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Preparing for True Worship

Preparing for True Worship. Psalm 100. Worship. Expression of honor, adoration and praise to God Avoid vain worship through good preparation, Heb. 10:22-25 To offer true worship we must prepare ourselves for the joy, benefits & obligations of worship, Psa. 100. Worship.

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Preparing for True Worship

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  1. Preparing for True Worship Psalm 100

  2. Worship • Expression of honor, adoration and praise to God • Avoid vain worship through good preparation,Heb. 10:22-25 • To offer true worship we must prepare ourselves for the joy, benefits & obligations of worship,Psa. 100

  3. Worship • Worship is less than joyful to some Christians • Chronically late or absent • Little zeal & personal involvement • Spectators rather than participants • Things to know and to do as a “prelude to praise”

  4. Worship:Reverent adoration, homage • proskuneo: “To kiss the hand towards;” make obeisance, do reverence, act of homage (Jno. 4:24) • sebomai: Revere, feeling of awe (Matt. 15:9) • latreuo: Render religious service (Phil. 3:3) • eusebeo: To act piously towards (Ac 17:23) External act motivated by and expressive of an internal sentiment

  5. Worship is… • NOT a spectator sport (to observe while others do things) • Each Christian is a participant in worship,John 4:23-24 • NOT a competition with others • INVOLVES TRUTH, John 4:24 • Truth is not the emotion of worship • The WHAT & HOW of worship,Matt. 15:7-9

  6. Mind Set of True Worship: “In Spirit” • True worship is in SPIRIT, John 4:24; Psalm 111:1 (heart, inner person) • Bodily presence alone not all that is important,1 Cor. 11:17, 27-29 • Preparing our Hearts to Worship: • Plan ahead,Psalm 122:1; Matt. 5:23-24 • Mind preparation VITAL to true worship

  7. Helpful Environment for True Worship • Reverent setting, Heb. 12:28; Psa. 89:7 • Begins with the heart,Hab. 2:20 (Zeph. 1:7; Psa. 46:10) • Minimize distractions that hinder reverent worship,1 Cor. 11:20-22

  8. Helpful Environment for True Worship • Setting that is decent & orderly,1 Cor. 14:40 (23, 26-33) • Some distractions unavoidable & unpredictable; Many are preventable • Not mere appearance of reverence, Malachi 1:6-8, 13 (Matt. 15:8-9; 23:5-7) • Submissive hearts & obedient behavior

  9. Never Let Worship Become Commonplace • Do not take it for granted…displays a lack of love, Psalm 122:1 • Avoid ritualism by having private devotion, meditation, prayer, reading and study of God’s word • One who does not offer God private worship will have trouble offering public worship!

  10. True WorshipPsalm 100 • Time of joy and gladness • Time for thanksgiving and praise • Spiritual edification of God’s people: • In truth (pattern of sound words) • In spirit (a mind set of godly fear, showing orderliness in demeanor and devotion of service)

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