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Taxonomy. Linnaeus – Binomial Nomenclature Study of naming and classifying organisms. Phylogeny. Classification based on evolutionary history Phylogenetic Trees. Cladistic Analysis. Cladograms – based on order in time things branch (dichotomous branching). Cladistic Analysis.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Taxonomy • Linnaeus – Binomial Nomenclature • Study of naming and classifying organisms

  2. Phylogeny • Classification based on evolutionary history • Phylogenetic Trees

  3. Cladistic Analysis • Cladograms – based on order in time things branch (dichotomous branching)

  4. Cladistic Analysis • Homologies – similar due to evolution • Analogies – similar due to environment • Convergent Evolution

  5. Cladistic Analysis • Monophyletic – ancestor and all the descendents • Paraphyletic – ancestor and some of the descendents • Polyphyletic – multiple ancestors

  6. Cladistic Analysis • Primitive characteristic – ancestral (outgroup) • Derived characteristic – unique to clade

  7. Cladistics and Taxonomy • Clade patterns are used to place species into a hierarchy

  8. Parsimony • Simplest answer is probably correct

  9. Pitfalls • Analogy vs. Homology

  10. Reptilia???

  11. Domains

  12. Domain: Bacteria

  13. Domain: Archaea • Carl Woese – Prokaryotic cell but similar to Eukaryotes in DNA replication and Protein synthesis

  14. Domain: Eukarya • Protista – kingdom divided into many different kingdoms

  15. “Kingdom” - Protista

  16. Kingdom: Plantae

  17. Charophytes

  18. Division: Bryophyta

  19. Division: Pterophyta

  20. Gymnosperms

  21. Angiosperms

  22. Kingdom: Fungi

  23. Kingdom: Animalia

  24. Phylum: Porifera • No true Tissue • Choanocytes – collar cells

  25. Phylum: Cnidaria • Radial Symmetry • Nematocysts – Stinging cells

  26. Acoelomates Flatworms Phylum: Platyhelminthes

  27. Phylum: Nematoda • Pseudocoelomates • Roundworms

  28. Phylum: Mollusca • Protostomes • Soft and unsegmented • Radula

  29. Phylum: Mollusca

  30. Phylum: Annelida • Protostomes • Soft and segmented

  31. Phylum: Arthropoda • Protostomes • Hard and Segmented • Jointed feet

  32. Phylum: Arthropoda

  33. Phylum: Echinodermata • Deuterostomes • Water-vascular system • Secondary Radial Symmetry

  34. Phylum: Chordata • Deuterostome • Notochord • Hollow, Dorsal Nerve Cord • Post Anal Tail • Pharyngeal Gill Slits

  35. Subphyla: Urochordata and Cephalochordata

  36. Subphyla: Vertebrata

  37. Superclass: Agnatha

  38. Superclass: Agnatha

  39. Class: Chondricthyes

  40. Class: Osteichthyes

  41. Class: Amphibia

  42. Amniotic Egg

  43. Class: Reptilia

  44. Class: Aves

  45. Class: Mammalia

  46. Class: Mammalia

  47. Class: Mammalia

  48. Class: Mammalia

  49. Class: Mammalia

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