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The Antebellum South Part II

Delve into the reality of Southern plantation life in the Antebellum South and explore slave resistance through saboteurs, the Underground Railroad, and rebellions like Nat Turner's. Learn about the culture, language, and music of enslaved people.

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The Antebellum South Part II

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Antebellum South Part II

  2. Antebellum Southern Plantation Life

  3. Slave-Owning Families (1850)

  4. Slaves posing in front of their cabin on a Southern plantation.

  5. Tara – Plantation Reality or Myth? Hollywood’s Version?

  6. US Laws Regarding Slavery • U. S. Constitution: * 3/5s compromise * fugitive slave clause • 1793 Fugitive Slave Act. • 1850  stronger Fugitive Slave Act.* • *will study at a later date.

  7. Southern Slavery--> An Aberration? • 1780s: 1st antislavery society created in Philly • By 1804: slavery eliminated from last northern state. • 1807: the legal termination of the slave trade. • 1820s: newly indep. Republics of Central & South America declared their slaves free. • 1833: slavery abolished throughout the British Empire. • 1844: slavery abolished in the French colonies. • 1861: the serfs of Russia were emancipated.

  8. Protecting the System of Slavery • High cost of keeping slaves fromescaping. • Slaves outnumber slaveholders • Born in U.S.  therefore more familiar with surroundings, culture, and English language • GOAL raise the “exit cost.” • Slave patrols. • Legally limited black-white interaction • Cut off a toe or a foot.

  9. Slave Resistance & Uprisings

  10. Slave Resistance • “SAMBO” pattern of behavior used as a charade in front of whites [the innocent, laughing black man caricature – bulging eyes, thick lips, big smile, etc.].

  11. Slave Resistance • Refusal to work hard. • Isolated acts of sabotage. • Escape via the Underground Railroad.

  12. Runaway Slave Ads

  13. Slave Rebellions Throughout the Americas

  14. Slave Rebellions in the Antebellum South Gabriel Prosser1800 1822

  15. Slave Rebellions in the Antebellum South: Nat Turner, 1831

  16. The Culture of Slavery • Black Christianity [Baptists or Methodists]: * more emotional worship services. * negro spirituals. • “Pidgin” or Gullah languages. • Nuclear family with extended kin links,where possible. • Importance of music in their lives. [esp. spirituals].

  17. The Gullah People

  18. Southern Pro-SlaveryPropaganda

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