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Gospel of Matthew: Unveiling the Kingdom Defined

Explore Jesus’ confrontation with an evil generation, gearing up for Matthew’s gospel Book 3, "The Kingdom Defined" (Matthew 13). Dive deep into the teachings of Jesus and challenges faced by his disciples in Chapters 11-12. Embrace the reassurance, rebukes, and revelations offered by the Savior through parables as He defines God’s kingdom. Reflect on overcoming fears and embracing the Good News with Matthew’s gospel and its relevance to your life. Engage with the Scriptures and ponder on the power and authority bestowed upon believers to carry out God's work fearlessly.

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Gospel of Matthew: Unveiling the Kingdom Defined

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  1. A study series on the Scriptures of our Lord Jesus Christ Chapter 11 – 12 –Jesus confronts an evil generation; This is a preparation for book 3 of 5 in Matthew’s gospel - the kingdom defined found in Matthew 13 Welcome to the gospel of Matthew

  2. This helps us to see…where we have been

  3. Chapter 10 wrapped up the second of five books in Matthew’s gospel with Jesus’ missionary instructions to the 12 newly appointed apostles. • Having demonstrated his power over • Nature • Sin • Death • He turned toward getting out the new of the kingdom through these apostles, on whom he bestowed his own power and authority to heal illnesses and cast out demons Review and rewind

  4. Imagine for a moment the roller-coaster of their emotions as he first announced • They’d share in his power, • Then he told them to expect the same negative reception he has gotten, • Then he fortified them against certain persecution • His answer is the most frequently occurring promise of the New Testament: • Do not be afraid! Those who persecute you cannot touch your soul, and God has overcome the world. The roller coaster ride

  5. We have seen the chart of book 3: • Chapters 11-12 – are the precursor for the third big book, which is Matthew 13 “The Kingdom Defined” • From giving his missionary instructions, Jesus went on to confront the very people who gave him, and would give the apostles, the most trouble. • This book will encounter this situation in parables that help further define what God’s kingdom is all about and who belongs in the that kingdom The kingdom defined

  6. I think we should ask ourselves a couple of questions: • What fears keep you from sharing the good news of God’s kingdom? • What in this series of Matthew’s gospel might help you face them and move on? As we look back at this gospel

  7. And any scripture we should notice and ask the questions: • Who? Is involved? • What? Is the circumstance? • When? Did this happen? • Where? Are we located? • How? Is dealt with? • Why? Is this happening? As we read chapters 11-12

  8. General: Jesus reassures the disciples of John the Baptist, rebukes several cities, rejoices in his Father’s wisdom, and reveals that he is the only way to the Father. • I. The Reassuring by the Savior (11:1–19) • II. The Rebuking by the Savior (11:20–24): • Jesus denounces three Galilean cities • III. The Rejoicing by the Savior (11:25–26): • Jesus thanks his heavenly Father for revealing spiritual truth to the childlike and for hiding it from those who think of themselves to be wise • IV. The Revealing by the Savior (11:27–30) Chapter 11 movements

  9. A. John’s request to Jesus (11:1–3): In a moment of doubt, the imprisoned Baptist sends a group of men to Jesus. • 1. Who they are (11:1–2): They are John’s disciples. • 2. What do they ask (11:3): John wants to know if Christ is really the Messiah. • B. John’s reassurance by Jesus (11:4–19) • 1. The proof for John (11:4–6): They are to return and tell John concerning all the miracles they see Christ do. • 2. The praise of John (11:7–11): Jesus says John is one of history’s greatest men! • 3. The prophet like John (11:12–15): Jesus compares John’s ministry with that of Elijah. • 4. The prejudice against John (11:16–19): Jesus condemns his generation, who accuses John of being demon-possessed! The Reassuring by the Savior (11:1–19)

  10. On the surface it appears that Jesus’ answer only repeats what John already knows: • That Jesus has been healing people and preaching the good news. • How does the way Jesus tells him, say much more than that? • Thoughts? • Ideas? John the Baptist vs. 1-19

  11. Isaiah 35:4-6 and Isaiah 61:1-2 • Jesus quotes from the Old Testament to show that by his miracles, he is fulfilling prophecies about the Messiah. • “Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me,” he concludes. • In other words, don’t be discouraged. Don’t doubt me because I’m not what you expected. • Look at the signs for what they really are. • I AM he who is to come We can look elsewhere for the answer

  12. Jesus tells the crowd that John is more than a prophet; he is Elijah who was to come. • Jesus says that John the Baptist is the greatest of all the prophets, sent to prepare the way for Jesus and the kingdom. • Yet, great as he is, even the least in the kingdom is greater than John. What is meant by this statement made by Jesus? • Thoughts? Comments? The least is greater than john

  13. John, although he stand at the very edge of the new covenant, belongs to the age of the old. He is announcing the new covenant, and he is preparing others for it, even baptizes the “one who is to come” – and yet he will die before Christ’s work is completed. The least of those who actually enter Christ’s kingdom will be part of his bride – the Church – and therefore will have a higher privilege than John, who was only a friend of the bridegroom. One possible answer

  14. John himself realizes this. • In John 3:27-30, the people are concerned that Jesus’ ministry seems to be overtaking John the Baptist’s. • He says to them, “I am not Christ, but I have been sent before him…He must increase, I must decrease. Yet another perspective

  15. Jesus rebukes those of his generation who reject John and Jesus. They didn’t listen to him when he piped or to John when he mourned. They will not associate with Jesus, who celebrated and associated with all kinds of people, or with John, who followed very strict rules of self-denial. What does Jesus say about this generation in vs. 16-19?

  16. We both have our places, he implies. If you were spiritually wise, you would look beneath these externals and hear their message. You would see that both of us are sent from God, for specific reasons and despite our differences. You may not believe, but this wisdom will be justified by “her deeds” – the miracles I perform. Continued…

  17. These are the works and credentials of the awaited Messiah. Jesus performs Messianic signs in Galilee in chapters 8-9. His work stirs such great public interest that even John is hearing of his work, even though he is in prison. What are the deeds of Christ? Vs. 2

  18. Blessed is the man who takes no offense at him. • Jesus just recalled the prophecy of Is. 26:19, Is. 29:18-19; and Is. 35: 5-6 of all the works that Jesus has done. • Blind recovering sight, lame walking, lepers cleansed, deaf hearing, dead raised to life, poor have the good new preached to them. • Speculation in this statement is that John the Baptist did not have complete trust in the Lord? Who is blessed in vs. 6

  19. John the Baptist’s ministry recalls the passage of Mal. 3:1 This messenger is also the forerunner Malachi’s prophesies associate the Lord’s forerunner as Elijah, the great prophet of the OT in Mal. 4:5. Jesus views John as this prophet, who preaches repentance to Israel in the “spirit” of Elijah, and offers God’s faithful remnant a final opportunity for salvation. What is meant by “behold I send”? Vs. 10

  20. Satan had attempted to take men from God’s kingdom; John himself was imprisoned and executed for announcing it in Mat. 14:10. Jesus suffers a violent death for inaugurating God’s kingdom and rebuking who oppose it in Mat. 23:13 Another view – is to look at the opponents of Jesus who are trying to prevent people from accepting the kingdom and to snatch it away from those who have received it. Suffering violence? Vs. 12

  21. This gives us a view of the contemporaries who are walking with the Lord, some are piping about Jesus’ ministry. • Piping is a joyous occasion like a wedding • Others, however are wailing • Wailing is like a funeral • Jesus is using this to point out not only final judgment, but that the unbelievers of Jesus’ generation who refuse the invitation to embrace the kingdom. Piping and wailing? Vs. 17

  22. II. The Rebuking by the Savior (11:20–24): • Jesus denounces three Galilean cities. • A. Korazin and Bethsaida (11:20–22) • 1. Their privilege (11:20–21a): He did many miracles among them. • 2. Their pride (11:21b): They rejected him. • 3. Their punishment (11:22): Wicked Tyre and Sidon will be better off on judgment day than they! • B. Capernaum (11:23–24) • 1. Its privilege (11:23b): Identical to that of the above cities. • 2. Its pride (11:23a): Identical to that of the above cities. • 3. Its punishment (11:24): Wicked Sodom will be better off on the judgment day than Capernaum! Outline of the rebuking Lord

  23. Read vs. 20-24, then us together locate these cities on the map on the wall. • Why do you suppose Jesus is comparing the first three unfavorably cities to Tyre and Sidon and pronounce such a harsh judgment on them? • Comments? • Thoughts? Woe to unrepentant cities…

  24. Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum are all in Galilee, “where most of his mighty works had been done.” – vs. 20 • They have been privileged to witness to the miracles of Jesus first handed,. Yet they have not repented of their sin. • Tyre and Sidon on the other hand, were Gentile cities that Jesus says would have repented, given the same opportunity. • Sodom was destroyed for its immorality and for refusing to properly receive God’s messengers, yet Jesus says the Day of Judgment will be more tolerable for Sodom than for them. Possible answer

  25. In spite of being favored and blessed with • Jesus’ presence, • his teaching, • and his miracles, • His own people reject him and the mercy he offers. • They fail to repent, and believe in him. Another way to look at it…

  26. Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum in relation to each other • Chorazin and Bethsaida are both on the north side of the sea of Galilee. • Both of these cities are within five miles of Jesus’ home in Capernaum • Both are unresponsive to his ministry Let’s look at these cities…

  27. This city is right on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, and the home of Jesus’ ministry – Mat. 4:13 • Just like his childhood home of Nazareth, this city rejects Jesus and his works. – Mat. 13:53-58 • Jesus’ rebuke on the city recalls God’s judgment on the king of Babylon in Is. 14:13-15 • How does this apply morally? Capernaum

  28. Capernaum signifies the soul that receives Christ but falls into mortal sin. • Because Christ dwelt there, the fallen away and prideful soul is subject to a harsh judgment like Sodom. 2 Pet. 2:20-22 • Sodom was destroyed by God in Gen. 19:24-25 • Sodom was the city of proverbial OT example of sexual sin and inhospitality that called down God’s wrath, and anger – Is. 1:9 • What is left of Capernaum today? Nothing but ruins! Morally speaking

  29. III. The Rejoicing by the Savior (11:25–26): • Jesus thanks his heavenly Father for revealing spiritual truth to the childlike and for hiding it from those who think themselves wise. • IV. The Revealing by the Savior (11:27–30) • A. The illumination (11:27): The believer can only know the Father through the Son. • B. The invitation (11:28–30): Jesus invites the weary and burdened to find their rest in him. Outline of Jesus’ yoke. Vs. 25-30

  30. In contrast to the unrepentant cities who reject Jesus’ teaching and miracles, who are those who know Father and who “come” to Jesus in vs. 25-30? • Comments? • Thoughts? The revealing of the father?

  31. The babes, and infants, and childlike, with their simple trust, are more open to God’s revelation of the Father. • Also those who turn to Christ with their burdens; • Those who take on his yoke instead and learn from him, they are given rest. • Now contrast those towns he just mentioned that reject him. • We are called to trust him with simplicity of infants • The childlike accept God, while the wise scribes and Pharisee have rejected him The answer

  32. Sir. 51:23-26 and 1 John 5:3 help us understand it. A yoke is not a burden but a way of carrying a burden that is shared, such as a yoke that joins a pair of oxen. When a yoke is easy it is well fitted, like a fitted pair of shoes, which makes the burden light and easy to carry. What is this yoke that Jesus is referring to in vs. 29?

  33. When the yoke is easy, it makes it possible to keep our eyes fixed on the gaze of Christ and to live in obedience to his will. • Both of these liberate us and bring us peace and rest • In vs. 29, by yoke, Jesus is referring to his teaching, his wisdom and commandments, as opposed to the demands of the Law. • He asks us to share his yoke and learn with him, to follow in his steps. The yoke

  34. Is like an apprenticeship in the school of wisdom, • His commandments are not burdensome in the way that the law was burdensome because paired with Christ, we have the power to carry them out. Taking on a yoke

  35. Jesus invites the burdened to take the yoke of obedience to his word. • It is resting in his word that they will find peace, comfort, and joy. An invitation…

  36. General overview - Jesus heals the sick, confronts the Pharisees, and fulfills ancient prophecies. Jesus and the Pharisees (12:1–14, 22–45) On three separate occasions, Jesus is confronted by these wicked men. II. Jesus and the Prophecies (12:15–21): Jesus fulfills the prophecies of Isaiah, who predicted the earthly ministry of the Messiah (Isa. 42:1–4). III. Jesus and His Family (12:46–50) Matthew chapter 12 overview

  37. A. The Sabbath conflict (12:1–14): The Pharisees take issue with Jesus when he performs his miracles. • 1. In regard to eating on the Sabbath (12:1–8): Jesus is criticized by the Pharisees for allowing his disciples to pluck some heads of grain from a field on the Sabbath. The Savior reports by pointing out two facts: • a. The purpose of the Sabbath (12:1–7): The Sabbath was made for man, and not the reverse! • (1) As seen in the life of David (12:3–4): David and his men ate the bread reserved for the priests. • (2) As seen in the law of Moses (12:5–6): The priests are allowed to serve in the Temple on the Sabbath. • (3) As seen in the Book of Hosea (12:7) : God wants them to be merciful; he doesn’t care that much about their sacrifices. • b. The person of the Sabbath (12:8) : The Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath! • 2. In regard to healing on the Sabbath (12:9–14): Jesus notices a man with a deformed hand. • a. The accusation (12:9–10): The Pharisees ask Jesus whether it is legal to work by healing on the Sabbath day. • b. The answer (12:11–12): Jesus replies by asking them if they would rescue a sheep on the Sabbath. He says, “Of course you would! And how much more valuable is a person than a sheep!” • c. The action by the Savior (12:13–14): He heals the man’s hand. Chapter 12:1-14 outline

  38. What two charges did the Pharisees bring against Jesus and his disciples in vs. 1-14? • The Pharisees bring charges of two violations of the Sabbath laws in Ex. 24:21 • Working on the Sabbath • Healing on the Sabbath The Sabbath…

  39. What was Jesus’ defense to the Pharisees? • Note: If you want to read more about the incident Jesus refers to in dealing with the Sabbath in vs. 3-4, it can be found in 1 Sam. 21:1-6. In the following verses, priests “profane the Sabbath” without guilt when they do the work required to offer sacrifice on the Sabbath. • Thoughts? • Comments? The defense?

  40. Jesus cites precedent in Scripture to defend his disciples’ actions. • King David himself set aside the law reserving the bread of the Presence for the priests to feed himself and his men, and priests are not held to the law that no work can be done the Sabbath, so they can serve God by offering sacrifice. • Similarly, Jesus’ disciples are getting grain to eat because of their physical need for food and so they can serve one who is greater then the temple and lord of the Sabbath. One possible answer

  41. Jesus then points to the Pharisees themselves, who allow works of mercy on the Sabbath in the case of hurt animals. • If animals, why not men, he asks, who are of much more value than sheep. • In vs. 7 he returns to his accusations that they never learned what God meant by “I desire mercy, and not sacrifice” – Hos. 6:6. They are putting all their focus on the eternal letter of the law, thereby missing its point and its spirit. Still further…

  42. What was the original purpose of the Sabbath that the Pharisees with their zeal to enforce Sabbath regulations had lost? Catechism 2168-2172 will help us to answer this? The zeal?

  43. The Sabbath is the seventh day of the week, the day God rested after creating the world. When he brought Israel out of Egypt to be his people, one of the first things he charged them to do was to keep the Sabbath holy. They went to imitate God by resting from work on that day and letting others rest, especially the poor. As such, the Sabbath was a protest against the servitude of work and the worship of money. It also gave them a way to imitate God in showing mercy to others. We read…

  44. The Sabbath was to be a permanent memorial of their liberation from bondage (the Pharaoh would not allow them to rest from their labor to worship God or for any reason). By setting apart one day a week to praise God and remember his work of creation and his saving acts on their behalf, it would also serve as a sign of the covenant between them. More…

  45. The Pharisees had turned a day when people were to drop their own concerns and focus on God, into a day burdened with remembering what not to do. They were so focused on doing no work that they had forgotten the importance of showing mercy. They failed to enter God’s rest, and kept others out of it as well. What about the Pharisees?

  46. The Pharisees are charging the disciples with violating the old law which forbids harvesting on the Sabbath. • Duet. 23:25 differentiates between plucking grain and harvesting it, the Pharisees forbade even plucking grain • What does St. Hilary say about this passage? Not lawful…on the Sabbath – vs. 2

  47. Christ’s passing through the field signifies his passing into the world through the Incarnation, where he became flesh and one of us. • The standing grain is the harvest of souls ready to believe in the gospel and be gathered into the Church by the hungry disciples. • Interesting perspective – especially after studying book 2, the building of the kingdom. St. Hilary says…

  48. What is meant by this? • The Jerusalem temple was spectacular because it housed the very presence of God among his people. • Now, God’s presence is Jesus, as the divine Son, exceeds that in the Temple. • The earthly sanctuary thus prefigured God’s more intimate presence in the world through Christ. Greater than the temple….is here – vs. 6

  49. Jesus asserts his Lordship over the Sabbath. Since the Sabbath was meant for man’s good, doing good works on the Sabbath cannot be construed as unlawful. If the Pharisees ware willing to save one of their livestock, they should be more willing to see a crippled man relieved of his burden on the same day. Bottom line – the Sabbath forbids servile works, not works of mercy. A closer look…

  50. Jesus fulfills the prophecies of Isaiah, who predicted the earthly ministry of the Messiah (Isa. 42:1–4). • A. Jesus’ heavenly relationships (12:18a–18b) • 1. Concerning the Father (12:18a): The Father would love him. • 2. Concerning the Spirit (12:18b): The Spirit would fill him. • B. Jesus’ earthly actions (12:15–17, 18c–21) • 1. Concerning the nations (12:18c, 21): He would proclaim justice to the nations. • 2. Concerning himself (12:19): He would not be quarrelsome or rebellious. • 3. Concerning the weak and hopeless (12:20): He would treat them with gentleness and understanding. • 4. Concerning the sick (12:15–17): He would heal the sick. Jesus and the Prophecies (12:15–21):

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