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Statistical Cooperation in the European Neighbourhood

Explore the progress and future steps in statistical cooperation within the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) through projects like Medstat III, Twinning, and Inogate. Learn about the European External Action Service (EEAS) and its impact on ENP statistical collaboration.

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Statistical Cooperation in the European Neighbourhood

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  1. Statistical Cooperation in the European Neighbourhood Thirteenth Meeting of the Management Group on Statistical Cooperation 24-25 March 2011, Luxembourg Agenda item 4.3

  2. Technical assistance and EEAS in brief • Current state of play of technical assistance in ENP countries: Annex 2 to Doc MGSC/2011/09 include list of recent projects, mainly twining projects, Medstat III, discussion on cooperation beyond 2013 is at the early stage • The European External Action Service: mandate laid down by the Lisbon Treaty (Article 13a-III), launched on 1 January 2011; the provisional organigramme of the EEAS enclosed in Annex 1 to Doc. MGSC/2011/09, detailed description in the Council Decision establishing the organisation and functioning of the EEAS (11665/10 REV1 of 20 July 2010)

  3. ENP technical assistance • Twinning projects at various stages of implementation • Missions financed by TAIEX • Medstat III • Inogate programme concerning energy statistics in ENP-East and Central Asia • A Shared Environment Information System (SEIS) for ENP • High Level Seminars for the EECCA countries financed by Eurostat • A Eurotrace training course in Russian under preparation • The PL Presidency seminar on ENP-East in October 2011 • Future cooperation after 2013 under discussion

  4. European External Action Service (EEAS) • Launched on 1 January 2011 • Mandate defined by the Treaty of Lisbon (Article 13a-III) • Detailed provisions specified in the Council Decision 11665/1/10 REV1 of 20 July 2010 • Only provisional organigramme available • At the stage of development • Closer cooperation between EU services and diplomatic services of MS • The impact on statistical cooperation not yet known

  5. EEAS: a few facts • EEAS manages general foreign relations, security and defence policies and controls Situation Centre; Cooperates with the Commission in areas of shared competence; Commission plays a role in the technical implementation of the decisions; • EAAS has 6 geographical departments: 1) Africa, 2) Asia, 3) Americas, 4) Middle East and ENP-South, 5) Russia, ENP-East and Western Balkans and 6) Global and Multilateral issues • The staff comes from the Council, Commission and minimum 40% from member states • Some Commission DGs were affected by the change – DG Relex ceased to exist, part of DG Development was included in the EEAS and part was merged with DG AidCo to establish DG Devco (Development and Cooperation) • EEAS will contribute to the programming and management of the external assistance instruments listed in doc MGSC/2011/09

  6. TAIEX and Twinning • TAIEX is managed by DG Enlargement and remains unaffected by the change • In the ENP region responsibility for Twinning projects is shared by EuropeAid and the EU Delegations • The Trade and Cooperation sections of the EU Delegations remain part of the Commission .

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