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Dietary restrictions Some people can’t eat some foods.

Exploring dietary restrictions like lactose intolerance, Coeliac disease, and veganism, along with common food allergies and adaptations chefs can make for guests with dietary needs. Learn about key nutrients, ingredients, and menu adjustments for different dietary requirements.

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Dietary restrictions Some people can’t eat some foods.

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  1. Dietary restrictionsSome people can’t eat some foods.

  2. What’s intolerance? e.g. lactose intolerance When someone can’t eat a certain food because it makes them ill

  3. What’s lactose? a sugar found in milk and most milk products

  4. Which of these is O.K. for a person who is lactose intolerant? bacon bread rolls Pasta with vegetable sauce egg curry Fruit roulade with fresh cream orange juice pizza

  5. bacon bread rolls Pasta with vegetable sauce egg curry The person who is lactose intolerant cannot have the roulade or the pizza because of the cheese and the cream. orange juice

  6. Some people cannot eat food containing gluten • What’s the name for this condition? Coeliac disease

  7. What’s gluten? a protein found in wheat and rye

  8. Which of these is O.K. for a person who has Coeliac disease? bacon bread rolls Pasta with vegetable sauce egg curry Fruit roulade with fresh cream orange juice pizza

  9. bacon egg curry The person with Coeliac disease cannot have the pasta, the bread rolls, the roulade or the pizza because they all contain wheat flour. orange juice

  10. X A vegan will not eat or use any animal product X X X X X

  11. Which of these is O.K. for a vegan? bacon bread rolls Pasta with vegetable sauce egg curry Fruit roulade with fresh cream orange juice pizza

  12. bread rolls Pasta with vegetable sauce The vegan cannot have the bacon because it comes from a pig. They cannot have the egg curry because it comes from a chicken. The roulade contains cream and the pizza contains cheese. These are dairy products and come from a cow. orange juice

  13. Some people have allergies. That means they cannot eat some foods because their body thinks they are under attack when they eat that food and has an immune response that is dangerous and can kill. One typical reaction is swelling. The foods that cause allergies are called allergens. The 14 most common allergens appear in bold type in the ingredients list on packaging. Many other foods can also cause allergies. People with allergies to nuts and seeds must beware of cooking oils as most of them are pressed from nuts and seeds. Foods likely to cause allergies should be stored separately from other foods if customers are likely to have food allergies.

  14. 2011 winter

  15. A person with anaemia … A coeliac … A lacto-vegetarian …

  16. A person with anaemia …lacks iron A coeliac … cannot eat wheat products A lacto-vegetarian … does not eat meat or fish

  17. 6d: • How can chefs adapt their menus • to provide healthy options? [6]

  18. 6d: • Reduce the use of salt by seasoning with • herbs and spices instead. • Battered deep fried white fish could be replaced • with oven baked breaded fish to reduce • the fat content. Meat should be trimmed of its fat. • Boiled new potatoes or potato baked in its skin • or potato wedges instead of, or • offered as an alternative to, chips. • Desserts based around fruit • (e.g. an ice cream sundae with fresh raspberry • coulis and sliced peaches)

  19. State 2 nutrients found in bread. [2]

  20. Vitamin B carbohydrate

  21. (b) Also during the morning, the client rings to say that a guest is lactose intolerant. Explain the changes Winston would have to make for this guest. [4]

  22. When somebody is lactose intolerant they cannot digest lactose (milk sugar) so any dairy products could be a problem. The starter does not contain any dairy products so that is O.K. The main course is a problem and would have to be changed. The creamy leek sauce could be changed to a tomato sauce. All the vegetables must be available without butter. The profiteroles are stuffed with ice cream. They will have to be served plain or stuffed with quark or some other non-dairy alternative. The oat biscuits are probably O.K. unless they are made with butter but they would have to be served without the cheese or with lactose-free cheese.

  23. 2011 summer

  24. 5. (a) Study the following recipe for Quiche Lorraine. Complete the table to show how the recipe could be adapted (i) for a vegetarian, (ii) to meet healthy eating guidelines. [6] Substitute wholemeal flour for the plain flour Substitute vegetarian white fat for the lard. • Use mushrooms instead of bacon • Trim the fat off the bacon. • Use peppers and tomato instead of bacon. • Use milk instead of cream.

  25. 2012 winter

  26. should avoid wheat products

  27. does not eat ANY animal products

  28. cannot eat dairy products

  29. Is this a question to find out… What you know about catering for patients with food allergies? OR What you know about preparing a presentation for an interview? It’s the first one!

  30. Common allergens

  31. Frances should define “food allergy”. It is an extreme response of the body’s immune system to a particular food. She should show pictures of people suffering allergic reactions with swollen lips or eyes, rashes, diarrhoea and vomiting. Frances must stress the seriousness of food allergy. It can lead to death especially when the person suffers an anaphylactic shock with swelling, pain and a drop in blood pressure. Sometimes their throat swells so badly that they cannot breathe. Food handlers must read food labels and be aware that many oils are made from nuts or sesame seeds. Frances should show her knowledge of the current labelling guidelines introduced in December 2014. When staff accept deliveries of packaged food the ingredients list will show the 14 most common allergens in bold type or underlined: celery, nuts, peanuts, milk, eggs, sulphur dioxide, molluscs, crustaceans, fish, lupin, soya, sesame, mustard and gluten. Allergic reactions can occur with many other foods too, including fruits like strawberry. Foods likely to cause allergic reactions must be stored and prepared separately from other foods to avoid contaminating them. The hospital kitchen must have a completely fool-proof system of identifying patients with food allergies as soon as they are admitted and communicating the information to all food handlers. Before meals leave the kitchen they should be labelled to indicate their suitability for patients with allergies.

  32. 2014 summer

  33. [3] • Religious beliefs • Moral beliefs – cruel to kill animals • Do not like the flavour, texture of meat • Growing crops can feed many more people than • using the land to graze animals • Food scares – BSE, food poisoning, E. coli • Family influence/habits • Peer pressure

  34. [2]

  35. A vegan will not eat or use any animal product X (2) X X X X X

  36. A lacto-vegetarian will not eat or use any animal product except milk and dairy products (2) X X X yes X X

  37. What would a vegan say if you offered these? What about a lacto-vegetarian? cream Cow’s milk Curd cheese yoghurt butter Swiss cheese Soft cheese

  38. [4] Vegetarians do not eat meat or fish. To get protein they eat dairy products, eggs and nuts, all of which are high in fat. The fats in egg and dairy are saturated fats. Eating a lot of saturated fat is believed to lead to heart disease. Vegetarians may use ready meals and takeaways a lot and these may contain hidden fats. This is really unfair!

  39. This question is about the vegetarian restaurant mentioned at the beginning of question 8.

  40. Paragraph 1: protein Protein is needed for the growth and repair of the body’s cells. For vegetarians the best sources of protein are eggs, dairy products, peas, beans and lentils and nuts. On the menu they could include nut roasts with brown rice, vegetable omelettes and lentil curry with chapatti. Paragraph 2: iron Iron is needed for the formation of red blood cells. For vegetarians the best sources are dark green leafy vegetables, dried fruit and chocolate. On the menu they could include stuffed cabbage, fruit loaf and chocolate cake. Paragraph 3: vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 is needed for the release of energy. For vegetarians the best sources are eggs, dairy products and marmite. On the menu they could include marmity roast potatoes and Spanish omelette.

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