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Combat Flight Planning Software

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Combat Flight Planning Software

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    1. Combat Flight Planning Software

    2. Objectives Know the menu and toolbar button functions of CFPS. Know how to input data into a CFPS flight plan.

    3. CFPS CFPS is just one application of the PFPS mission-planning system. CFPS utilizes the PFPS Route Server to “talk” to the other PFPS components. Ex. Falcon View, AR Tool, CAPS Data entered into one will be shared by all.

    4. CFPS Provides a tabular view of PFPS mission data. CFPS is designed to be a user-friendly flight planning instrument.

    5. CFPS CFPS will provide you with accurate flight plans for a variety of missions. The Planning screen is the primary aircrew interface and presents an on-screen worksheet for data entry and evaluation.

    6. New to PFPS 3.2 There are several significant enhancements to CFPS in PFPS 3.2. Ground/Maritime support 25 new “FPMs” Unique turnpoint types and column formats Custom icons for CFPS toolbar. *.crd support for additional compatibility with other mission planning systems.

    7. CFPS Routes Routes are *.rte files. Default directory. Can be saved by default in other folders . Set this up in Sys Admin. Ideal for networked environments.

    8. PreMission Configuration The start of a CFPS session should begin with checking the PreMission Configuration Window.

    9. PreMission Configuration The defaults are those previously set-up in System Admin. Some changes, such as fuel load, will commonly be made.

    10. Entering Data First line is canned from default setting. Active entry line is yellow. Tab or use arrows to move between fields. Arrow down to create new entry line. Use Enter if in Fix/Point field. Some fields will replicate to next line. Airspeed, Bank, Altitude, Wind, & Temp

    13. Right-click Options Fix/Point field Allows you to calculate various references based on current coordinates. Can view the DB Admin info on DAFIF points. Not on Rad/DME. Can launch AR Tool if default refueling option is set to tanker. Add the point to the active Local Point file.

    14. User Cross Reference New for PFPS 3.2 Very useful for creating Local Points when used in conjunction with Add To Local group. Enter Point Name (name of new Local Point) and radial/DME info. Fix/point name has “.” in front. Right-click and Add To Local group when done.

    15. Snap-to & Radial/DME Shortcuts The ! and @ keys provide useful shortcuts to multiple mouse operations. ! - Opens Navaid window to select which Navaid you want to snap-to. !/R, !/A - Snaps-to closest VORTAC, Airport, etc. @ - Opens Navaid window to select which Navaid you want a Rad/DME reference off of. @/R, @/A, @TCH - Creates a Rad/DME cross reference off of a VORTAC, Airfield, specific point, etc.

    16. Print Preview Once a route is entered on the Planning screen and calculated, the flight plan can be previewed before printing any of several different forms (you may also preview TOLD forms).

    17. User-Defined Forms (Card Editor) Additionally, you may design your own forms and incorporate unit-specific data (such as frequencies or tail numbers) using user-defined mnemonics.

    18. CFPS Toolbar

    19. Will create a new route. Can open multiple routes at one time. You’ll have multiple tabs at the bottom. Colors (yellow and green here) represent the route colors in FalconView.

    20. Opens window to open an existing route. Defaults to Sys Admin default or last opened from location during same session.

    21. Saves changes made to an open route. If not previously saved, then will open a Save As dialog box.

    22. Initiates a print of the flight plan. Will print ALL default forms. Route must be able to calculate to print. Best to preview form first.

    23. Lets you preview the form as it will be printed. Brings up a Form Setup window to select a form, set User Mnemonics, etc.

    24. Calculates the route. Only way to display times, distances, fuel, etc.

    25. Inserts a line into the flight plan. New line will become the number of the currently highlighted line. Current and succeeding lines will shift down.

    26. Deletes a line from the flight plan. All succeeding lines will shift up.

    27. Displays the Premission Configuration window. You may change any premission values at any time. Enroute Flight Modes are not set here. Enroute Flight Modes were a Tab in Sys Admin under Aircraft > Premission Data. Use the button to set these. FOB/RES and Divert Modes can be set under Premission.

    28. Displays the Point Editor window. Various tabs to view or edit the background data for the selected turnpoint line. Use the arrows to cycle through the turnpoints.

    29. Displays the Additional Point tab of the Point Editor window. Use to create Divert points. Use to modify offset aimpoints, visual reference points, and offset target points.

    30. CFPS Toolbar – 2nd Half

    31. Opens up the Takeoff and Landing Data program. If TOLD FPM for current aircraft is available. Uses info from CFPS as default values. TOLD can also be run on a stand-alone basis.

    32. Toggles TOLD between integrated and stand-alone. Un-grays when TOLD button is selected.

    33. Brings up the associated turnpoint type tab of the Point Editor. Available only for Appr, CP, Delay, DZ, Orbit, & STTO turnpoint types.

    34. Used to change speed along a route segment. Accelerate by Distance Accelerate by Time Slowdown by Distance Slowdown by Time Slowdown to Zero Double Slowdown by Distance Double Slowdown by Time

    35. Lets you set the amount of fuel to offload or onload at the selected waypoint. Receivers can also set the Desired Fuel in Tank. Can be set to instantaneous transfer or a specific rate of transfer.

    36. Set a time to arrive at the selected point. Can edit all times from this screen.

    37. Used to translate one set of coordinates into the Display DATUM. Default is WGS84 datum.

    38. Brings up the FPM tab of the Point Editor. Use to manually set the flight modes for the selected line. Climb, Cruise, & Descent Climb/Descent Winds

    39. Renumbers DTDs to an order you define. Pop-up window appears. Select options. Designed for DTD equipped aircraft.

    40. Centers Map (FalconView) on selected waypoint. Launches FalconView if not already opened. Very useful for working on JOG, TPC and other small-scale maps.

    41. CFPS Menu Options Import / Export New to PFPS 3.2 .crd files are compatible with other mission planning software. Merge route files to your route. SID & STAR route segments Local routing Prints what you see on the screen Good for capturing screen info.

    43. CFPS Menu Options Used to copy route segments from one route to another. Multiple routes open. Replicates selected values throughout flight plan. New look for 3.2.

    44. Replicate Info Check the boxes you want to replicate. You can also change the values within each field. The current value on the highlighted line of CFPS won’t change. You can still change a value in CFPS, do a Ctrl+R followed by Enter and your entry will replicate through the flight plan.

    46. CFPS Menu Options

    48. CFPS Menu Options

    49. Column Profiles Create custom CFPS column profiles. Hide columns. Choose from many additional columns to show. Save & Display profiles.

    50. Tools Create your own custom toolbar. Add buttons for anything you want. AWE TaskView Route Winding Open Tools > Manager to begin.

    51. From the Tools Manager window click the Add button. Enter a name for the button. Will also be the tooltip. Browse to the .exe file to set the program’s path. The icon will be the program’s original icon.

    53. CFPS Menu Options

    54. CFPS Basics Any Questions ???

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