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Helpful Practices Using SharePoint to Manage SharePoint

Helpful Practices Using SharePoint to Manage SharePoint. Chris Bayot Senior Solutions Consultant Hawaii Regional Manager MCTS, MCT. SharePoint Solutions by Synergy Implementation Design Development Training. i n the business of making your business Better. Overview….

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Helpful Practices Using SharePoint to Manage SharePoint

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  1. Helpful Practices Using SharePoint to Manage SharePoint

  2. Chris Bayot Senior Solutions Consultant Hawaii Regional Manager MCTS, MCT

  3. SharePoint Solutions • by Synergy • Implementation • Design • Development • Training in the business of making your business Better

  4. Overview… • Control Site creation via a SharePoint List (2007) • Implementing a “Tip of the Week (Day, Month…)” (2007) • Lunch and Learn sessions scheduled through SharePoint (2007) • Manage in-house job applications (2007)

  5. Overview… • Using Wiki Sites and Libraries to document “How To” information (2010) • Use a custom list to manage training requests (2010) • Create a SPUG in your organization with its own SharePoint Team Site (2010) • Surveys (2010)

  6. Scenario 1 … • Manage Site Creation • An organization wants to support the ability to add SharePoint sites as needed • Want to prevent the “Wild Wild West,” that is, too many sites being created in an ad hoc manner

  7. Solution… • Create a custom list where Power Users can request a new site • Suggested columns • Site name • Purpose of site • Recommended location • Site Template

  8. Additional Applications… • Requests for new Site Collections • Requests for creation of new Lists and Libraries • Requests for elevated permissions

  9. Scenario 2 … • Tip of the Week (Day, Month…) • An organization wants to pass on tips to end users to help them work more efficiently in SharePoint • Prefers a single tip be highlighted at a time with the ability to go back and view previous tips

  10. Solution… • Create an Announcements list • Display the list in a List View Web Part • Set Item Limit to 1 • Attachments can be used as needed

  11. Additional Applications… • Use a document library to store recurring documents that are disseminated on a regular basis • Plan of the Week • Newsletters

  12. Scenario 3 … • Lunch and Learn sessions scheduled through SP • An organization wants to advertise Lunch and Learn sessions and take RSVPs • RSVPs should be visible to all

  13. Solution… • Create a Meeting Workspace • Create links: • To the Meeting Workspace • To the Attendees List to manage RSVPs

  14. Additional Applications… • Ideal for recurring meetings, but can be used for any meeting that should be highlighted • Use Lunch and Learn sessions for any technical topics and create an internal SPUG for SharePoint-specific meetings

  15. Scenario 4 … • Manage in-house job applications • An organization wants to announce in-house job openings and offer employees the ability to apply easily • Applicants should be able to see only their own information and no one else’s applications.

  16. Solution… • Create an Announcements list to announce job openings • Add custom columns as necessary (such as a Department column indicating the department that has an opening) • Attachments can be used as needed (such as a detailed job description) • Create a second list to manage applications and link to the New Form of that list

  17. Additional Applications… • Use for processes with an application process • Use a JavaScript to auto-fill fields from Job Openings list

  18. Questions? • Break

  19. Scenario 5 … • Wiki Library for “How To” information • A team has a need to • Retain acquired information (such as information discovered while troubleshooting) • Share that information with other team members • An informal solution is preferred

  20. Solution… • Create a Wiki Library • Initial page becomes TOC • Each subject has a Wiki page • Link Home is a good practice

  21. Additional Applications… • Works with any kind of informal information sharing…truly endless scenarios • FAQs • Notes taken during phone conversations • Client details – any and all related information

  22. Scenario 6 … • Use a custom list to manage training requests • An organization has an in-house technical trainer who provides end user training in a formal classroom setting • The organization would like …

  23. Solution… • Create a Custom List • Last Name • First Name • Company • Contact Email • Business Phone • Course of Interest • View only own item • Set alert

  24. Additional Applications… • Manage anything that gathers inquiries • Use code to automate as necessary

  25. Scenario 7 … • SPUG Team Site • An organization wants to encourage the use of SharePoint • The organization wants to encourage the use of SharePoint Best Practices throughout the organization

  26. Solution… • Create an in-house SPUG and manage it with a team site and meeting workspace • Shared Documents • Calendar • Announcements List • Tasks • Team Discussion List

  27. Additional Applications… • Manage any type of event that requires a sign up

  28. Scenario 8 … • Survey Users for desired SharePoint solutions • An organization wants to encourage users to share information regarding what works or doesn’t work well in SharePoint • An organization wants to gather ideas for extending their SharePoint implementation to maximize user productivity

  29. Solution… • Create a survey in SharePoint to gather and collate responses

  30. Additional Applications… • Gather information on any subject as needed

  31. Questions?

  32. thank you

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