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ECE 331 Digital System Design

ECE 331 Digital System Design. Instructor: Dr. Kris Gaj Course originally designed by Prof. Ken Hintz Corequisite for ECE 332 Digital Electronics and Logic Design Lab Course Information http://ece.gmu.edu/courses/ECE331/ece3311.htm. ECE page  Courses  Course web pages.

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ECE 331 Digital System Design

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  1. ECE 331 Digital System Design • Instructor: Dr. Kris Gaj Course originally designed by Prof. Ken Hintz Corequisite for ECE 332 Digital Electronics and Logic Design Lab • Course Information http://ece.gmu.edu/courses/ECE331/ece3311.htm ECE page  Courses  Course web pages 331_1

  2. Administrative • Office • Science and Technology II, Room 223 • Office Hours - Tuesday 3:00-4:00 PM, Thursday 3:00-4:30 PM - Other Times by Appointment (e-mail) • E-mail: kgaj@gmu.edu • Phone • (703) 993-1575 (Answering Machine) 331_1

  3. Recitation • Recitation Instructor • Deepak Somesula • E-mail: dsomesul@gmu.edu • Recitation Sessions Thursday, 3:00-3:50 PM, S&T II, room 128 Thursday, 5:55-6:45 PM, Robinson Hall B, room 102 Recitations start this week, Jan 18 331_1

  4. Grading • Homework/Recitation 25% • MidTerm Exam 30% • Final Exam 40% • Quizzes 5% • Bonus Homework bonus 5% • Homework • Assignments will be on the web • All required homework will be accounted for and graded by the recitation instructor 331_1

  5. Types of homework assignments • Required reading - after the lecture, due first lecture the following week • Suggested reading - before the lecture • Required problem assignments - due at the beginning of your recitation session; graded by the recitation instructor • Bonus problem assignments - due at the beginning of the second lecture of the week; graded by the course instructor 331_1

  6. Homeworks • Some Homeworks Require Use of VHDL • Hands-on in ECE-332 • Mentor Graphics, 20 Floating Licenses • Installed on • iris.gmu.edu (ECE Dept. Computer, Sun) • Meta-tutorial on cpe.gmu.edu • X-terminals • Room 133/137, NCD Lab 331_1

  7. VHDL Support • IEEE Interactive VHDL Tutorial • On-line on Computer Engineering Home page • http://cpe.gmu.edu • IEEE Standard 1076-93 • Aldec-HDL environment student version available for$49.95 see http://www.aldec.com/ActiveHDL/ university_Studentedition.htm 331_1

  8. Grading • Attendance Taken at recitation, but not taken at lecture. You are responsible for all material. • Makeup Exams Makeup exams are rarely given. Requests for a delayed Final Exam due to multiple tests in one day will ONLY be considered if proper forms are completed and in my hands prior to mid-semester Break. 331_1

  9. Honor Code • You Are Encouraged to Discuss Problems With Other Students and/or Obtain the Assistance of the Recitation Instructor on Homework. Nevertheless, write-down solutions to your homework assignments by yourself. • Exams and Quizzes Are Closed Book, Closed Notes, No Use of Calculators, and the Normal Honor Code Applies to All Exams • One double-sided signed “cheat-sheet” allowed per exam 331_1

  10. Web Resources • Homework assignments: reading and problems to solve with due dates • Power Point version of slides used during the lecture • Practice exams 331_1

  11. Required Textbook • Analysis and Design of Digital Systems with VHDL • Allen Dewey • ISBN 0-534-95410-3 • 1997 331_1

  12. Why digital systems? • Greater system complexities - hierarchical design - Computer Aided-Design (CAD) tools • Higher reliability Higher resistance to - noise and intereference - ambient temperature changes - aging • Easier programmability 331_1

  13. Digital Design Process • Computer Aided Design Tools • Design entry • Synthesis • Verification and simulation • Physical design • Fabrication • Testing 331_1

  14. VHDL Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language • A Formal Language for Specifying the Behavior and Structure of a Digital Circuit • Allows Top-Down Hierarchical Design 331_1

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