004 Ephemeroptera : Baetidae ephe0005 ephe0003 ephe0002 CSIRO 1991:288 (5); Edmunds et al. 1976:160 (3), 167 (2); Merritt & Cummins 1984:115 (4)

  30. Ephemeroptera : Baetidae ephe0030 Centroptilum sp. ephe0029 Centroptilum sp. ephe0002 Callibaetis sp. CSIRO 1991:290 (29, 30); Edmunds et al. 1976:167 (2)

  31. Ephemeroptera : Heptageniidae ephe0025 Stenonemia sp. ephe0024 Stenonema sp. Borror et al. 1989:182 (25); Edmunds et al. 1976:203 (24)

  32. ephe0027 Arthroplea sp. ephe0028 Anepeorus sp. ephe0026 Epeorus sp. Ephemeroptera : Heptageniidae Edmunds et al. 1976:191 (26), 207 (27), 211 (28)

  33. ephe0007 Hexagenia sp. ephe0006 Hexagenia sp. Ephemeroptera : Ephemeridae Edmunds et al. 1976:289 (6); Borrer et al. 1989:176 (7)

  34. ephe0009, Ephemera sp. ephe0008 Hexagenia sp. ephe00010, Hexagenia sp. Ephemeroptera : Ephemeridae Edmunds et al. 1976:6 (10), 55 (9), 285 (8)

  35. ephe0012 Hexagenia sp. ephe0011 Hexagenia sp. Ephemeroptera : Ephemeridae Edmunds et al. 1976:4 (11), 5 (12)

  36. ephe0016 Tortopus sp. Campsurus sp. ephe0018 Ephoron sp. ephe0017 Campsurus sp. Ephemeroptera : Polymitarcyidae Borror et al. 1989:182 (18); Edmunds et al. 1976:113 (16, 17)

  37. ephe0015 Ephoron sp. ephe0014 Campsurus sp. ephe0013 Ephoron sp. Ephemeroptera : Polymitarcyidae Edmunds et al. 1976:55 (15), 296 (13), 299 (14)

  38. ephe0020 Tasmanocoenis sp. ephe0019 Caenis sp. Ephemeroptera : Caenidae CSIRO 1991:288 (20); Edmunds et al. 1976:267 (19)

  39. ephe0023 Brachycercus sp. ephe0021 Brachycercus sp. ephe0022 Tasmanocoenis sp. Ephemeroptera : Caenidae CSIRO 1991:290 (22); Edmunds et al. 1976:265 (21, 23)

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