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Witness – Mercy - Life Together

At Trinity Lutheran Church, we bear witness, show mercy, and live together within our community by inviting others to worship, study, and serve. We make disciples through baptism and teaching, following Christ's example of love and fellowship.

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Witness – Mercy - Life Together

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  1. Witness –Mercy -Life Together At Trinity Lutheran Darmstadt

  2. Witness - Mercy - Life Together At Trinity Lutheran Church, We Bear Witness, Show Mercy, and Live Together Within Our Community by . . . Inviting Others to Worship, Bible Study, Sunday School, and the Adult Information Class. Praying that God Would Use Us to Bring Others into His Kingdom. We are prepared to give the reason for the hope that dwells within us. We Make Disciples of Jesus Christ by Baptizing and Teaching. Christ Risen and Ascended Bears Witness, Shows Mercy, and Lives Together With Us Through His Word and Sacraments. LIFE IN THE COMMUNITY LIFE IN THE CHURCH Christ Incarnate Bears Witness, Shows Mercy, Lives Together With Mankind During His Earthly Ministry. Christ Crucified WORSHIP Hosting Outreach Events for Our Community. Doing Service Projects in Our Community. CHRIST We Hear His Testimony, Receive His Mercy, and Enjoy Life Together with Him during Worship. We Pray “Thy Kingdom Come.” We Bear Witness of Jesus Christ to One Another in Bible Study, Show Mercy to One Another Through Works of Service, and Enjoy Life Together in Fellowship Events. Inviting Others to Interest Groups Serving in Our Individual Vocations United by the Holy Spirit, Trinity Lutheran Church Joyfully Proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Serves All People with Christian Love.

  3. Witness –Mercy -Life TogetherChrist Present in His Earthly Ministry Christ Crucified Christ Incarnate

  4. Witness by Christ In the Synagogue In the Temple

  5. Witness by Christ In the Community

  6. Mercy by Christ

  7. Life Together with Christ

  8. Vision Statement (Part 1) God the Father sent his Son into our world, and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ became flesh and walked among us. During his earthly ministry, Jesus bore witness of the true God and his salvation, performed acts of mercy, and lived together with mankind. Jesus testified of his Father and bore witness to himself as Savior of the world as he taught and preached in the Temple and synagogues. But beside the context of Jewish houses of worship, Jesus taught and preached in the villages and countryside of both Jews and Gentiles.

  9. Christ’s witness also took place in the context of acts of mercy. Jesus bore witness to himself when he healed the sick, fed the hungry, and forgave troubled sinners. He also gave testimony of his salvation while he lived together with humanity. Jesus walked with his disciples, celebrated at weddings, ate with sinners, and stayed in the homes of friends and Pharisees. The witness of Jesus Christ took place among God’s people in the worship setting but also in the context of acts of mercy and life together with believers and unbelievers in the surrounding community.

  10. Witness –Mercy -Life TogetherChrist Risen and Ascended Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them . . . and teaching them

  11. Witness - Mercy - Life Together At Trinity Lutheran Church, We Bear Witness, Show Mercy, and Live Together Within Our Community by . . . Inviting Others to Worship, Bible Study, Sunday School, and the Adult Information Class. Praying that God Would Use Us to Bring Others into His Kingdom. We are prepared to give the reason for the hope that dwells within us. We Make Disciples of Jesus Christ by Baptizing and Teaching. Christ Risen and Ascended Bears Witness, Shows Mercy, and Lives Together With Us Through His Word and Sacraments. LIFE IN THE COMMUNITY LIFE IN THE CHURCH Christ Incarnate Bears Witness, Shows Mercy, Lives Together With Mankind During His Earthly Ministry. Christ Crucified WORSHIP Hosting Outreach Events for Our Community. Doing Service Projects in Our Community. CHRIST We Hear His Testimony, Receive His Mercy, and Enjoy Life Together with Him during Worship. We Pray “Thy Kingdom Come.” We Bear Witness of Jesus Christ to One Another in Bible Study, Show Mercy to One Another Through Works of Service, and Enjoy Life Together in Fellowship Events. Inviting Others to Interest Groups Serving in Our Individual Vocations United by the Holy Spirit, Trinity Lutheran Church Joyfully Proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Serves All People with Christian Love.

  12. Witness –Mercy -Life TogetherChrist Present in Worship

  13. Christ Witnesses in Worship Through His Read and Preached Word

  14. Christ HasMercy in Worship Forgiving Our Sins in Baptism, Absolution, and Holy Communion

  15. Life Togetherwith Christ in Worship Christ Gives Us New Life in Baptism and Communes with Us in the Lord’s Supper. We Worship Him Together and Pray “Thy Kingdom Come.”

  16. Vision Statement (Part 2) Our risen and ascended Lord is now present among us wherever two or three gather in his name. In our worship service, Jesus witnesses, shows mercy, and lives together with us through his Word and Sacraments. Jesus gives witness of the Triune God and his salvation in his spoken and preached Word. Christ our Lord has mercy upon us, forgiving our sins. Jesus shares life together with us when he gives us new life in baptism and offers us his own body and blood in the intimate fellowship of the Lord’s Supper. We hear his testimony, receive his mercy, and enjoy life together with him. Together we respond with hymns and prayers which give witness to him and request his mercy for ourselves and one another.

  17. Witness - Mercy - Life Together At Trinity Lutheran Church, We Bear Witness, Show Mercy, and Live Together Within Our Community by . . . Inviting Others to Worship, Bible Study, Sunday School, and the Adult Information Class. Praying that God Would Use Us to Bring Others into His Kingdom. We are prepared to give the reason for the hope that dwells within us. We Make Disciples of Jesus Christ by Baptizing and Teaching. Christ Risen and Ascended Bears Witness, Shows Mercy, and Lives Together With Us Through His Word and Sacraments. LIFE IN THE COMMUNITY LIFE IN THE CHURCH Christ Incarnate Bears Witness, Shows Mercy, Lives Together With Mankind During His Earthly Ministry. Christ Crucified WORSHIP Hosting Outreach Events for Our Community. Doing Service Projects in Our Community. CHRIST We Hear His Testimony, Receive His Mercy, and Enjoy Life Together with Him during Worship. We Pray “Thy Kingdom Come.” We Bear Witness of Jesus Christ to One Another in Bible Study, Show Mercy to One Another Through Works of Service, and Enjoy Life Together in Fellowship Events. Inviting Others to Interest Groups Serving in Our Individual Vocations United by the Holy Spirit, Trinity Lutheran Church Joyfully Proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Serves All People with Christian Love.

  18. Witness –Mercy -Life Togetherwithin the Church

  19. Witness within the Church We are prepared to give the reason for the hope that dwells within us in Sunday School and Bible Class. We make disciples of Jesus Christ by teaching.

  20. Acts ofMercy within the Church We visit the sick and shut in. We show acts of mercy and kindness to one another.

  21. Life Together within the Church

  22. Vision Statement (Part 3) Outside of the worship service, our congregation continues to give witness of Jesus Christ in Bible class, Sunday school, Bible studies, and home devotions. We show mercy to our members with gifts of charity, works of service, and visits to the sick and shut-in. We enjoy life together in fellowship events and dinners, in family and youth activities, and in the hospitality of our homes.

  23. Witness - Mercy - Life Together At Trinity Lutheran Church, We Bear Witness, Show Mercy, and Live Together Within Our Community by . . . Inviting Others to Worship, Bible Study, Sunday School, and the Adult Information Class. Praying that God Would Use Us to Bring Others into His Kingdom. We are prepared to give the reason for the hope that dwells within us. We Make Disciples of Jesus Christ by Baptizing and Teaching. Christ Risen and Ascended Bears Witness, Shows Mercy, and Lives Together With Us Through His Word and Sacraments. LIFE IN THE COMMUNITY LIFE IN THE CHURCH Christ Incarnate Bears Witness, Shows Mercy, Lives Together With Mankind During His Earthly Ministry. Christ Crucified WORSHIP Hosting Outreach Events for Our Community. Doing Service Projects in Our Community. CHRIST We Hear His Testimony, Receive His Mercy, and Enjoy Life Together with Him during Worship. We Pray “Thy Kingdom Come.” We Bear Witness of Jesus Christ to One Another in Bible Study, Show Mercy to One Another Through Works of Service, and Enjoy Life Together in Fellowship Events. Inviting Others to Interest Groups Serving in Our Individual Vocations United by the Holy Spirit, Trinity Lutheran Church Joyfully Proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Serves All People with Christian Love.

  24. Witness –Mercy -Life Togetherin the Community

  25. Witness in the Community Prayer Walking Inviting We pray that God would use us to bring others in our community into his Kingdom of Grace. We invite others to Worship, Bible Study, Sunday School, and the Adult Information Class.

  26. Acts ofMercy in the Community Through Service Projects

  27. Life Together in the Community Through Outreach Events

  28. Life Together in the Community Through Interest Groups

  29. Witness –Mercy -Life Togetherin the Community Through Our Individual Vocations

  30. Vision Statement (Part 4) But Christ commanded that we make disciples of all nations by baptizing and teaching. So we also carry this witness, mercy, and life together to the lost in our community. We pray that God’s kingdom would come to them and that God would use us to expand his kingdom of grace. We invite others to come to worship, Bible Study and Sunday School, and the Adult Information Class. The members of our congregation are prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks us to give the reason for the hope that dwells within us. With gentleness and respect, we give witness of God’s salvation in Jesus Christ.

  31. This witness often takes place in the context of acts of mercy and life together as we serve others in our individual vocations. But our church as one body also makes intentional efforts to give witness of Jesus Christ through acts of mercy and life together with the surrounding community. Our witness is visible through service projects which show mercy to others. We also invite others into our life together through community events at our church and smaller interest groups within our church and homes. As we share together our interests in life, we also share together our interest in salvation by Jesus Christ. Witness! – Mercy! - Life Together!

  32. Witness - Mercy - Life Together At Trinity Lutheran Church, We Bear Witness, Show Mercy, and Live Together Within Our Community by . . . Inviting Others to Worship, Bible Study, Sunday School, and the Adult Information Class. Praying that God Would Use Us to Bring Others into His Kingdom. We are prepared to give the reason for the hope that dwells within us. We Make Disciples of Jesus Christ by Baptizing and Teaching. Christ Risen and Ascended Bears Witness, Shows Mercy, and Lives Together With Us Through His Word and Sacraments. LIFE IN THE COMMUNITY LIFE IN THE CHURCH Christ Incarnate Bears Witness, Shows Mercy, Lives Together With Mankind During His Earthly Ministry. Christ Crucified WORSHIP Hosting Outreach Events for Our Community. Doing Service Projects in Our Community. CHRIST We Hear His Testimony, Receive His Mercy, and Enjoy Life Together with Him during Worship. We Pray “Thy Kingdom Come.” We Bear Witness of Jesus Christ to One Another in Bible Study, Show Mercy to One Another Through Works of Service, and Enjoy Life Together in Fellowship Events. Inviting Others to Interest Groups Serving in Our Individual Vocations United by the Holy Spirit, Trinity Lutheran Church Joyfully Proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Serves All People with Christian Love.

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