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Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, IUPUI

Agenda. Meeting ConvenedIntroduction of New MembersOutcomes of Joint Board of Advisors RetreatGuest SpeakerDean's ReportRecognition of Service2007 InitiativesSubcommittee MeetingsSubcommittee ReportsWrap-Up. Introduction of New Members. Dennis SponselPresidentRJE Interiors Mike YoungVi

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Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, IUPUI

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    1. Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, IUPUI Dean’s Industrial Advisory Council December 7, 2006

    2. Agenda Meeting Convened Introduction of New Members Outcomes of Joint Board of Advisors Retreat Guest Speaker Dean’s Report Recognition of Service 2007 Initiatives Subcommittee Meetings Subcommittee Reports Wrap-Up

    3. Introduction of New Members Dennis Sponsel President RJE Interiors Mike Young Vice President and Chief Intellectual Property Counsel Roche

    4. Outcomes of Joint Board of Advisor’s Retreat 59 Industry Representatives 43 University Representatives (including students) 27 poster presentations 22 engineering 5 technology Poster session continues to be well received 91% completing survey agreed that it helps them understand more about the School’s capability and enjoyed the opportunity to meet students and faculty Speakers All speakers received extremely well Participants liked thematic approach Student presentations should be continued

    5. Guest Speaker Vic Lechtenberg, Vice Provost for Engagement, Purdue University

    6. Dean’s Report

    7. IUPUI News New Carnegie classification of Community Engagement President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll Award (Elon University- NC and California State at Monterey Bay) $40M grant from Lilly Endowment to IU Center of Philanthropy $50M grant from Melvin and Bren Simon for IU Cancer Center Strategic Partnership with Moi University, Kenya Smoke-free campus

    8. School News BS degree in Biomedical Engineering Technology was approved by ICHE Computer Technology Applications and Motorsports Engineering Technology Certificates were approved by campus IUPUI signed MOU with Panther Racing The new Career Services System, Engineering and Technology Careers, www.engrtechcareers.com was installed

    9. School News (cont’d) Office of Career Services for the School Summer programs MEAP Techcamp Bridge Program Young Scholars Lego Robot class Computer Graphics Technology/Sports Center Design and Discovery/Sports Center Power camp/Rolls Royce Go Green Program (Germany) Math Program (Washington Township) International internships

    10. School News (cont’d) New program initiatives Motorsports BA from Indiana University BS from Purdue University Collaboration with the Schools of Business, Liberal Arts, and Physical Education and Tourism management MS in Technology with emphasis on “facilities management”

    11. School News (cont’d) AS program in Architectural Technology and BS programs in Computer Engineering Technology, Construction Technology, Electrical Engineering Technology, and Mechanical Engineering Technology were visited by ABET team on October 2-3, 2006 IUPUI Review of all technology departments/programs took place on November 28-29, 2006.

    12. School News (cont’d) IUPUI Review November 27-28, 2006 All Technology programs Report in three weeks Recommendations by the review team Develop comprehensive enrollment management plan Increase engagement with Business, industry, and alumni Find ways to get more support from IUPUI, IU, and Purdue University administration Restructure the administration of technology programs

    13. School News (cont’d) Enrollment Student credit hours decreased by 6.82% in fall 2006 as compared to fall 2005 Student headcount also decreased by 2.55% as compared to fall 2005 Initiatives for improvement More comprehensive recruitment plan high schools and two-year colleges business and industry Better retention strategies

    16. School News (cont’d) IUPUI Signature Center Proposals Center for Computational Science and Engineering (Akay-ME) Center for Advanced Orthodontic Research (J. Chen-ME) Center for Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks (Kim-ECE) Transportation Active Safety Institute (Koskie-ECE) CyberInformatics Center (Jafari-CIT) Biomechanics and Biomaterials Research Center (Turner-BME) Motorsports Education Center (Hylton-MET) Center for Healthcare Performance Improvement (Haag-MET) Renewable Energy Center (Hsu-ME)

    17. School Grants and Contracts

    18. School News (cont’d) First federal earmarked research grant Sponsor: US Army Research Laboratory’s Sensors & Electronic Devices Directory at Ft. Detrick, MD. Project: Development of Renewable Energy Sources Through Fuel Cell Technology Amount: $1.5M per year for 3 years Team: Andrew Hsu and his research team

    19. School News (cont’d) The School is taking initiatives to establish the centers of excellence to promote research. Currently under consideration are: Transportation Active Safety Institute Renewable Energy Center Healthcare Management Engineering Center Research opportunities for undergraduate students have increased with the campus MURI funding

    20. Development

    21. School News (cont’d) Engagement with K-12 system Rising Above the Storm (national initiative) I-STEM initiative by Biocrossroads Crispus Attucks magnet school for medicine IPS magnet schools for engineering PLTW in high schools (grades 9-11) Gateway courses in middle schools (grades 7-8) Special STEM track in elementary school (5-6) Project Lead the Way (PLTW)

    22. School News (cont’d) Space and Renovation CNC laboratories and offices moved to ET Lower Floor. We will celebrate the opening of Lower Level on December 8, 2006 Following donors have committed funds for naming rights: BSA LifeStructures BSA LifeStructures Student Design Project Laboratory Technalysis Technalysis Conference Room Number of proposals pending

    23. Recognition of Service

    24. 2007 Initiatives Innovation Diversity 1 - Health and Life Sciences 2 - International Outreach and Globalization Engineers without Borders: In the next two decades, almost two billion additional people are expected to populate the Earth, 95% of them in developing or underdeveloped countries. Growth will create unprecedented demands for energy, food, land, water, transportation, materials, environmental cleanup, telecommunication, and infrastructure. Role of engineers will be critical in fulfilling demands at various scales. On November 4, Bill Farr, VP of Engineers Without Borders presented “Engineering for the Developing World: Challenges and Opportunities. Student chapter currently being formed. Go GREEN - Green Organizations: Global Responsibility for Economic and Environmental Necessity: Emphasizes sustainable development in business and industry - looks at design, engineering, manufacturing, technology and leadership processes implemented and maintained for the purpose of being environmentally and socially responsible, and cost effective to save natural resources.  One week course includes discussions, guest lecturers, visits and tours of industries and a visit to the small town of Ladenburg, Germany. Rolls-Royce provided tours with some of their affiliates in Germany in 2005. Designing program to expand to France and Italy. German/Engineering Program: Five-year dual degree program with domestic internship, as well as a five-month internship in Germany that is organized and supervised in collaboration with the University of Applied Science in Heilbronn , Southern Germany . BS/BA: Five year BS (engr.) BA French program, internship in France, semester at Universite de la Mediterranee. Hoosier Connection Scholarships: School currently offers scholarships to international students. New scholarship endowment for international students. Articulation Agreements with numerous universities. Hybrid International Program (HIP): AS and BS course delivery abroad target market Malaysia.. 3 - IUPUI Faculty/Industry Relationships How do we build more vibrant relationships? Faculty site visits are currently being used. Do we want a performance measure such as # of contacts? What is industry expectation? How do you channel departments to get value out of relationships with companies? 4 - DIAC Actions from Site Review Use DIAC as one of the means to improve the School. Develop “external” actions to take it to the next level. 5 - Strategic approach to membership recruitment Are there gaps in membership such as small companies, start-ups, minority owned businesses, etc. 1 - Health and Life Sciences 2 - International Outreach and Globalization Engineers without Borders: In the next two decades, almost two billion additional people are expected to populate the Earth, 95% of them in developing or underdeveloped countries. Growth will create unprecedented demands for energy, food, land, water, transportation, materials, environmental cleanup, telecommunication, and infrastructure. Role of engineers will be critical in fulfilling demands at various scales. On November 4, Bill Farr, VP of Engineers Without Borders presented “Engineering for the Developing World: Challenges and Opportunities. Student chapter currently being formed. Go GREEN - Green Organizations: Global Responsibility for Economic and Environmental Necessity: Emphasizes sustainable development in business and industry - looks at design, engineering, manufacturing, technology and leadership processes implemented and maintained for the purpose of being environmentally and socially responsible, and cost effective to save natural resources.  One week course includes discussions, guest lecturers, visits and tours of industries and a visit to the small town of Ladenburg, Germany. Rolls-Royce provided tours with some of their affiliates in Germany in 2005. Designing program to expand to France and Italy. German/Engineering Program: Five-year dual degree program with domestic internship, as well as a five-month internship in Germany that is organized and supervised in collaboration with the University of Applied Science in Heilbronn , Southern Germany . BS/BA: Five year BS (engr.) BA French program, internship in France, semester at Universite de la Mediterranee. Hoosier Connection Scholarships: School currently offers scholarships to international students. New scholarship endowment for international students. Articulation Agreements with numerous universities. Hybrid International Program (HIP): AS and BS course delivery abroad target market Malaysia.. 3 - IUPUI Faculty/Industry Relationships How do we build more vibrant relationships? Faculty site visits are currently being used. Do we want a performance measure such as # of contacts? What is industry expectation? How do you channel departments to get value out of relationships with companies? 4 - DIAC Actions from Site Review Use DIAC as one of the means to improve the School. Develop “external” actions to take it to the next level. 5 - Strategic approach to membership recruitment Are there gaps in membership such as small companies, start-ups, minority owned businesses, etc.

    25. Innovation – An Initiative for 2007 DIAC Continuing Emphasis on Research for the School Continuing Efforts Related to Health and Life Sciences Expanding Focus to Innovation in All Technical Areas

    26. Diversity – An Initiative for 2007 DIAC Understanding the School's Efforts and Plans Informing the Public About: The School's Diverse Population The School's Actions Assisting the School in its Diversity Efforts

    27. Subcommittee Meetings DIAC Education and Awareness Health and Life Sciences Industry Resources and Programs Research

    28. Subcommittee Reports DIAC Education and Awareness Health and Life Sciences Industry Resources and Programs Research

    29. Wrap-Up Important Dates March 20, 2007: DIAC Meeting, TBD, 3:30 – 6:30 p.m. April 13, 2007: School of Engineering and Technology Honors Convocation, Crowne Plaza, 5:30 p.m. social, 6:30 p.m. dinner June 7, 2007: DIAC Meeting, TBD, 3:30 – 6:30 p.m. September 14, 2007: Joint Board of Advisors Retreat, TBD, 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. December 6, 2007: DIAC Meeting, TBD, 3:30 – 6:30 p.m.

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