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Summer Customs and Traditions in LITHUANIA

Summer Customs and Traditions in LITHUANIA. Kur se nai Polytechnic School , Public I nstitution , Lithuania 2013-06-23. T he first Sunday of June - Father ’ s Day.

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Summer Customs and Traditions in LITHUANIA

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  1. SummerCustomsandTraditions in LITHUANIA KursenaiPolytechnicSchool, PublicInstitution, Lithuania 2013-06-23

  2. ThefirstSundayofJune-Father’s Day Holiday,inwhichwecelebratefatherhood, likewisemother’s day – motherhood.InLithuaniawecelebrateFather’s dayon thefirstSundayofJune.

  3. June 24th - St.John’s day. Midsummer’s day It’sthelongestdayandtheshortestnightof holiday. Midsummer’s dayismentionedas solsticeday, that’s whyit’ssurroundedbyspellsandbeliefs. Traditionally, duringSt.John’s dayeveryonemakescampfires, andbraid many kindsofchaplets, andatthemidnightwesearchfortheblossomoffern.

  4. July 6th- king’s Mindaugas CoronationDay Mindaugas –LithuaniangrandDuke (1236-1253), also thefirstkingofLithuania(1253–1263). HiscoronationasthekingofLithuaniadayisLithuanianRepublic’sstateholiday.

  5. SongFestival • It’soneofthemost beautifulLithuanianculturaltraditions, whenthousandsofpeople, includinglotsofguestsfromaroundtheworldsinginganddancingtogether. Lithuaniansongfestivalisnational-levelevent, asglobalculturalvaluebelongs to UNESCO worldheritagelist. OnlyLithuaniansongs are sung, Lithuaniandances are danced. ThewholeLithuaniannationisconnectedbysong.

  6. July 25th- St.Jacob’s St. Jacob, one of Christ’s apostle’s name - day. In the rural work communityit’s the end of harvesting. According to the vintage faiths, during St.Jacob’syou can’t work at all in the fields, and especially, taking rye feetto the barn, because thunder will turn all the harvest to ashes.

  7. July 26th- St.Ann’s SaintAnnisportrayedwith a bookinherhand and withherdaughter-maidenMariah. It’s a funholidaytheyouthwanton, mockeachother, spillwateroneachother, then seat to thefeasttable. So, thecustomswereto teach thepeersupport, love to labour.

  8. June 29th-St.Peter’s andSt.Paul’s day. Twoofwidelycelebratedandhonoredapostolicsaints- PeterandPaulholiday, annually celebratedinJune 29th.St.Peter’s andSt.Paul’s dayinLithuanianvillagesisthesecondmostprominentsummerholidayafter solstice. In many citiesandvillagesinLithuaniathere are eventsofSt.Peter’s andSt.Paul’s indulgence. St.Peterisportrayedwith a keyinhishand, St.Paulwith a book.

  9. July 30th- Sea’sDay Seadayholidaystartedfromfishermanmeetings, feasts, regattas. Sea’sdaybecamethebiggesttraditionalholidayofcityKlaipeda. Inthebeginningoftheholiday’s historytherewereparadesofships, carnivals, get-togethers. NowindifferentsquaresofKlaipedamusicconcerts, art projects are held.

  10. August 15th- Assumptionday IntheXIX – XX centuriesinfarmer’s calendarappeared anewholiday –Assumption’sday, it isassociatedwithSt. Maiden’sMaryassumptionholiday, whichiscelebratedinAugust 15th. Inthechurchpriestenchantsherbariumsandryeharvestfinishingchaplet, and bread baked of the first harvest.

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