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Interactive Phonetics Workshops for Language Learners

Engaging 40-minute sessions exploring phonetics, pronunciation, English accents, and intonation. Practice using phonemic symbols, consonant and vowel sounds, word stress, and intonation patterns. Enhance understanding through presentations, videos, and activities.

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Interactive Phonetics Workshops for Language Learners

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  1. PHONETICS • PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE • 40-minute expositions • 20 minutes to show yourresearch and provideexamplesusing PPT, PREZI presentations, Youtube videos, photocopied material, summaries… • Expositionsmustbecarriedoutbythemembers of eachgroup, althoughtheymay use videos justtoreinforcetheirwork. • 20 minutes toletuspractice and enjoywith oral & listeningactivities 1

  2. PHONETICS PROJECT 1.- Introductiontothephonemic symbols PROJECT 2.- Consonantsounds PROJECT 3.- Vowelsounds PROJECT 4.- Word stress and Intonation. Falling and rising tones PROJECT 5.- Englishaccents 2

  3. PHONETICS PROJECT 1: Introductiontothephonemic symbols 1.- Introducingthe chart withallthephonemes 3

  4. PHONETICS 2.- Youshouldhaveaskedyourpartnerstobringtheirdictionariestoclass fortheday of your performance in ordertobe familiar withthealphabetspelling and phonemic symbols bygettingsomepractice. 4

  5. PHONETICS 3.- Explainingthe symbols onemayfindwhen lookingintothedictionary (apostrophy in thesyllablewithmain stress, /:/ forlongvowelsound…) 5

  6. PHONETICS 4.- Having a look at themaindifficultiespeoplewithdifferentmothertonguesmayhavewhenusingtheEnglishlanguage. Try topresentsomeexamplesbyeitherlookingfor videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UgpfSp2t6k 6

  7. PHONETICS orlisteningactivities (theonebelowisfrom “AdvancedEnglishPronunciation in Use): 7

  8. PHONETICS PROJECT 2: ConsonantSounds 1.- Showingthe individual consonantphonemes 8

  9. PHONETICS 2.- Explainingthedifferencesbetween similar sounds 3.- Presentingactivitiestopracticethetheory 9

  10. PHONETICS 3.- Presentingactivitiestopracticethetheory 10

  11. PHONETICS PROJECT 3: Vowel Sounds 1.- Helping Students to move through the vowel symbols 11

  12. PHONETICS 2.- Providing interesting and visual Diphtongs examples 3.- Let us play after revising our feedback 12

  13. PHONETICS PROJECT 4: Word stress and Intonation. Falling and rising tones 1.- Searching original activities in ordertotalkabouttheprominent syllablesin eachword 13

  14. PHONETICS 2.- Emphatic stress orrhythm in sentences. Tecniquesusedwhen wewanttogive more importance oremphasisto a certainword in ourspeech Example: Thisis MY seat 14

  15. PHONETICS 3.- Choosing the correct Tone. If our voice goes up or down implies a difference in meaning: A.- Idiomatic expressions You´ll be lucky! You must be joking! B.- Tones in asking for information Interviewer: What´s your job? Peter: I´m a boxer Interviewer: You´re a boxer 15

  16. PHONETICS C.- Agreeing and disagreeing. Question Tags * Golf is so boring, isn’t it? (we are giving our opinion and we are sure it won´t upset the listener) * You like chess, don’t you? (we are not sure, we are just guessing but not willing to upset the other person) D.- High tones * That’s brilliant! 16

  17. PHONETICS PROJECT 4: EnglishAccents 1.- Provinding students with some geographical practice so as to be able to get some knowledge regarding the different countries where English is spoken. Focusing on the parts of Great Britain: Wales, Scotland, Ireland… ) 2.- Learning about the peculiarities of the English language spoken in: • Northern England • Scotland • Wales • Northern Ireland • London • South Africa • Canada • Australia • … 17

  18. PHONETICS 3.- Explaining examples in detail 18

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