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Education. Govt can increase productivity by promoting education–investment in human capital ( H ). public schools, subsidized loans for college Education has significant effects: In the U.S., each year of schooling raises a worker’s wage by 10%.
Education • Govt can increase productivity by promoting education–investment in human capital (H). • public schools, subsidized loans for college • Education has significant effects: In the U.S., each year of schooling raises a worker’s wage by 10%. • But investing in H also involves a tradeoff between the present & future: Spending a year in school requires sacrificing a year’s wages now to have higher wages later. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Health and Nutrition • Health care expenditure is a type of investment in human capital – healthier workers are more productive. • In countries with significant malnourishment, raising workers’ caloric intake raises productivity: • Over 1962-95, caloric consumption rose 44% in S. Korea, and economic growth was spectacular. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
caloric consumption CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Nobel winner Robert Fogel • 30% of Great Britain’s growth from 1790-1980 was due to improved nutrition. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Property Rights and Political Stability • Recall: Markets are usually a good way to organize economic activity. The price system allocates resources to their most efficient uses. • This requires respect for property rights, the ability of people to exercise authority over the resources they own. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Property Rights and Political Stability • In many poor countries, the justice system doesn’t work very well: • contracts aren’t always enforced • fraud, corruption often go unpunished • in some, firms must bribe govt officials for permits • Political instability (e.g., frequent coups) creates uncertainty over whether property rights will be protected in the future. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Property Rights and Political Stability • When people fear their capital may be stolen by criminals or confiscated by a corrupt govt, there is less investment, including from abroad, and the economy functions less efficiently. Result: lower living standards. • Economic stability, efficiency, and healthy growth require law enforcement, effective courts, a stable constitution, and honest govt officials. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Free Trade • Inward-oriented policies(e.g., tariffs, limits on investment from abroad) aim to raise living standards by avoiding interaction with other countries. • Outward-oriented policies (e.g., the elimination of restrictions on trade or foreign investment) promote integration with the world economy. • The World Trade Organization is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Free Trade • Recall: Trade can make everyone better off. • Trade has similar effects as discovering new technologies – it improves productivity and living standards. • Countries with inward-oriented policies have generally failed to create growth. • e.g., Argentina during the 20th century. • Countries with outward-oriented policies have often succeeded. • e.g., South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan after 1960. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Now, the key “ I am looking for a lot of men who have infinite capacity to not know what can't be done.” -- Henry Ford CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Research and Development • Technological progress is the main reason why living standards rise over the long run. • One reason is that knowledge is a public good: Ideas can be shared freely, increasing the productivity of many. • Policies to promote tech. progress: • patent laws • tax incentives or direct support for private sector R&D • grants for basic research at universities CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Population Growth …may affect living standards in 3 different ways: 1. Stretching natural resources • 200 years ago, Malthus argued that pop. growth would strain society’s ability to provide for itself. • Since then, the world population has increased sixfold. If Malthus was right, living standards would have fallen. Instead, they’ve risen. • Malthus failed to account for technological progress and productivity growth. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Population Growth 2. Diluting the capital stock • more population = higher L = lower K/L = lower productivity & living standards. • This applies to H as well as K: fast pop. growth = more children = greater strain on educational system. • Countries with fast pop. growth tend to have lower educational attainment. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Population Growth To combat this, many developing countries use policy to control population growth. • China’s one child per family laws • contraception education & availability • promote female literacy to raise opportunity cost of having babies 2. Diluting the capital stock CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Population Growth 3. Promoting tech. progress • More people = more scientists, inventors, engineers = more frequent discoveries = faster tech. progress & economic growth • Over the course of human history, • growth rates increased as the world’s population increased • more populated regions grew faster than less populated ones CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
ACTIVE LEARNING 2: Productivity • List the determinants of productivity. • List three policies that attempt to raise living standards by increasing one of the determinants of productivity. 16
ACTIVE LEARNING 2: Answers Determinants of productivity:physical capital per worker (K/L) human capital per worker (H/L) natural resources per worker (N/L) technological knowledge (A) Policies to boost productivity: • Encourage saving and investment, to raise K/L • Encourage investment from abroad, to raise K/L • Provide public education, to raise H/L 17
ACTIVE LEARNING 2: Answers Determinants of productivity:physical capital per worker (K/L) human capital per worker (H/L) natural resources per worker (N/L) technological knowledge (A) Policies to boost productivity: • Patent laws or grants, to increase A • Control population growth, to increase K/L 18
Are Natural Resources a Limit to Growth? • Some argue that population growth is depleting the Earth’s non-renewable resources, and thus will limit growth in living standards. • But technological progress often yields ways to avoid these limits: • Hybrid cars use less gas. • Better insulation in homes reduces the energy required to heat or cool them. • As a resource becomes scarcer, its market price rises, which increases the incentive to conserve it and develop alternatives. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
CONCLUSION • In the long run, living standards are determined by productivity. • Policies that affect the determinants of productivity will therefore affect the next generation’s living standards. • One of these determinants is saving and investment. • In the next chapter, we will learn how saving and investment are determined, and how policies can affect them. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
We have… • Realized that capital accumulation is one of the driving forces for growth. Now… • We explore the ECONOMICS of capital accumulation. • Why would firms purchase capital? • Where does the capital come? CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
P R I N C I P L E S O F FOURTH EDITION Saving, Investment, and the Financial System 26
In this chapter, look for the answers to these questions: • What are the main types of financial institutions in the U.S. economy, and what is their function? • What are the three kinds of saving? • What’s the difference between saving and investment? • How does the financial system coordinate saving and investment? • How do govt policies affect saving, investment, and the interest rate? CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Robinson-Crusoe Economy Again… CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Saving of Robinson • Robinson lives alone; • He makes a living by fishing; • Notice that Robinson is the producer AND the consumer; or, in another word, he is the firm AND the household. • Suppose fish is storable. Robinson can either eat all the fish he catches, or eat part of it and store the rest – Robinson Saves! • Why would he save? Notice that Robinson has to eat some fish everyday to keep himself alive. • He knows he may get sick one day; (save for unemployment) • He may need a break the next day; (save for vacation) • He plans to make fishnets the next day to catch more fishes in the future – Robinson invests! (save for investment). CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Now, make it more real… • Fish can be storable, but not for ever. • In the real world, capital depreciates. • If we make the extreme assumption that fish is non-storable, can Robinson save? CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Yes, he can; but not alone • Suppose there are two Robinsons. Robinson 1 Robinson 2 CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Two Robinsons can make arrangement • Robinson 1 gets sick one day and cannot catch fish. • Robinson 2 helps him out by sharing fish with him • But Robinson 1 makes the promise that he will return the fish back once he recovers and fishes again. • In this case, Robinson 1 is the borrower and Robinson 2 is the saver. • The income of the saver goes to the borrower. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Two Robinsons can make another arrangement… • Robinson 1 wants to spend a day making fishnets to catch more fish in the future; • Robinson 2 helps Robinson 1 by sharing fish with him; Robinson 1 promises that he will give the fish back. • In this case, Robinson 2 is still the saver, but Robinson 1 is the investor. • The investment is financed by saving! CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
When there are only two Robinsons • They talk and make arrangement; When there are millions of people as in the real world… • Things take place through MARKET; • In this case, firms’ investment are financed by households’ saving through FINANCIAL MARKETS or FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES – together they constitute financial system CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Financial Institutions • The financial system: the group of institutions that helps match the saving of one person with the investment of another. • Direct interaction – Financial Markets (bonds market, stock market) • Indirect interaction – Financial Intermediaries. (banks, mutual funds) CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Direct interaction between savors and borrowers • Financial markets: institutions through which savers can directly provide funds to borrowers. Examples: • The Bond Market. A bond is a certificate of indebtedness. • The Stock Market. A stock is a claim to partial ownership in a firm. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
A BOND • Date of maturity: the time when the loan will be paid; • Rate of interest that will be paid periodically until the loan matures. • Bonds are risky! CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
The Stock Market • Partial ownership by funding the purchase of capital; • Declares share of the corporate profits; • Stocks are riskier than bonds, why? • Bond represents a firm’s obligation to pay the money back. • Investors take the risks themselves by purchasing the partial ownership. • Before a firm goes bankrupt, its remaining assets are used first to pay off the debts. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Stock Exchange • Once stocks are issued, they change owners via the stock exchange market. • NY Stock Exchange • American Stock Exchange • NASDAQ • Stock price of a firm depends on • The firms’ profitability • People’s perception for the firms’ future. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
1929 Crash of the NY Stock Exchange during the Great Depression CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
NASDAQ: the world’s biggest electronic stock exchange system CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Stock Price Indexes • Just like GDP deflator is the average price for all goods and services produced in the US; • Stock price indexes is the average price of different companies’ stock prices. • Depending on which companies’ stock price is included, we have: • Dow Jones Industrial Average: 30 major US companies such as GM, AT&T… • Standard&Poor’s 500 Index: 500 major companies. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Financial Institutions • Financial intermediaries: institutions through which savers can indirectly provide funds to borrowers. Examples: • Banks that take deposits from the households and make loans to firms. • Mutual funds – institutions pool savings from the public that is invested and managed on their behalf by professional money managers. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Different Kinds of Saving Private saving = The portion of households’ income that is not used for consumption or paying taxes = Y – T – C Public saving = Tax revenue less government spending = T – G CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
National Saving National saving = private saving + public saving = (Y – T – C) + (T – G) =Y – C – G = the portion of national income that is not used for consumption or government purchases CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
national saving Saving and Investment Recall the national income accounting identity: Y = C + I + G + NX (-5.8%) For the rest of this chapter, focus on the closed economy case: Y = C + I + G Solve for I: = (Y – T – C) + (T – G) I = Y – C – G Saving = investment in a closed economy CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
Budget Deficits and Surpluses Budget surplus = an excess of tax revenue over govt spending = T – G = public saving Budget deficit = a shortfall of tax revenue from govt spending = G – T = – (public saving) CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH
ACTIVE LEARNING 1: Exercise • Suppose GDP equals $10 trillion, consumption equals $6.5 trillion, the government spends $2 trillion and has a budget deficit of $300 billion. • Find public saving, taxes, private saving, national saving, and investment. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH 47
ACTIVE LEARNING 1: Answers Given: Y = 10.0, C = 6.5, G = 2.0, G – T = 0.3 Public saving = T – G = – 0.3 Taxes: T = G – 0.3 = 1.7 Private saving = Y – T – C= 10 – 1.7 – 6.5 = 1.8 National saving = Y – C – G = 10 – 6.5 = 2 = 1.5 Investment = national saving = 1.5 CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH 48
ACTIVE LEARNING 1B: Exercise • Now suppose the government cuts taxes by $200 billion. • In each of the following two scenarios, determine what happens to public saving, private saving, national saving, and investment. 1. Consumers save the full proceeds of the tax cut. 2. Consumers save 1/4 of the tax cut and spend the other 3/4. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH 49
ACTIVE LEARNING 1B: Answers In both scenarios, public saving falls by $200 billion, and the budget deficit rises from $300 billion to $500 billion. 1.If consumers save the full $200 billion, national saving is unchanged, so investment is unchanged. 2.If consumers save $50 billion and spend $150 billion, then national saving and investment each fall by $150 billion. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH 50
ACTIVE LEARNING 1C: Discussion questions • Which of these two scenarios do you think is the most realistic? • Why is this question important? • The two scenarios are: • 1. Consumers save the full proceeds of the tax cut. • 2. Consumers save 1/4 of the tax cut and spend the other 3/4. CHAPTER 25 PRODUCTION AND GROWTH 51