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‘40 minute famine’ ® Gareth. CAT FOOD!. Presentation and history:. A 3-year old boy, Mark, suffering from stupor and very rapid breathing (hyperpnoea). His mother reports he has sweats, trembling and occasionally convulsions after more than a few hours without food.
‘40 minute famine’®Gareth CAT FOOD!
Presentation and history: • A 3-year old boy, Mark, suffering from stupor and very rapid breathing (hyperpnoea). • His mother reports he has sweats, trembling and occasionally convulsionsafter more than a few hours without food. • enlarged abdomen and hepatomegaly (an enlarged liver). • xanthomas (nodules of lipid) around his body. • An 'instant' blood glucose reading = only 2 mM. • After i.v. glucose, Mark's condition stabilised further tests
What is the likely cause of the sweats, convulsions, etc? A Hypoglycaemia B Hyperglycaemia C Hypoinsulinaemia D Hyperlipidaemia ‘instant’ BSL = 2mM
Where does bilirubin come from? A The breakdown of bile salts B The breakdown of cholesterol C The breakdown of red blood cells D Artificial food colourings in the diet E None of the above What normally happens to bilirubin? A Excreted in urine B Sent from liver to gall bladder C Oxidised to carbon dioxide RBC can only use glucose
What is a high blood [uric acid] indicative of? A A low cellular 'energy charge' B An increased rate of deamination of adenosine C A decrease in ATP D A marked rise in AMP E All of the above Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is not just found in the liver. How could we be sure that the ALT measured here was from the liver? A Measure the Km in an enzyme dependent assay B Measure the Vmax in an enzyme dependent assay C Look at the isoenzyme banding pattern on gel D We couldn't be sure
How could triglycerides be in the blood? A High rate of VLDL release from liver B High rate of lipolysis in adipose tissue C Failure to clear LDL When are fatty acids released into the bloodstream? A When insulin levels are high B When glucagon levels are low C When insulin levels are low VLDL = high in TGs BSL insulin lipolysis FA + glycerol
What processes can lead to increased blood lactate? A liver gluconeogenesis B liver glycolysis C muscle glycolysis D muscle PDH activity E All of the above lactate is a substrate lactate is a product of rapid glycolysis lactate is a substrate
aim to maintain blood glucose Which processes are normally functioning after a few hours of fasting? A. Glycogenolysis B. Glycogen synthesis C. Lipolysis D. Lipogenesis E. Gluconeogenesis F. Insulin secretion G. Glucagon secretion release glucose from store insulin lipolysis FA + glycerol glucose req’d for brain, RBCs BSL glucagon from pancreas Mark’s problem could be with one of these processes
Initial blood tests So, Mark is secreting glucagon: are his cells responding?
Glucagon tolerance test This involved infusing Mark with intravenous glucagon Mark is not making glucose: what would happen in a normal person? normal Mark
What process does NOT glycogenolysis in response to glucagon? A cAMP production B Activation of Protein Phosphatase I C Activation of Protein Kinase A D Phosphorylation of phosporylase
a GTP ATP low blood glucose N Glucagon LIVER GPCR C cAMP cAMP cAMP cAMP cAMP cAMP cAMP cAMP cAMP Protein Kinase A ACTIVE
blood [glucose] GLUCAGON cAMP PKA cAMP cAMP fructose 1, 6- bis phosphatase glycogen synthase glycogen phosphorylase pyruvatekinase glycolysis glycogen synthesis glycogenolysis gluconeogenesis
blood [glucose] GLUCAGON cAMP PKA cAMP cAMP P P P P fructose 1, 6- bis phosphatase glycogen synthase glycogen phosphorylase pyruvatekinase glycolysis glycogen synthesis glycogenolysis gluconeogenesis
blood [glucose] GLUCAGON cAMP protein kinase A cAMP cAMP P P P P fructose 1, 6- bis phosphatase glycogen synthase glycogen phosphorylase pyruvatekinase glycolysis glycogen synthesis glycogenolysis gluconeogenesis blood GLUCOSE
blood [glucose] GLUCAGON cAMP protein kinase A cAMP cAMP P P P P fructose 1, 6- bis phosphatase glycogen synthase glycogen phosphorylase pyruvatekinase glycolysis glycogen synthesis glycogenolysis gluconeogenesis CO-ORDINATED Available glucose
glycogen (n) debranching enzyme glycogen phosphorylase P glucose 1-P glycogen (n-1) phosphoglucomutase P glycolysis Glucose 6- phosphatase glucose glucose 6-P
Gluconegenesis stimulated by • substrates (lactate, glycerol, certain amino acids • glucagen (stimulates F16bP’tase) • FA oxidatn AcCoA + Pyr Carboxylase, - PDH glycolysis gluconeogenesis stim by glucagon
Which one of these does not participate in a pathway that allows glucose production in response to glucagon? A Phosphorylase B Glucose 6 phosphatase C Glucokinase D GLUT-2 What is NOT an effect of glucagon? A An increase in WAT lipolysis B Stimulation of glucose release from the liver C Production of glucose from lactate by the liver D Breakdown of muscle glycogen glucose g6P in liver: high Km, so active only when [glucose] glycogen
4 2 glycogenolysis in response to glucagon in liver, not muscle 2 GLUT-2 in liver (high Km) active only when glucose high, gets last dibs on glucose (1st brain, muscle)GLUT-4 in muscle
What is NOT an effect of glucagon? A An increase in WAT lipolysis B Stimulation of glucose release from liver C Production of glucose from lactate by liver D Breakdown of muscle glycogen muscle glycogen breakdown in response to adrenaline, no glucagon receptors
see glucagon TT Can Mark make glucose in response to glucagon? A Yeah B Nope C Can’t tell Can Mark enter glycolysis in response to glucagon? A Yeah B Nope C Can’t tell Can Mark breakdown glycogen in response to glucagon? A Yeah B Nope C Can’t tell Probably: glucagon TT lactate glucagon TT lactate
Glucagon tolerance test Mark can break down glycogen lactate from glycolysis but is not making glucose…….? normal Mark
Marks main problem is low blood glucose: What other sources of glucose should he be able to access?
Galactose tolerance test This involved infusing Mark with 200 mg/kg galactose via one of his veins. What is the GI of galactose? A negligible - very low B medium (50-60 ish) C 100 (same as pure glucose) normal Mark
Does Mark have a problem clearing galactose from the blood? A Yes B No C Can’t tell galactose lactate galactose glycolysis
Galactose Metabolism What do you think is the next step in "Normal Glucose Metabolism"? A Fructose 6-P B UDP-Glucose C Glucose 6-P D Glucose
galactokinase galactose galactose 1- P UDP glucose transferase epimerase UDP galactose 1- P glucose mutase 6- P glucose glucose G6 phosphatase glycolysis
What would you expect the main route of disposal of galatose to be? A carbon dioxide in muscle B glucose in liver C fat in adipose tissue What do you notice about Mark's Lactate response? A Even at time zero, he has hyperlactemia B Galactose causes a rise in blood lactate C Glucagon causes a rise in blood lactate D All of the above only the liver has galactose enzymes
What processes can lead to increased blood lactate? A liver gluconeogenesis B liver glycolysis C muscle glycolysis D muscle PDH activity E All of the above lactate is a substrate lactate is a product of rapid glycolysis lactate is a substrate
see galactose tolerance test Can Mark make glucose from galactose? A Yes B No Can Mark enter glycolysis from galactose? A Yes B No Can Mark make glucose in response to glucagon? A Yes B No Can Mark enter glycolysis in response to glucagon? A Yes B No galactose lactate see glucagon tolerance test glucagon glycogenolysis lactate
so…. LACTATE in response to glucagon (gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis) and to galactose BUT cannot make glucose galactose
Which is the ‘branch point’ between glycolysis and glucose common to glycogenolysis and galactose catabolism? A fructose 6 phosphate B Fructose 1,6 bisphosphate C glucose 1 phosphate D Glucose 6-phosphate
Which enzyme is common to glycogenolysis and galactose catabolism? A Lactate dehydrogenase B Fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase C Glucose 1 phosphatase D Glucose 6-phosphatase
In what other process is g6p’tase? A glycolysis B lipolysis C gluconeogenesis D glycogen synthesis
Dual-labelled glucose infusion This involved infusing Mark with intravenous glucose which is labelled with 14C on every carbon atom but with 3H (tritium) on C2.
glycolysis H P- exchange of H+ with medium * * H * P- P- P- glucose glucose 6-P fructose 6-P fructose 1,6-bis P hexokinase isomerase PFK
gluconeogenesis H P- H P- P- P- glucose glucose 6-P fructose 6-P fructose 1,6-bis P G 6- P’tase isomerase F 1,6 b iP’tase + glucagon
all C are retained 21. At which step is 14C lost from U14C-glucose? A Glucose --> G6P B G6P ---> F6P C F6P ---> F16BP D F16PB ---> DHAP + glyceraldehyde 3P E None of the above 22. At which step is 3H lost from the C2 on glucose? A Glucose --> G6P B G6P ---> F6P C F6P ---> F16BP D F16PB ---> DHAP + glyceraldehyde 3P E None of the above 23. Normally, can F6P be made into glucose? A Yes B No exchange with H+ from medium
What happens to the 3H and 14C content of [2-3H, U-14C] glucose when the glucose goes to F16BP and back again? A Both the 3H and 14C content goes down B Both the 3H and 14C content goes up C The 3H goes up and 14C stays the same D The 3H goes down and 14C stays the same E The 3H stays the same and 14C goes down the RATIO of 3H:14C goes DOWN
What happens to the 3H and 14C content of [2-3H, U-14C] glucose when gluconeogenesis is faulty? A The 3H : 14C ratio goes down B The 3H : 14C ratio goes up C The ratio does not alter
What happens to the 3H and 14C content of [2-3H, U-14C] glucose in Mark? A The 3H : 14C ratio goes down B The 3H : 14C ratio goes up C The ratio does not alter Mark also has a fault in gluconeogenesis
What is needed to allow glucose to go to F6P and back again? A Phosphofructokinase B Fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase C GLUT-2 D Glucose 6 phosphatase If we took a liver biospy from Mark and measured the rate of glycolysis from glucose in isolated hepatocytes, would it be: A Higher than normal B Normal C Lower than normal
Which is the ‘branch point’ between glycolysis and glucose common to glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis and galactose catabolism? A fructose 6 phosphate B Fructose 1,6 bisphosphate C glucose 1 phosphate D Glucose 6-phosphate
trace which bits Mark can and can’t do: where is the road block? galactose
Which is the ‘branch point’ between glycolysis and glucose common to glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis and galactose catabolism? A fructose 6 phosphate B Fructose 1,6 bisphosphate C glucose 1 phosphate D Glucose 6-phosphate
Which enzyme is common to glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis and galactose catabolism? A Lactate dehydrogenase B Fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase C Glucose 1 phosphatase D Glucose 6-phosphatase