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Third lesson: How to create a critical consumerism campaign?

Third lesson: How to create a critical consumerism campaign?. p ractical infos for this lesson ( please read carefully ): We will talk about a specific campaign to explain wich are the steps to create such a campaign .

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Third lesson: How to create a critical consumerism campaign?

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  1. Third lesson: How to create a critical consumerism campaign? practicalinfosforthislesson(pleasereadcarefully): Wewill talk about a specificcampaigntoexplainwich are the stepsto create such a campaign. Youwillfindone slide foreachargumentthatwillbeexpoundedby the chat….ifyouwanttoask me something or youneed I stop just tell me!

  2. BUT FIRST … ..pleasewrite a fewinterestingpointsyoufound … to share thamwith the others wewill talk aboutlater or maybewewill deal withthemduring the lesson…

  3. Nowlet’s start…

  4. FIRST STEP: THE GOAL when a goal hasbeenchosenhowtodefineit? In the Addiopizzo case: why and how the fightagainst racket hasbeen definedas the main goal

  5. SECOND STEP: THE CONTEXT analyze the context…toknowwhatwewill deal with and toprepare the selectionoftools In Addiopizzo case: whathasbeenstudiedregarding the mafia context and previous antimafia experiences

  6. THIRD STEP: THE TOOLS howtochoose the best toolstomakethe campaignworking In Addipizzo case: • howtofindconsumersinterested? • howtofind (and convince) shop sellers interested?

  7. Addiopizzo case:CONSUMERS the goal: building a groupofconsumershugeenough toberelevant: Whatasbeendone: • Evaluatewhichkindof people can beyourideal target • Write a documentexplaining the campaign • Find a way to show what’s yourpurpouse • Convince people togetinvolved

  8. Addiopizzo case: SHOP SELLERS the goal: Create a listof shop sellerswho don’t pay “pizzo” (racket)…. …andmakeitincrease Whathasbeendone: • Procede stepbystep (beingattentiveto people we are talkingto) • Look first for shop sellersalreadyinvolved • Show howmany people signedascriticalconsumers and howbeing in the list can becomeaneconomicadvantage

  9. ofcourseAddiopizzo case is just anexamplebutmostof the data and the advices are relevantforanycampaign

  10. some advices… Valid in addiopizzo case but…usefulalwayswhenyouwantto create such a campaign

  11. REMEMBER: evenwhen the goal isveryimportant and evenifit Isunanimouslyconsideredsociallrelevantyou are alwaysspeakingwithreal people (bothpotential consumers and shop sellers) and people are sensitive, sometimesfrightned, sometimes diffident…andquiteoftentheyprefer living quietly withoutgettinginvolved

  12. so • consider and evaluateyour target and thinkthatyoushouldprobablychangeapproachwhenyouchangetargwet • don’t be aggressive butconvincing • don’t makethemfeelthey are wrong and theyhavetochangetheirbehaviorbutexplaineveryoneshould do it (youtoo!) • don’t speakasyouknow the truth (in most case youwouldbeyoungerthen the people youare talkingto!) • don’t forgetthem , thatmeans continue staying in contactwith the people youmadegettinginvolved, update the progresses in the campaign and communicatethem

  13. EVALUATE CAREFULLY yourtime and yourresources(people and money)

  14. timeissues in a fewwords • define precise timing foreachstepof the developmentof the campaign • don’t looseyourtimebut don’t be in a hurry • don’t press yourself and the people you are workingwith • don’t expecttoseeresultsimmediately • usewisely media (news paper, interviews, web…) tosavetime (letthem talk foryouto a wide public….butremberwhatwesaidabout the possibleproblemsrelatedto media comunication)

  15. resourcesissues in a fewwords PEOPLE • youneedasmuch people (activists)ad possibletomakegettinginvolvedasmuch people (consumers) aspossible (becauseofeachonecontacts and skills) • everyonewhitin the grouppromoting the campaignshouldbe (and feellike) animportantpieceof the campaignitself • responsabilitiesshouldbeshared MONEY • youmayneedmoneyfordifferentreasonsbutevaluatecarefullywhich are the more pressantneeds • rationalizeyourexpenses

  16. Ifyouhaveanyquestion…

  17. otherwise…somehomework (practical!)

  18. Choose a topicthat can beobjectof a criticalconsumerismcampaignyou can evenuse the topicyouproposedduring the first lessonifitseemstoyou, after the othertwolessons,thatit can be a goodone, or chooseamongoneofthese–very wide and whichneedtobespecififed-:- women rights- minoritiesprotection- workersrights- environmentprotection- cultural issues

  19. Create anhypothesisofcampaignspecifing:- your goal-your target (whichkindof people can getinvolved)-yourspecifictools-youmethods.your way ofcommunication and spread-your relations with media

  20. Thankyou!

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