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Human organism adaptation strategies to geomagnetic storms. S. l. Zaguskin 1 , A.K. Krylov 2 , Y .V. Gurov 1 , S.S. Zaguskina 1 1 Southern Federal University, Institute of physics, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, zaguskin@gmail.com, +79185144967
Human organism adaptation strategies to geomagnetic storms S. l. Zaguskin1, A.K. Krylov2, Y.V. Gurov1, S.S. Zaguskina1 1 Southern Federal University, Institute of physics, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, zaguskin@gmail.com, +79185144967 2The establishment of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of psychology of RAS, Moscow, Russia, neuru@mail.ru
Solar activity Moon Galactic radiation Magnetosphere, ozonosfera, atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere PHYSICO-CHEMICAL EFFECTS ON THE BIOSPHERE Society Man Body tissue Cell Sol-gel transitions Biorhythms: genetically anchored, homeostatic, exogenous Biological connection, memory, traces processes
RHYTHMS OF SOLL-GEL TRANSITIONS IN A CELL AS ACCEPTORS AND RECEPTORS OF OUTSIDE IMPACTS ? Physical impacts Energy exchange of a cell Primary/initial acceptors Са depot Н2О Gel t°C, рН, Роsм Саi МP Pm Blood flow Sol Chemical impacts 1О2 Biosynthesis CN Receptors of cell membrane Function Direct functional links, Energetic links Feed back links,
Interferometry of Stellar cluster «Snowflake»and differential interferometry of living neuron. Registration of rhythms sol-gelstructures ?
Isolated neuron temporary connection output after increasing its energy metabolism • 1- Neuron'sactivityduringtheactionoflaserexposure (dashedmark) andmechanicalstimuli (solidmark) • 2- combinedimpact • 3- responsesontheelectricirritationandtraceoscillationsaftereliminationofthemechanicaleffects • 4-neuron activationresponsesunderelectricalimpact 1 2 3 4
Circahoral (20 min-2h) 5-min 1 - min 30 sec. 1-5s. (pulse, breath ) 7-13 Hz tremor, α-rhythm of brain 100 Hz-10kHz Cosmic and geophysical rhythms B.M. Vladimirsky, 1980 Biological rhythms It is likely that many of our problems .. are caused by contradiction between our internal time and the and the magnitude of external time in the world around us. I. Prigogine 1984
Physical-Space Level (above Biosphere) Evolutionaryintegrationlevelsofbiosystems p5? x5 u5 k5? z4 Biosphere s4 FSDB w4 ZONES m4 Main levels: Biosphere, Biocenoses, Organisms, Cells, BSRC-biosynthetical self reduplicating cycles of sol-gel structures FSHB u4 k4 BIOMES v4 l4 y4 p4 r4 x4 Biocenoses z3 s3 Intermediate Functional Levels: FSDB-functional systems of different types of biocenoses, FSHB-functional systems of homogenous types of biocenoses, FSO –functional systems of organism, CCD – cell compart-ments of different types, CCH - homogenous cell compartments . FSDO Consortii w3 m3 Families,flock Populations v3 u3 k3 l3 y3 r3 x3 p3 z2 Organisms s2 FSO ORGANS w2 m2 u2 k2 Ansambles ТISSUES l2 y2 v2 x2 p2 r2 Intermediate Structural Levels: DMC-cell microstructures of different types, HМC –homogenous cell microstructures. Cells z1 s1 CCD DMC w1 m1 CCH HMC v1 u1 k1 l1 y1 r1 x1 p1 Energy flows upon: x,y,z-functional &p,r,s-structural changes, u,v.w – parametrical regulation of function, k,l,m – parametrical regulation of structure. BSRC s0 r0 u0 v0 w0 r0 z0 genes,viruses Physical-Chemical Level (pre-biological)
Universal energy criterion of biological processesdirection adaptation status disadaptation status 1 adaptation strategy ( ΔUN+1<0) : Energy costs for external functional XN+1 and structural PN+1 processes are reduced less compared to internal regulatory ZN+SN processes. 2 adaptation strategy (ΔUN+1 >0): Energy costs for external functional XN+1 and structural PN+1 processes is increasing more than on internal regulatory ZN+SN processes.
Energetic dependence of neuron irritability, and plastic fixation of its adaptation А А Neuron activity pulse frequency records at irritation with the period of 5 minutes. Process of quick decrease of irritability since the beginning of irritation, and quick trigger recovery of irritability after 90 minutes is clearly seen. BLiving ultraviolet cyto-spectre-photometry of neuron. Absorption oscillations with wave length equal to 265 nm at different points of neuron’s body. Primary increase of absorption (increase of РНП concentration) at points above nucleus as well as step-by-step phase synchronization of absorption oscillations atother parts of a cell following towards neuraxon are clearly seen. B
Increased periods and amplitude of rhythms of R-R intervals redundancy ( R=1−Eexp/Emax) per 1, 2 hour and a maximum during ischemia 2 hour a maximum during ischemia pulse 1 hour a maximum during ischemia breathing a maximum during ischemia
Analysis of ECG R-R records with symbolic dynamic approach. Groups of people: young healthy (Y, black dots), eldery healthy (E gray dots), long-term atrial fibrillation (L, blue dots) and congestive heart failure (C red dots)
Symbolic dynamics of R-R intervals с –scope of 44 patients with congestive heart failure, l –is the area of 84 patients with atrialfibrillation, y –scope of 10 young healthy people, e – area of 54 older healthy people. k1 –a patient number 1, k2 – a patient number 2. k2 k1
Nerve cell of mechanical receptor of river crab.Registration of electrical activity, oxygen consumption, mitochondria aggregation, biosynthesis of protein and ofother structural and chemical rhythms muscles рО2 electrode З З nerve ganglion body of neuron axon 70 мкм Camera upon microscope desk З- fixers З
Increase of rhythms’ amplitude of sol-gel transitions under laser irradiation and stimulation of energy potential of a cell sond А-microfilm densitography method В- mitochondria aggregations С- increase of amplitude of mitochondria aggreg.-disaggreg.- oscillations (optical density 1-2), and sol level related to gel (liquid-faction of cytoplasm) while cell energetic has been stimulated with the help of natrium succinate (or laser) А В В A 1 2 С
Interferometry of living neuron with complete doubling of image.Registration of rhythms of protein content (dry weight) of non-disturbed cell and during physical impacts Photoelectricalmethod: Ф0-Ф1=А{cos2φ-Lcos2(φ-Δ/2)}+M Photographicmethod: (S0-S1)/γ=lg{cos2φ/Lcos2(φ-Δ/2)}-M
Synchronous oscillations of energetic exchangeand biosynthesis in a cell Nucleus Д About circahoral rhythms (average period is about 30 min) of protein at differentzonesof a cell: Д – between dendrites & nucleus, Я –at nucleus zone, А – between nucleus and neuraxon hill for absorption at 265 nm. Tuning: Оptical density - 0,1, Time - 30 мin. Я Я А Д Neuroaxon Neuraxon Living interferometry of the same neuron at thephase of about one hour rhythm of protein content’s decrease (left) and at the phase of its increase (right). Change of shift of light wave phase above neuron body’s nucleus is clearly seen at the level of two nucleolus, and there are no changes at the part of coming down neuraxon.
Criteria of optimum of lasertherapy parameters Parameters are optimal during biocontrol mode only. Factor analysis of Ес, Т, S, λ values is not correct because response reactions are non- additive. Bio resonance is possible only if multifrequency biorhythmically biosynchronization is achieved.
Dependence of +/- responding reaction uponstarting state and phase of rhythm of energetics ofcell, tissue, organ, organism Energy supply swing Yin Yang Following Towards Phase of increase of blood congestion = increase of biosynthesis Phаse of decreaseof blood congestion = destruction
Ratio оf 1-2-3 depths of amplitude modulation of physio-therapy impact changes depending upon mode of pathology (hypoxia, arterial or venous hyperemia) and upon availability of disbalance of arterial and venous parts of capillary route 1.Тremor 7-13Hz systole 2. Pulse diastole breath out 3. Breathing breath in Total signal (1,2,3) of biocontrol
«RIKTA-05»is the device for bio-controlled lasermagnet chronotherapy • Chronodiagnostic and patient’s status control during chronotherapy session with bio control using pulse frequency (PF) to breathing frequency(BF) ratio. • Normal: 3<PF/BF <5. • Modes 1-4: different ratios of modulation depths due to pulse, breathing, tremor signals. • Accountingfor velocity of pulse wave and place of pathology, delay for pulse signal is introduced. • During impact upon myocardium projection reverse of pulse signal’s sign is switched on. Pulses sensor Breath sensor Теrminal: 8 red, 1 IR laser, magnet Display: PF, BF, PF/BF, Bio-timer, modes 1-4
Summary 1.Developed software and hardware-based medical diagnostic device «Kvant-bio». It contains a pulse, breathing and differential signal input block, thermometry of these sensors in the computer and display the signals on biofeedback matrix laser diodes with power via an adapter from the network. Сhronodiagnostic of human organism state and forecasting its adverse reactions to geomagnetic storms and weather anomalies by using special algorithms for symvolic dynamics of rhythms pulse, breathing and their relationships. Explores the rhythms of vegetation status, of cellular immunity, thermal gradients and thermal asymmetry. To resolve these desynchronosis and their prevention is used in the computer version of the respiratory gymnastics and biocontrol on respiration and pulse sensors with laser therapy. 2. Chronodiagnostic methods allow you to detect when a disagreement of biorhythms within the organism and with the rhythms of the external environment, the forecast adverse reaction of the organism to the geomagnetic storms and weather anomalies. 3. Biocontrolled chronophysiotherapy eliminates desynchronosis, resolves to normalize vegetative status, cell-mediated immunity, the spectrum of blood microcirculation rhythms in the pathology and prevention of adverse reactions of the human body for geomagnetic storms and weather anomalies.