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Explore the unique capabilities and battlestaff operations of chemical organizations under NBC defense doctrine, focusing on force structure, logistics, and battalion allocation. Learn how chemical brigades plan the deployment of assets throughout the battlefield, emphasizing massing assets, synchronizing effects, and maintaining agility. Discover the mobility and mission capabilities of chemical companies allocated to Airborne, Air Assault, and Heavy Divisions.
Purpose To provide an overview of the chemical organizations, capabilities, battlestaff operations, and NBC defense doctrine.
Agenda • Force Structure Overview: LTC Bailey • Chemical Battalion & • NBC Doctrine Overview: MAJ Placke • Battlestaff Operations: MAJ Sellers • Logistics Overview: CPT Tvrdik
Force Structure Overview
I Unique, One of a Kind, Units. - Corps Operational Asset. - Employment Must Be Carefully Planned (Unity of Effort). - Cannot Afford to Piecemeal These Units Into the Warfight. ACR III I I I I HVY DIV HVY DIV HVY DIV ABN/AIR ASSLT I I I I I SMK/DECON SMK/DECON SMK/DECON SMK/DECON SMK/DECON I I I X MECH SMK MECH SMK MECH SMK I I I I I I I I I I I I SMK/DECON SMK/DECON SMK/DECON BIDS I I I I SMK/DECON SMK/DECON SMK/DECON RECON XXX I I I I I BIDS SMK/DECON SMK/DECON I I I SMK/DECON SMK/DECON RECON XXXX SRC 03 Doctrinal Laydown Chemical Brigade Plans the Employment of Chemical Assets. - Assets Insufficient for Entire Corps. -Assets Must Be Employed Throughout the Depth of the Battlefield. - - Synchronize Effects. - - Maintain Initiative and Agility to Reallocate. Brigades Plan - Battalions Execute LT HVY ABN/AA HVY HVY (DIG) XX XX XX XX XX Chemical Battalion Allocation Based on Number of EAD Chemical Companies Assigned to the Corps. - 0.2 Battalions Per Number of Companies NOT 1.0 Per Division. - Brigade Organizes Chemical Units for Combat Based on METT-T. - Massing Assets and Weighting the Main Effort. - Economy of Force Elsewhere. I REC/DEC(E) EAD Chemical Companies Are Not Permanently Assigned to Chemical Battalions. - Numbers and Types of Companies Allocated Based on Numbers and Types of Divisions Assigned to the Corps. - Task Organized by Chemical Brigade (METT-T). - Protect the Force & Multiply Combat Power at the Decisive Point and Time. TAACOM Allocated Units Based on Existence of the Command “Ten Good soldiers, wisely led, will beat a hundred without a head.” Euripides
CM CO 9-1-114/124 DIV CM SEC 2-0-3/5 NBC CTR 2-0-6/8 CO HQS 2-1-21/24 SMK/DEC/PLT 1-0-28/29 SUP SQD 0-0-6/6 HQ SEC 2-0-6/8 MAINT SEC 0-1-15/16 PLT HQS 1-0-2/3 SMK/DEC SQD 0-0-10/10 SRC 03057L0 Chemical Co (Smk/Decon) (Airborne) COMPO 1 2 3 4 1 0 0 0 O: 9 W: 1 E: 114 AG: 124 • Allocation Rule:One per Airborne Division. • Assignment:To an Airborne Division. • Mission:To provide NBC decon, large area smoke, NBC warning and reporting, and chemical staff support to an Airborne Division. • Capabilities: • Each platoon can operate one thorough or two operational decon sites; each capable of processing 4 vehicles per hour. • Each platoon can provide a 1400 meter smk haze. • Platoons can only do one mission at a time. • Provides 24 HR NBCWRS and NBC staff support. Mobility:Can transport 359,500 pounds (20,150 cubic feet). Has 89,650 pounds (7,300 cubic feet) of TOE Equip. to transport.
CM CO 9-1-117/127 DIV CM SEC 2-0-3/5 NBC CTR 2-0-6/8 CO HQS 2-1-21/24 SMK/DEC/PLT 1-0-28/29 SUP SQD 0-0-6/6 HQ SEC 2-0-6/8 MAINT SEC 0-1-18/19 PLT HQS 1-0-2/3 SMK/DEC SQD 0-0-10/10 SRC 03057L7 Chemical Co (Smk/Decon) (Air Assault) O: 9 W: 1 E: 117 AG: 127 COMPO 1 2 3 4 1 0 0 0 • Allocation Rule:One per Air Assault Division. • Assignment:To an Air Assault Division. • Mission:To provide NBC decon, large area smoke, NBC warning and reporting, and chemical staff support to an Air Assault Division. • Capabilities: • Each platoon can operate one thorough or two operational decon sites; each capable of processing 4 vehicles per hour. • Each platoon can provide a 1400 meter smk haze. • Platoons can only do one mission at a time. • Provides 24 HR NBCWRS and NBC staff support. Mobility:Can transport 359,500 pounds (20,150 cubic feet). Has 89,650 pounds (7,300 cubic feet) of TOE Equip. to transport.
CM CO 12-1-149/162 DIV CM SEC 2-0-3/5 NBC CTR 2-0-6/8 CO HQS 2-1-26/29 DECON PLT 1-0-19/20 SMK PLT 1-0-19/20 RECON PLT 1-0-19/20 HQ SEC 2-0-7/9 MAINT SEC 0-1-19/20 PLT HQS 1-0-1/2 DECON SQD 0-0-6/6 RECON SQD 0-0-9/9 PLT HQS 1-0-1/2 PLT HQS 1-0-1/2 SMK SQD 0-0-9/9 SRC 03157L1 Chemical Co (Heavy Division) O: 12 W: 1 E: 149 AG: 162 COMPO 1 2 3 4 0 7 0 0 • Allocation Rule:One per ARNG Heavy Division. • Assignment:To a Heavy Division. • Mission:To provide NBC decon, large area smoke, NBC reconnaissance, NBC warning and reporting, and chemical staff support to an ARNG Heavy Division. • Capabilities: • Provides thorough and operational equipment decon and special decon. Each platoon is capable of processing 8 vehicles per hour. • Mech Smk Plt can provide a 1200 M haze. • Provides NBC recon, surveys, surveillance, sampling, and limit conventional recon. • Provides 24 HR NBCWRS and NBC staff support. Mobility:Can transport 459,500 pounds (30,288 cubic feet). Has 124,643 pounds (10,868 cubic feet) of TOE Equip. to transport.
CM CO 12-1-154/167 DIV CM SEC 2-0-3/5 NBC CTR 2-0-6/8 CO HQS 2-1-26/29 DECON PLT 1-0-19/20 SMK PLT 1-0-24/25 RECON PLT 1-0-19/20 HQ SEC 2-0-7/9 MAINT SEC 0-1-19/20 PLT HQS 1-0-1/2 DECON SQD 0-0-6/6 RECON SQD 0-0-9/9 PLT HQS 1-0-1/2 PLT HQS 1-0-1/2 SMK SQD 0-0-9/9 SPT SQD 0-04/4 SRC 03157L2 Chemical Co (Heavy Division) O: 12 W: 1 E: 154 AG: 167 COMPO 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 • Allocation Rule:One per Heavy Division. • Assignment:To a Heavy Division. • Mission:To provide NBC decon, large area smoke, NBC reconnaisance, NBC warning and reporting, and chemical staff support to a Heavy Division. • Capabilities: • Provides thorough and operational equipment decon and special decon. Each platoon is capable of processing 8 vehicles per hour. • Mech Smk Plt can provide a 1200 M haze. • Provides NBC recon, surveys, surveillance, sampling, and limit conventional recon. • Provides 24 HR NBCWRS and NBC staff support. Mobility:Can transport 459,500 pounds (30,288 cubic feet). Has 124,643 pounds (10,868 cubic feet) of TOE Equip. to transport.
CM CO 6-0-62/69 REG CM SEC 3-0-6/9 RECON PLT 1-0-19/20 CO HQS 1-0-12/15 DECON PLT 1-0-14/15 RECON PLT 1-0-19/20 HQ SEC 1-0-6/7 MAINT SEC 0-0-9/9 PLT HQS 1-0-2/3 DECON SQD 0-0-6/6 RECON SQD 0-0-7/7 PLT HQS 1-0-1/2 SMK SQD 0-0-9/9 COMPO 1 2 3 4 1 1 0 0 SRC 03333L0 ACR Chemical Co (Recon/Decon) O: 7 W: 0 E: 62 AG: 69 • Allocation Rule:One per ACR (LT). • Assignment:Organic to an ACR (LT). • Mission:To provide NBC decon, NBC reconnaissance, NBC warning and reporting, and chemical staff support to a ACR (LT). • Capabilities: • Provides thorough and operational equipment decon and special decontamination. Decon platoon is capable of processing 8 vehicles per hour. • Provides NBC recon, surveys, surveillance, sampling, and limit conventional recon. • Provides 24 HR NBCWRS and NBC staff support. Mobility:Can transport 114,268 pounds (6,386 cubic feet). Has 34,357 pounds (3,328 cubic feet) of TOE Equip. to transport.
CM CO 6-0-67/73 REG CM SEC 3-0-6/9 RECON PLT 1-0-19/20 CO HQS 1-0-15/16 SMK/DECON PLT 1-0-27/28 HQ SEC 1-0-6/7 MAINT SEC 0-0-9/9 PLT HQS 1-0-2/3 DECON SQD 0-0-10/10 RECON SQD 0-0-9/9 PLT HQS 1-0-2/3 SPT SQD 0-0-5/5 SRC 03377L1 ACR Chemical Co (Smk/Decon/Recon)(W) O: 6 W: 0 E: 67 AG: 73 COMPO 1 2 3 4 1 1 0 0 • Allocation Rule:One per ACR. • Assignment:Organic to an ACR. • Mission:To provide NBC decon, NBC, large area smoke, NBC reconnaissance, NBC warning and reporting, and chemical staff support to an ACR. • Capabilities: • Provides thorough and operational equipment decon and special decontamination. Decon platoon is capable of processing 8 vehicles per hour. • Provide a 1200 M smoke haze. • Can only smoke or decon msn at one time. • Provides NBC recon, surveys, surveillance, sampling, and limit conventional recon. • Provides 24 HR NBCWRS and NBC staff support. Mobility:Can transport 133,500 pounds (7,538 cubic feet). Has 41,830 pounds (3,689 cubic feet) of TOE Equip. to transport.
CM CO 6-0-66/72 REG CM SEC 3-0-6/9 RECON PLT 1-0-19/20 CO HQS 1-0-15/16 SMK/DECON PLT 1-0-26/27 HQ SEC 1-0-5/6 MAINT SEC 0-0-10/10 PLT HQS 1-0-2/3 DECON SQD 0-0-9/9 RECON SQD 0-0-9/9 PLT HQS 1-0-2/3 SPT SQD 0-0-6/6 COMPO 1 2 3 4 1 0 0 0 SRC 03377L2 ACR Chemical Co (Smk/Decon/Recon)(M) O: 7 W: 0 E: 66 AG: 72 • Allocation Rule:One per ACR. • Assignment:Organic to an ACR. • Mission:To provide NBC decon, NBC, large area smoke, NBC reconnaissance, NBC warning and reporting, and chemical staff support to an ACR. • Capabilities: • Provides thorough and operational equipment decon and special decontamination. Decon platoon is capable of processing 8 vehicles per hour. • Provide a 1200 M smoke haze. • Can only smoke or decon msn at one time. • Provides NBC recon, surveys, surveillance, sampling, and limit conventional recon. • Provides 24 HR NBCWRS and NBC staff support. Mobility:Can transport 114,500 pounds (6,543 cubic feet). Has 38,175 pounds (3,004 cubic feet) of TOE Equip. to transport.
CM CO 7-0-127/134 CO HQS 1-0-32/34 DECON PLT 1-0-19/20 HQ SEC 2-0-13/15 MAINT SEC 0-0-19/19 PLT HQS 1-0-1/2 DECON SQD 0-0-6/6 COMPO 1 2 3 4 1 0 0 0 SRC 03417L0 Chemical Co (Decon) (Corps/TA) O: 7 W: 0 E: 127 AG: 134 • Allocation Rule:1 per Hvy Div, 2 per Corps, and 2 per TA; 2 per TAACOM. This rule presently not being used. This SRC and Mtr Smk SRC replaced with Dual Purpose SRC. This SRC being maintained as a possible solution to port and airfield decon. • Assignment:To a Corps or TAACOM Chemical Bn. • Mission:To provide NBC equipment decontamination support for elements of a Corps or TAACOM. • Capabilities: • Provides thorough and operational equipment decon and special decontamination. Each platoon is capable of processing 8 vehicles per hour. Provides a valid substitute for Dual Purpose units where decon only is required.
CM CO 5-0-137/142 CO HQS 2-0-23/25 RECON PLT 1-0-38/39 HQ SEC 2-0-13/15 MAINT SEC 0-0-10/10 RECON SQD 0-0-9/9 PLT HQS 1-0-2/3 SRC 03427L0 Chemical Co (Recon) (Corps/TA) COMPO 1 2 3 4 1 0 4 0 O: 5 W: 0 E: 137 AG: 142 • Allocation Rule:1 per Corps, and one per TA. • Assignment:To a Corps or TAACOM Chemical Bn. • Mission:To provide NBC reconnaissance support for elements of a Corps or TAACOM. • Capabilities: • Provides NBC recon, surveys, surveillance, sampling, and limit conventional recon. Mobility:Can transport 130,244 pounds (5,323 cubic feet). Has 42,441 pounds (3,452 cubic feet) of TOE Equip. to transport.
CM CO 5-0-102/107 CO HQS 2-0-27/29 SMOKE PLT 1-0-25/26 HQ SEC 2-0-13/15 MAINT SEC 0-0-14/14 SMOKE SQD 0-0-9/9 PLT HQS 1-0-2/3 SPT SQD 0-0-5/5 COMPO 1 2 3 4 1 0 4 0 SRC 03437L0 Chemical Co (Smoke) (Mech) O: 5 W: 0 E: 102 AG: 107 • Allocation Rule:1 per Hvy Division. • Assignment:To a Corps Chemical Bn. • Mission:To provide large area smoke support to a heavy division. • Capabilities: • Each Smk Plt can provide a 1000 to1200 M haze. Mobility:Can transport 154,800 pounds (10,640 cubic feet). Has 49,102 pounds (3,469 cubic feet) of TOE Equip. to transport.
CM CO 5-0-102/107 CO HQS 2-0-27/29 SMOKE PLT 1-0-25/26 HQ SEC 2-0-13/15 MAINT SEC 0-0-16/16 SMOKE SQD 0-0-9/9 PLT HQS 1-0-2/3 SPT SQD 0-0-5/5 SRC 03437F0 Chemical Co (Smoke) (Mech) COMPO 1 2 3 4 1 0 0 0 O: 6 W: 0 E: 128 AG: 134 • Allocation Rule:1 per Hvy Digitized Division. • Assignment:To a Corps Chemical Bn. • Mission:To provide large area smoke support to a heavy division. • Capabilities: • Each Smk Plt can provide a 1000 to1200 M haze. Mobility:Can transport 154,800 pounds (10,640 cubic feet). Has 49,102 pounds (3,469 cubic feet) of TOE Equip. to transport.
CM CO 7-0-99/106 RECON PLT 1-0-19/20 CO HQS 1-0-12/15 DECON PLT 1-0-14/15 RECON PLT 1-0-19/20 HQ SEC 1-0-6/7 MAINT SEC 0-0-9/9 PLT HQS 1-0-2/3 DECON SQD 0-0-6/6 RECON SQD 0-0-7/7 PLT HQS 1-0-1/2 SMK SQD 0-0-9/9 COMPO 1 2 3 4 1 0 0 0 SRC 03457L0 Chemical Co (Recon/Decon) (E) O: 7 W: 0 E: 99 AG: 106 • Allocation Rule:One per Heavy Digitized Division. • Assignment:Organic to an Corps Chemical Battalion. • Mission:To provide NBC decon and NBC reconnaissance. • Capabilities: • Provides thorough and operational equipment decon and special decontamination. Decon platoon is capable of processing 8 vehicles per hour. • Provides NBC recon, surveys, surveillance, sampling, and limit conventional recon.
SMK/DECON 6-0-133/139 CO HQS 2-0-29/31 SMK/DEC/PLT 1-0-26/27 HQ SEC 2-0-1214 MAINT SEC 0-0-17/17 PLT HQS 1-0-2/3 SMK/DEC SQD 0-010/10 SUP SQD 0-0-4/4 SMK/DEC SQD 0-010/10 0-0-9/9 0-0-8/8 SRC 03467L0 Chemical Co (Smk/Decon) (Corps/TA) COMPO 1 2 3 4 9 1 25 0 O: 6 W: 0 E: 133 AG: 139 • Allocation Rule:One per Division assigned to a Corps, six per Corps, • four per Theater Army (TA). • Assignment:To a Corps or TA Chemical Battalion. • Mission:To provide NBC decon and large area smoke to a division, corps, or theater army. • Capabilities: • Each platoon can operate one thorough or two operational decon sites. Each platoon is capable of processing 8 vehicles per hour. • Each platoon can provide a 1000 meter smk haze. • Platoons can only do one mission at a time. Mobility:Can transport 413,800 pounds (23,422 cubic feet). Has 92,242 pounds (6,782 cubic feet) of TOE Equip. to transport.
CHEMICAL BDE 17-1-43/61 COMMAND GRP 10-0-4/14 S-1 0-0-5/5 S-2 2-0-2/4 S-3 2-0-8/10 HHD HQs 1-0-17/18 S-4 2-1-6/9 UMT 0-0-1/1 COMPO 1 2 3 4 0 0 4 1 SRC 03472L0 HHD, Chemical Brigade O: 17 W: 1 E: 43 AG: 61 • Allocation Rule:1 per Corps. • Assignment:To a Corps. • Mission:To provide command, control, and coordination for 2-6 Chemical Battalions. • Capabilities: • Command and control 2-6 Chemical Battalions. Mobility:Can transport 44,831 pounds (2,947 cubic feet). Has 14,398 pounds (1,193 cubic feet) of TOE Equip. to transport.
CHEMICAL BN 10-2-25/47 COMMAND GRP 7-0-3/10 S-1 0-0-3/3 S-2/3 2-0-7/9 HHD HQs 1-1-5/17 S-4 0-1-6/7 UMT 0-0-1/1 MAINT SEC 0-1-6/7 HQ DET 1-0-4/5 COMMO 0-0-5/5 SRC 03476L1 HHD, Chemical Battalion COMPO 1 2 3 4 2 0 7 0 O: 10 W: 2 E: 25 AG: 47 • Allocation Rule:0.2 per Chemical Companies assigned to the Corps. • Assignment:To a Corps. • Mission:To provide command, control, and coordination for 2-5 Chemical Companies. • Capabilities: • Provide command and control for 2-5 Chemical Companies (Recon/Decon/Smoke/ Smk/Decon). Mobility:Can transport 50,331 pounds (3,339 cubic feet). Has 20,631 pounds (1,640 cubic feet) of TOE Equip. to transport.
CHEMICAL BN 12-2-41/55 COMMAND GRP 8-0-3/11 S-1 0-0-4/4 S-2/3 4-0-10/13 HHD HQs 1-1-17/19 S-4 0-1-6/7 UMT 0-0-1/1 MAINT SEC 0-1-6/7 HQ DET 1-0-5/6 COMMO 0-0-6/6 SRC 03476L2 HHD, Chemical Battalion (Enhanced) (TA) COMPO 1 2 3 4 1 0 1 0 O: 12 W: 2 E: 41 AG: 55 • Allocation Rule:0.2 per Chemical Companies assigned to a TAACOM. • Assignment:To a TAACOM. • Mission:To provide command, control, and coordination for 2-5 Chemical Companies. • Capabilities: • Provide command and control for 2-5 Chemical Companies (Recon/Decon/Smoke/ Smk/Decon). Mobility:Can transport 39,500 pounds (3,517 cubic feet). Has 20,005 pounds (1,591 cubic feet) of TOE Equip. to transport.
CM CO 7-0-172/179 CO HQS 2-0-27/29 BIDS PLT 1-0-29/30 HQ SEC 2-0-12/14 MAINT SEC 0-0-15/15 BIDS TM 0-0-4/4 PLT HQS 1-0-1/2 SRC 03477A0 Chemical Co (Biological Detection) COMPO 1 2 3 4 1 0 4 0 O: 7 W: 0 E: 172 AG: 179 • Allocation Rule:1 per Corps, and one per TA. • Assignment:To a Corps Chemical Brigade or TAACOM Chemical Bn. • Mission:To provide early warning, detection, location and identification of biological agents and/or biological warfare. • Capabilities: • Operate up to 35 point detection/ identification teams. • Provide long range stand-off biological detection. • Collects know or suspected biological agents. Mobility:Can transport 208,100 pounds (14,055 cubic feet). Has 74,356 pounds (5,188 cubic feet) of TOE Equip. to transport.
SRC 03579LA0 Chemical Team JA (NBC Element) COMPO 1 2 3 4 2 0 3 0 O: 1 W: 0 E: 4 AG: 5 • Allocation Rule:One per Sep Brigade; One per Unified Command (NEA); One per Corps; One per TA (SWA); One per Theater Defense Bde. • Assignment:To a Sep Brigade; To a Unified Command (NEA); To a per Corps; To a TA (SWA); To a Theater Defense Bde. • Mission:To provide NBC Warning and Reporting for 12 hour operations. • Capabilities: • Provides 12 hour shift for NBC Warning and Reporting operations.
SRC 03579LB0 Chemical Team JB (NBC Element) COMPO 1 2 3 4 1 0 18 0 O: 2 W: 0 E: 8 AG: 10 • Allocation Rule:One per Area Spt Grp; One per TAACOM; One per Special Forces Group. • Assignment:To a Area Spt Grp; To a TAACOM; To a Special Forces Group; To a Seperate Brigade. • Mission:To provide NBC Warning and Reporting for 24 hour operations. • Capabilities: • Provides 24 hour shift for NBC Warning and Reporting operations.
Chemical Battalion & NBC Doctrine Overview
Outline • Battalion Mission • Battalion Task Organization • Battlefield Geometry • Platoon Capabilities • Planning Considerations • Support Requirements • Issues • NBC Warning & Reporting System
Mission On order, 2d Chemical Battalion deploys to designated theater of operations and provides command and control over chemical units conducting NBC operations in support of US Forces. Approved 22 Jun 98
Task Organization 2 44 181 46 HHD Recon/Decon Co Mech Smoke Smoke/Decon Plus up to 3 Chemical Companies for Contingency Operations
HHD, 2d Chemical Battalion HHD 2 Det HQ Cmd Grp Maint Commo S1 S2/3 S4 UMT
44th Chemical Company (Enhanced Recon/Decon) 2 44 HQ MAINT MDS x 3 (Plt) M93 x 8 (Plt)
46th Chemical Company (Mechanized Smoke) 2 46 HQ MAINT M58 x 7 (Plt)
181st Chemical Company (Smoke/Decontamination) 181 2 HQ MAINT M56 x 6 (Plt) M17 x 6 (Plt)
Battlefield Geometry 5 ROK XXXXX 1CD BSA XXX 1CD 2 XX 2 X DSA 1 1CD XX XXX 52ID 1CD XX 52ID
NBC Reconnaissance • Missions: • Confirm/deny enemy use of chemical weapons • Collect samples: transport to collection site • Types of Reconnaissance • Zone (Forward of LD in maneuver box) • Area (Rear area, TAAs, FARPs) • Route (MSRs, routes of march)
Capabilities • 65 mph max speed • Range 500 miles • Nuclear/Chemical Detection within 5 min • FOX swims • M21 (passive infra-red technology) • 5 Km (NP Nerve & Blister) • Small arms, armor piercing proof glass windshield NBC Reconnaissance Platoon PL PSG RECON x 2 8 M93 FOX RECON
Capabilities • Turbosupercharged Mercedes-Benz 8 cyl engine • 65 mph max speed • Range 500 miles • Nuclear/Chemical Detection within 5 min • FOX swims water too deep to forge • Small arms, armor piercing proof glass windshield • M21 (passive infra-red tech.); detects out to 5 Km (NP Nerve & Blister) M93A1 Fox M21 RASCAL Force Modernization • M93A1 FOX Upgrade (FY 99) • M21 mounted on top • Mobile detection • Winch for self recovery
Smoke Missions • Obscuring - On enemy positions • Screening - Conceal friendly positions • Haze - Horizontal, < 50 meters • Blanket - Horizontal, 50-150 meters • Curtain - Vertical • Marking - ID targets/friendly forces • Protecting - Defeat LOS ATGM, Attenuate • directed energy weapons and thermal energy • SOURCES • Projected: Mortar, artillery, rocket • Generated: Generators, pots, grenades
Capabilities • Visual smoke obstruction • 120 gal fog oil per track • 2hr without refueling • 4 Km screening w/7 tracks M1059 Smoke Platoon PL 1 X M1059 PSG DVR SMOKE SMOKE FUEL x 2 2 x 5T TPU 1 x SSG 1 x SGT 2 x ENL 6 x M1059 2 x SSG 4 x SGT 8 x ENL Limitations • Can’t defeat thermal signatures • Current M1059 has difficulty in keeping pace with the M1 and M2
Capabilities • Smoke obstruction (Bispectral) • Visual Smoke • 120 gal fog oil per track • 2hr without refueling • IR Smoke ½ hours (.7 - 12um) • 4 Km screening with 7 tracks • Can defeat thermal/infra-red signatures • Has the ability to keep pace with the • M1 and M2 (M113A3 RISE Package) • (MAX Speed 41 MPH; Range 309 Miles) • Indirect fire capability (MK19) • Able to drive under conditions of total darkness and limited visibility • (smoke, dust, haze, fog, rain) AN/VAS-3 Driver Thermal Viewer • M8A3 Gas particulate filters M58 (Wolf) Smoke Platoon
Capabilities • Smoke obstruction (Bispectral) • Visual Smoke • 120 gal fog oil per truck • 2hr without refueling • IR Smoke ½ hours (.7 - 12um) • 4 Km screening with 7 trucks • Can defeat thermal/infra-red signatures M56 (Coyote) Smoke Platoon
Smoke Capabilities • M1059 Plt M56/58 Plt • VISUAL • Width: 0.5 to 1.1 km 0.5 to 1.5 km • Depth: 3 to 5 km 3 to 5 km • Refuel: 120 min 90+ minutes • Fog Oil: 1 gpm 0 to 1.33 gpm • IR • Refuel: None 30+ minutes • Graphite: None 1 to 10 lbs./min
Decontamination Missions • Decon as far forward as possible • Immediate (limits spread of contamination) • Skin decon (M291) • Personal equipment decon (M295) • Operator spraydown (M11/M13) • Operational (reduces duration of MOPP) • MOPP gear exchange • Vehicle washdown (M17) • Thorough (Chem unit assist, reduce/eliminate MOPP) • Detailed troop/equipment decon Fixed Facility Decon Terrain Decon
M12 Decontamination Platoon DECON x 3 DECON Capabilities • M12 Decon Apparatus: Volume 447 gal • Tank & Pump Unit: Volume 1200 gal • Holds 9000 gal in bladders on the ground • Transport 5000 gal in TPUs and M12s • Approximately 5 hrs per Mech Infantry/Armor Co (agent, weather, • & extent of contamination dependent) • 5000 gal water used for a Mech Infantry/Armor Company
M17 Decontamination Platoon (Sanator) DECON x 4 DECON Capabilities • M17 Decon Apparatus • Tank & Pump Unit: Volume 1200 gal • Holds 12,000 gal in bladders on the ground • Transport 5000 gal in TPUs • Approximately 5 hrs per Mech Infantry/Armor Co (agent, weather, • & extent of contamination dependent) • 5000 gal water used for a Mech Infantry/Armor Company
Decon PlatoonCapabilities • Operational Decon • M12 M17 • - 1 vehicle / 2 minutes - 1 vehicle / 4 minutes • up to 3 lanes up to 4 lanes • - 15 minutes turn around - 15 minute turn around • Thorough Decon • M12 M17 • - 1 vehicle / 2 minutes - 1 vehicle / 4 minutes • - 1 hour turn around - 1 hour turn around
Issues • Platoon vs Company • Logistical Resupply • prepositioned stocks • logistics attached
Planning Considerations • Command/Support Relationship • Assets Available/Task Organization • Commander’s Intent • Integration into Division Plans Team • Military Decision-Making Process (MDMP) • Intelligence Preparation of the • Battlefield (IPB) • Synchronization Matrix