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Disability Program Navigator. Leonard M. Crispell MILC Extension OneWorkSource 41 Pearl Street 158 Finney Blvd 518 483-2151 518 481-5755 E-Mail leonardatmilc@hotmail.com .
Disability Program Navigator Leonard M. Crispell MILC Extension OneWorkSource 41 Pearl Street 158 Finney Blvd 518 483-2151 518 481-5755 E-Mail leonardatmilc@hotmail.com
Disability Program Navigator A Partnership With The Massena Independendent Living Center 156 Center Street Massena, New York 13662 518 764-9442 Jeff Reifensynder Executive Director
North Country Center For Independence 102 Sharron Avenue Plattsburgh, New York 12903 Andrew Pulrang Executive Director
North Country Workforce Investment Board James E. Calnon Executive Director North Country Workforce Partnership
Disability Program Navigator Sandra Shampang North Country Center OneWorkSource For Independence 105 Hand Ave. Suite 1 102 Sharon Ave Elizabethtown, N.Y. 12932 Plattsburgh, N.Y. 12903 518 873-2341 • 563-9058 E-Mail SKShampang@aol.com
Disability Program Navigator Sondra Tarbox North Country Center OneWorkSource For Independence 194 USA Oval 102 Sharon Ave. Plattsburgh, N.Y. 12903 Plattsburgh, N.Y. 12903 518 561-0430 • 563-9058 ext 3008 E-Mail adirondackws@westelcom.com
Disability ProgramNavigatorFor the North Country Essex Franklin Clinton Hamilton
Clinton County Population 79,894 Persons 5 & over with a disability 13,862 Land Area 1,039 sq miles
Hamilton County Population 5,379 Persons 5 & Over with a disability 1,155 Land Area 1,720 sq Miles
Essex County Population 38,851 Persons 5 & over with a disability 7,484 Land Area 1,797 sq Miles
Franklin County Population 51,056 Persons 5 & Over with a disability 10,299 Land Area 1,631
North Country’s Overall Persons 5 & Over with a disability 18% of our Population, almost 1 in 5 Land Area 13% of New York
Barriers to Success Vast coverage area 13% of land area New York Transportation public affordable transportation almost non-exsistant
Coverage of North Country Assigned specific counties to each DPN I facilitated outreach presentations with DPN assistance. Spirit of cooperation, teamwork
Social Security and the WorkIncentive Coordinators ( AWIC) • First Contact June 2004
Northeast Work IncentivesNetwork Meeting • at the Career Opportunity Center Canton , New York
Introduction to the DisabilityProgram Navigatorandtheir partnership with Ticket- to- Work
Assist individuals with disabilitiesincluding Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) beneficiaries, to access and “navigate” the complex provisions under various programs that impact their ability to gain, return to, or retain employment.
Serve as a One-Stop Career Center resource on SSA’s work incentives and other employment support programs, including the Ticket to Work provisions and programs.
Northeast NY Work Incentives Network MeetingatQueensbury, New York
Audience Included: - ARCs, Employment Networks, VESID, Hospital staff, Employers , One Stop partners, DSS, Mental Health Associations, and etc.
Strong Relationship with the Independent Living Centers and the Benefit Specialists from BPAO
IndependentLiving Philosophy • All people have value, should be treated with respect, and have the right to make choices about their own lives.
Independent Living Philosophy • People with disabilities are limited mainly by the barriers they encounter in society.
Philosophy • If they have the knowledge, tools and freedom they need, all people with disabilities can live independently, carry out the responsibilities of citizenship and reach their full potential.
Philosophy • All people with disabilities can live and work in integrated, non-institutional settings, if community-based support services are available
Philosophy • There is a continuing need to improve the community’s awareness, understanding, and accommodation of people with disabilities.
Philosophy • The best source of information and support available to people with disabilities is the experience and example of others with disabilities.
Philosophy • We succeed in our mission when a person with a disability no longer needs our help.
DPN and the Independent Living Center • You don’t get just one person, you get the whole staff. • You get the resources of the Massena ILC along with the Malone Extension, the Ogdensburg Outreach, and the North Country Center for Independence. • All 37 of the state’s ILCs resources are available for your assistance
We can assist you with; Employment - resume writing - job search - job preparation
Referrals - VESID - OneWorkSource - Department of Labor
Independent Living Skills - budgeting - housing - transportation issues
North Country EN’s Besides VESID in each county, Franklin and Essex County had one other EN. Clinton County has none.
Ticket to Work Advisory Panel In their Report of February 2004 stated, “ without immediate attention to the very real problems affecting the EN participation the Ticket Program will fail.
Recommendations Reduce the difference between Milestone and Outcome payments. Move more EN payments to the 1st 12 months of employment Ensure timely payments.
Once the payments are shifted towards the beginning of the program with milestones, we can conduct increased outreach to employers, community agencies and organizations that serve individuals with disabilities and increase the number of Ens.