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Association of Canadian Community Colleges The National and International Voice of Canada’s Colleges and Institutes. ACCC Experience in Tra Vinh: The Development of Tra Vinh Community College and the Present Tra Vinh University. Association of Canadian Community Colleges
Association of Canadian Community Colleges The National and International Voice of Canada’s Colleges and Institutes ACCC Experience in Tra Vinh: The Development of Tra Vinh Community College and the Present Tra Vinh University
Association of Canadian Community Colleges The National and International Voice of Canada’s Colleges and Institutes Presentation Outline:● ACCC: mission and mandate● Vietnam-Canada Community College Project (VCCCP)● Key milestones of VCCCP● Lessons learned● Major gains of TVCC towards becoming the Tra Vinh University
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ACCC Mission • To provide leadership in supporting member institutions in their provision of life-long learning opportunities which promote individual development and that of society and the economy.
ACCC is mandated to: • Act as an advocate for member institutions, including policy advice to government in the area of human resources development and in areas which impact on life-long learning; • Encourage partnerships among institutions, other agencies andorganizations; • Provide a forum in which memberinstitutions share insight and experience and also learn from each other; and, • Market the capabilities and capacity of member institutions to meet the education and training needs of Canada and other countries.
The Secretariat • The Association’s secretariat is located in Ottawa. It operates with a staff complement of 62 professionals, as well as eight (8) employees on assignment in Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Mozambique, Philippines, Senegal, and Tanzania. • The Secretariat provides services to the Association’s membership through four divisions: Canadian partnerships, international partnerships, government relations and corporate services.
VCCCP/TVCC Objectives Vietnam – Canada Community College Project (VCCC), a $4.7M CIDA funded project, Feb 2001 –Mar 2006. VCCC established Tra Vinh Community College (TVCC) in order to: • Support the development of a skilled community and industry-sensitive workforce in the Province of Tra Vinh and the Mekong Delta region • Contribute to poverty reduction by increasing access to technical and vocational education and training to the disadvantaged groups, such as the Khmer people • Assist in the development of the private sector of Tra Vinh by providing appropriately trained workers
VCCCP Partners Country Partners: • Tra Vinh People’s Committee (TVPC) • Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) • Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA) • Can Tho University Canadian Executing Agency (CEA): • Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) Consortium of Canadian Colleges and Technical Institutes (CCTI): • Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology (SIAST) • Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University • Institut de technologie agro-alimentaire de St. Hyacinthe • Malaspina University College (now Vancouver Island University)
VCCCP Value • CIDA Contribution: $4.7 million • Local Partner Contribution: $2.7 million • CEA and CCTI: $0.65 million
Project Activities and Outcomes A. Establishment and Strengthening of TVCC Structures • College Advisory Councils • Program Advisory Committees • Student Services System • Management Information System B. Promotion of Institutional Partnerships on Leadership and Management Development • Asian Institute of Technology Center of Vietnam (AITCV) • Vietnamese universities • Canadian community colleges
Project Activities and Outcomes C. Establishment of Satellite Outreach Centers in Unserviced Areas • Cau Que District • Tieu Can District • Cau Ngang District • Duyen Hai District D. Institutional Capacity in Academic Program Development • Agriculture • Aquaculture • Post-Harvest Technology • Office Administration • Information Technology
Project Activities and Outcomes E. Institutional capacity in teacher training F. Institutional capacity in strategic planning G. Establishment of gender and minorities strategy H. Creation of the Vietnam Association of Community Colleges I. Enhancement of TVCC strategic and leadership roles
How Tra Vinh Community College Has Grown • Number of Students: 12,689 (2009-2010), starting from 1,179 in 2001-2002 • Number of Teachers: 367 (2009), from 31 in 2001 • Number of administrative staff: 63 (2009), from 26 in 2001 • Number of courses: 18 (2009), from 4 in 2001 • Eight (8) training programs with articulation from vocational to college Information Technology Electricity Electronics Post-Harvest Technology Construction Mechanics Rural development Aquaculture
Lessons Learned A. Project Management • Need to simplify project management systems based on teamwork • Need for better communication links in project planning, implementation, and reporting B. North and South Collaboration • Language barrier • Differences in project management philosophy and processes • Differences in procurement and administrative practices
Lessons Learned C. Program Development • Building the experience in curriculum development processes needs to engage the private sector to define labor market needs • Need to have industrial experience and the appropriate mastery in the subject content to develop relevant training programs for improved teaching and learning processes D. Community Partnership • Need to undertake social marketing to the parents, students, employers, communities in general on the economic significance of technical and vocational education programs as an occupational pathway • Need to mobilize and organize community participation in curriculum planning and development to enable the graduates to discover economic opportunities
Lessons Learned E. Teacher Training • Need to have an organized and holistic approach in teacher training for young graduates aspiring to be teachers, such as the integration of teaching methods, subject content mastery and technical skills • Need to have a balance in theory and practice in teacher training and engage the private sector to gain industrial experience • Need to depart from a nationally directed curriculum to a community-based approach F. Institution Building • Need to commit local resources for the sustainability of the gains after the completion of the Canadian technical assistance • Need to realize the need to take over from the Canadian consultants in propagating the gains beyond the life of VCCCP
Major Gains of TVCC Towards Becoming the Tra Vinh University • Strong demand-driven curriculum development capacity to meet emerging occupational skills needs • Increasing community demand for higher education because of TVCC success in skills development • Need to diversify education and training efforts due to a vibrant regional economic growth requiring a range of skilled workers and professionals • Strong ownership by the Tra Vinh People’s Committee on the economic future of Tra Vinh and the Mekong Delta region in general, especially in the context of Vietnam’s membership in WTO and increasing inflow of foreign investments