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Alessandra, Melissa and Tania. THE TAXI SCENE AND Charley’s death. THE TAXI SCENE. Plot : It is ¾ of the way through the movie This shows how terry has progressed and Demonstrates the strength of Terry and Charley’s relationship It is Terry’s final decision . Characters :
Alessandra, Melissaand Tania THE TAXI SCENE AND Charley’s death
Plot: • It is ¾ of the way through the movie • This shows how terry has progressed and • Demonstrates the strength of Terry and Charley’s relationship • It is Terry’s final decision
Characters: • Marlon Brando – Terry Malloy • Innocence and confusion • Rod Steiger – Charley Malloy • Strength and loyalty
Setting: • in the back of a taxi cab • Claustrophobic environment • Terry is being pressured and pushed into taking a job for Johnny Friendly. • High angle shot at the end showing the street and surrounding buildings this represents the freedom Terry has after rejecting Charleys offer.
Costume: • Terry stands out in his chequered jacket • He isn’t entirely a part of Friendly’s mob yet • When charley tries to offer him a place in their mob he rejects it. • Charley’s camel coat represents the people in the mob and what they stand for.
Editing • The use of a dissolve begins the scene.
Symbolism • Glove: fiddling with it indicates anxiety and suggests he is nervous and about to face something uncomfortable. • Part of Charley has slipped out of his tight wrapping • Ying and Yang
Key Quote • Terry: There’s more to this that I thought Charley. • Terry: You don't understand. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let's face it. It was you, Charley.
Camera • A medium shot is applied first, to create a casual environment. • Shot size changes when Charley begins to talk about Terry staying quiet. • As Charley is pushing the idea and the scene becomes more intense the shot sizes get smaller. • When Terry asks ‘before we get to where charley?’ Close up shot sizes are employed to emphasis Terry’s hurt facial expression and then on Charley to show his remorse
Music • No music is played at the beginning of the scene; however, the strikingly dramatic music beforehand implies the next scene will be tense. • When Charley gives up, pushing the idea, sad music plays, suggesting Terry must be cautious
Sound Effects - Charley says ‘what the’ and before he finishes his sentence, a car horn silences them both
Plot: • Just after the taxi cab scene, puts emphasis on what Charley gave up for Terry and how strong their relationship was. • The consequences from the taxi cab scene
Characters: • Rod Steiger – Charley Malloy • Strength and loyalty • Marlon Brando – Terry Malloy • Vengeful, distraught • Eva Marie Saint – Edie Doyle • Innocence, pure, strong-willed
Setting: in an alley • associated with negative connotations of Johnny Friendly’s mob • the dark alley represents the seriousness and corruption involved with the mob
Camera • We first see Charley, from Terry’s point of view, this is to show what Terry is feeling • Camera Movement - The use of zoom on charley’s face is to make the audience feel sorry for Terry
Costume: • Terry stands out in his chequered jacket • He isn’t a part of the mob (in this scene it is his final decision to testify which means he will never be in the mob). • Charley’s camel coat represents the people in the mob and what they stand for (dishonesty, injustice, corruption) • Edie dressed in white represents righteousness and morality.
Music • Scene begins with dramatic music, to worry audience and ends with a clash when we see Charley dead a clash of the symbols ends the dramatic music and quiet slow music begins. The clashing symbols may represent Terry’s shock and the quieter music is to show his sadness.
Symbolism • Hook: reference to Christ’s body on the cross • Force hanging over them in the form of Johnny Friendly’s Goons
Lighting A spotlight shines on Charley, so the audience can Cleary see him and it highlights the face that his death is an important factor