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CSOs AND AID EFFECTIVENESS WORKSHOP Ha Noi October 2 nd , 2007. GROUP WORK REPORT. GROUP 1. Topic: Role and models of CSO involvement in Aid Effectiveness. Role and models of CSO involvement in AE.
GROUP 1 Topic: Role and models of CSO involvement in Aid Effectiveness
Role and models of CSO involvement in AE • Monitoring AE and ODA at commune level, fund from NGO/IOs. - CSO directly involve in monitoring, not state agencies • Effective implementation: community-based projects, highly participatory approach from design to implementation of projects, cost effectiveness, low administrative cost, benefits from the fund go directly to the people, transparency, and openness of information • Advocate: Unite among some CSO to advocate to get attention of and to influence government’s policy, enabling environment for CSO’s best practices • Introcuction of gender issue into the development agenda to create equality in community development
What to do to ensure the involvement of CSO in AE – for CSO • Improved participation of CSO: CSOs are allowed to participate and negotiate with donors on development programs, on development priorities that close to grassroots' needs • CSO should be mutual and independent orgs • CSO with monitoring role: • Network with other CSOs, self-capacity building to persuade and prove their expertise. VUSTA can play as the facilitator and connector of the network
What to do to ensure the involvement of CSO in AE – for Government • Finalize legal framework for the operation of CSOs (adjusted decree 88, Law on Associations) • Empowerment: CSOs have chance to access fund to implement, monitor and evaluate use of fund. • CSOs’ involvement are clearly indicated in 5 principles of PD and HCS • Donor have a proportion of money for CSOs’ monitoring and evaluation • Stipulate that CSO shall be represented in the M&E delegation of all aid-funded projects/programs to guarantee transparency
What to do to ensure the involvement of CSO in AE – for Government • Simplification of fund receiving procedure (allow CSOs to receive direct aid in cash) • Public of ODA information • On Website; • Mass media (TV, newspaper); • Official correspondence; • ..
GROUP 2 Government–CSO relationship in Viet Nam
Focus • About HCS (Ha Noi core statement) • How does HCS linked to CSOs? • How CSOs participate in HCS?
1. About Vietnamese CSOs • Vietnamese CSOs have experienced high development thanks to recent enabling legal framework • However, discrimination among different types/levels of CSOs still exists • Different perspectives of state agency and CSOs/associations on the same issue
2. about ODA • Could have bad effect: discourage internal force, increase dependency, should not rely too much on ODA • Might become the tool of influence of donor countries • Like a cake, and unequally shared, even not all stakeholders are involved in the splitting up of this cake (CG meeting)
3. About HCS • 14 objectives are good but only in theory • It takes much longer time to implement • This is just the effort to localize the PD • e.g. Commitment 3: consultation. Government should not be the project owner, especially the technical assistant project
4. Recommendations to enhance AE CSOs should be allowed to involve in all steps: consultation, implementation, monitoring, evaluations of ODA. • Government policies in general and in ODA in particular should be consulted with CSOs, meanwhile CSOs also actively access ODA related legal documents to have timely consultation • ODA projects should benefit the right beneficiary, implementation should be consistently deployed from central level to local level. • CSOs should unite and coordinate with each other for better efficiency (from project to program approach)
4. Recommendations to enhance AE (cont) • Higher professionalize, less bureaucratic procedures among CSOs • There should be an information center to provide CSOs related and reliable source of information. • Capacity building for CSOs, especially in independent monitoring and evaluation • Enabling legal framework for CSOs • Frequent dialogue between government and CSOs
GROUP 3 INGO/ Donor-CSO relationship in Viet Nam
1.Donor/INGOs – CSOs relationship: + Ideal partnership relationship + Subcontractor (employee) – Investor (of money, technology) relationship
2. Recommendations of CSOs to Donors/INGOs: • Better CSOs participation in big development projects • CSOs are allowed to directly implement and monitor projects • Classification of types of fund, give CSOs the fund amount appropriate with their capacity. When they are not capable of take in huge projects • Better assistance from government, donor/INGO to help enhance capacity of CSOs, be ready to take in responsibilities when donors/INGOs withdraw This is the expansion of Ha Noi Core statement: Government/INGOs create legal framework for CSOs. Currently 30% of aid comes from state budget, the rest 70% are from CSOs’ program/projects
3. What CSOs should do in the future to better access to funds of donors/INGOs • Capacity building for CSOs at all levels • Networking to make it strong enough in terms of financial and human resources to be able to take in big projects and receive fund directly from donors/INGO. • Positive competition among CSOs by: + Upward and downward influence + Information sharing among CSOs and with other stakeholders such as government, donors and INGOs