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„ National values reflected through summer customs and traditions ”. Wielostronny Projekt Partnerski Comenius. „Art and Science – The Best Ambassadors of the National Values within Europe” Numer projektu: 2012-1-RO1-COM06-22154 4. POLISH SUMMER TRADITIONS. 21st June – 23rd September.
„National values reflected through summer customs and traditions” WielostronnyProjektPartnerski Comenius „Art and Science – The Best Ambassadors of the National Values within Europe” Numer projektu: 2012-1-RO1-COM06-22154 4
POLISH SUMMER TRADITIONS 21st June – 23rd September
24th June Thenight of St. John Babtist Atmidnightthecrock of goldisblooming and itisbelievedthatallthesecretlyhiddentreasurescan be found. Since thatdateswimminginpools and riversisallowedbecausethesaintconsecratedthewater. Suchbathwashed out allthedirt of body and soul alongwithallillnesses.
Killing a kitebird In old timesduringthenight of St. John (23rd June) a birdnamed a kite (Milvus) was beheaded as a symbol of alltheevil. Thenit was buried.
June - July Strawberrycollecting ThebiggestfestivalintheKashubiaheldeveryyearinJune/July. Thereareconcertsboth of modern and folcmusicalongwith a fair of strawberries and othergoods.
July 25th The St. Christopher’s Day The patron of drivers Thedriverscomewiththeirvehicules to church for blessing to drivesafe. Peoplebelievethatthisblessing will protect drivers and passengers from accidents
Hay making In the middle of summer hay-making, previously it was done with scythe accompanied by music and bells, now all is made with machines.
August Harvest Harvest is the process of gathering mature crops from the fields. The harvest marks the end of the growing seasonand social importance of this event makes it the focus of seasonal celebrations such as a harvest festival, found in many religions.
July- August Vacation Twosummermonths (July and August) freefromschoolis a time for a trip or journey. People often take a vacation during specific holiday observances, or for specific festivals or celebrations. Vacations are often spent with friends or family.
Harvestfestival A harvest festival is an annual celebration that occurs around the time of the main harvest of a given region. Harvests festivals typically feature feasting, both family and public, with foods that are drawn from crops that come to maturity around the time of the festival. Harvest Festival in Poland has been celebrated after the harvest since the time of the feudal systems. In the present-day in Poland was created official The Presidential Harvest Festival
15th August Feast of the Assumption of Holy Mary In Poland itisholidayfreefromwork. ItiscalledTheFeast of Holy Mary of Herbs. Sheisconsidered to patronisetheEarthwithit flora. Thefeastiscelebratedverysolemnly. People go on pilgrimages and oftenthereareharvesthomefestivals on thisday.
Takingsnuff of tabacco Tobacco snuff is a finely ground powder made from dried tobacco leaves and enriched with a variety of aromatic composites. Tobacco snuff has always occupied an important place in the Kashubian culture. According to Kashubian people, if consumed in reasonable doses, it has healing properties: cures colds, eases breathing, invigorates, adds strength and power, clears the mind, sharpens eyesight. Moreover, it cheers you up, chases away sadness and is a symbol of friendship.
Pottery It one of Polish crafts still „alive” and popular to produce everyday utensils. Pottery is made by forming a clay body into objects of a required shape and heating them to high temperatures in a kiln which removes all the water from the clay, which induces reactions that lead to permanent changes including increasing their strength and hardening and setting their shape.
Basketry A craftconnectedwithcreatinghandmadegoods out of straw, willow, raffia, rattan etc. Thereare not onlygoods for decorating but alsofurniture and otherusefulthings.
Pilgrimages Thechristiansvisitspecificsanctuaryplaces to thankGod for his grace or a miraclehealingor a fulfilledrequestoftenpeoplearegoing to askGod for help. Usually, thepilgrimageis on foot but sometimeswhenthedistantis far othermeans of transport areused.