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WED in Texas. Weathering – Wear away or change the appearance or texture of something. Type of weathering Mechanical. Mechanical Weathering – The physical breaking down of sediment without changing of the minerals. Abrasion.
WED in Texas Weathering – Wear away or change the appearance or texture of something.
Type of weatheringMechanical Mechanical Weathering – The physical breaking down of sediment without changing of the minerals.
Abrasion The colliding of rocks hitting one another and smashing away at eachother. http://www.utdallas.edu/scimathed/resources/torch/bb00_geo-al.htm
Exfoliation Rock exfoliation is form of mechanical weathering in which successive layers of a large plutonic rock break loose and fall when gravity pulls them down. http://www.goatview.com/january11.htm
Root Pry It is when the roots start to crack rock and go through it, and weather it. http://epod.usra.edu/blog/2009/12/mechanical-weathering-and-root-pry.html
Thermal expansion and Contraction. • When the constant cycle of heating and cooling causes the rock to break into pieces and fall. • http://www.uvm.edu/~geomorph/gallery/?Page=details.php&ls=0000002823
Type of weatheringChemical Chemical Weathering - The chemical breaking down of sediment while changing of the minerals happens.
Oxidation Oxidation happens when the iron inside the rock combines with oxygen from water and turns red. http://www.utdallas.edu/scimathed/resources/torch/bb00_env-lb.htm
Carbonic acid Carbonic acid forms when Water seeps through the soil and reacts to limestone/marble. http://www.fredericksburgtxrealestate.com/Texas_Hill_Country_Real_Estate.htm
Acid Rain Acid rain happens when curtain pollutants in the air combine with rain. http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Acid_rain
Plant Acids Plant acid is when certain plants, like lichens, produce acid and breakdown the rock chemically. http://www.utdallas.edu/scimathed/resources/torch/bb00_geo-al.htm
Erosion • The moving of sediment from one place to the next. www.fsa.usda.gov/FSA/newsReleases?mystate=tx...
Tributary • A river receives water and sediment from a tributary- a smaller river or stream that flows onto it. In Texas • http://www.americansouthwest.net/texas/big_bend/boqsidecyn1
Oxbow Lake • An oxbow lake is a meander cut off from a river by deposition of sediment. In Texas • http://www.twdb.state.tx.us/instreamflows/Studies/oxbows/Hog_island/Photos/HogIsland_photos.htm
Valley Widening • As a river approaches sea level, it may meander more and develop a wider valley and a broader flood plain. In Texas http://enr.construction.com/resources/special/archives/highways_2003.asp
Delta • Sediment deposited where a river flows into an ocean or lake builds up and makes a landform called a delta. In Texas http://soundwaves.usgs.gov/1999/05/
Waterfall & Rapids Water fall and rapids are common where the river passes over harder rock. In Texas http://wildtexas.com/texas-parks/hamilton-pool-nature-preserve
V-shaped Valley • Near it’s a source, a river often flows through a deep, V-shaped valley. As the river flows, it cuts a deeper valley. In Texas http://prism.tc.cc.tx.us/bbvirtual/boot/boot.html
Meanders • Where river flows across easily eroded sediment, its channel bends from side to side in a series of meanders. In Texas cpdmigration.com/admin/meander-migration&page=4
Flood Plain • A flood plain forms when a river’s power of erosion widens its valley rather than deepening it. In Texas • www.flickr.com/photos/jgrady/2193991811/
Beaches • Sand carried down stream by rivers spreads along the coast to form beaches. In Texas • http://www.planetware.com/picture/usa-blue-sky-and-beach-in-texas-us-tx397.htm
Deposition • Deposition is the leaving or dropping off of sediment. WWW.teacherweb.com
Delta • Sediment deposited where a river flows into an ocean or lake builds up and makes a landform called a delta. In Texas http://soundwaves.usgs.gov/1999/05/