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PSYC 499 Psychology Internship. PSYC 499 Psychology Internship. PSYC 499 is required to give you the experience of applying your Psychology course knowledge to an agency setting. Academic knowledge is not sufficient alone for your professional experience. PSYC 499 Psychology Internship.
PSYC 499 Psychology Internship • PSYC 499 is required to give you the experience of applying your Psychology course knowledge to an agency setting. • Academic knowledge is not sufficient alone for your professional experience.
PSYC 499 Psychology Internship PSYC 499 Psychology Internship • Agency experience is not sufficient alone, or every agency worker would be a professional. • Only the combination of academic knowledge and agency experience will prepare you for professional positions.
PSYC 499 Psychology Internship PSYC 499 Psychology Internship • Plan to enjoy your internship experience. Most agencies will treat you as if you are a member of the staff. • This is your chance finally to feel like a professional, even if you are anxious about starting.
PSYC 499 Psychology Internship PSYC 499 Psychology Internship • It sounds trite, but represent Liberty University Psychology well. You may be the first or only person and impression that the people in your agency have of Christians and of LU PSYC. They will think we are all like you!
PSYC 499 Psychology Internship PSYC 499 Psychology Internship • For your review, here are the PSYC 499 Academic Assignments and Due Dates. -Discussion Board assignments at the beginning, ¼, ½, and the End of your internship hours; these are the four virtual class meetings. -Log submitted in the Assignments area of Blackboard (or in paper copy) when internship work hours are completed -Activities reported in one file of three Activities forms (from PSYC 499 syllabus) in the Assignments area of Blackboard -Supervisor’s Evaluation (in Assignments area or paper copy) -Reaction Paper
PSYC 499 Psychology InternshipAgencies • Choose an internship agency which will give you experience. • Dream about the professional role you would like to pursue.
PSYC 499 Psychology InternshipAgencies PSYC 499 Psychology InternshipAgencies • Contact agencies and interview them, as they interview you, about the opportunities you can acquire there. • Every state has agencies that serve similar needs of people. Experience in one agency may provide a later position or a recommendation.
PSYC 499 Psychology Internship Process • Acquire PSYC 499 application forms from Mr. Mahan in the Internship Office. • Acquire the PSYC 499 syllabus and the Planning Document from the Psychology Department webpage.
PSYC 499 Psychology Internship Process PSYC 499 Psychology Internship Process • Look at the internship sites of prior Psychology interns in the Internship Office. This, along with Christian Service agencies, will give you some good ideas. There are many other internship site options.
PSYC 499 Psychology Internship Process PSYC 499 Psychology Internship Process To be approved, the agency must assign and evaluate 125 work hours. Since Psychology is the science of thinking and behavior, there are many applications of the theories of Psychology. Your internship work will be one of the applications, which may be any of the listed types of agencies.
PSYC 499 Psychology Internship Process PSYC 499 Psychology Internship Process Counseling is one of the applications of Psychology, but is not a required part of the internship. An undergraduate intern may not participate in counseling, must maintain ethical confidentiality, and may or may not observe counseling sessions. The requirement is observation or interaction with behaviors of co-workers, supervisors, data records, or people in need of service.
PSYC 499 Psychology InternshipForms PSYC 499 Psychology InternshipForms • Student Internship Agreement—page 1 • I. Student Information • Complete all contact information • II. Faculty (FIA) Information • Write in Faculty Intern Advisor: Marilyn Gadomski • Write in fax #: 434-522-0475 • Write in telephone # 434-592-4036 • Write in Email: PSYC499intern@liberty.edu
PSYC 499 Psychology InternshipForms PSYC 499 Psychology InternshipForms • Student Internship Agreement—page 1 • III. Internship Organization Information • Start and End dates of term, or your individual dates. Total hours = 42 hours/credit hour (125 hours for 3 credit hours). Compute your average hours per week to complete the total hours.
PSYC 499 Psychology InternshipForms PSYC 499 Psychology InternshipForms • Student Internship Agreement—page 1 • IV. Student Internship Description • Student’s Duties/Assignments while at work with company/agency: Supervisor completes job description with tasks that will be assigned • Note: A job description may also be in an attached document
PSYC 499 Psychology InternshipForms PSYC 499 Psychology InternshipForms • Student Internship Agreement—page 1 • IV. Student Internship Learning Objectives • When you follow these guidelines, there is no need to consult individually. • Learning Objectives: Choose 3 Learning Objectives, from your PSYC 499 syllabus, Psychology Department Learning Outcomes (broad, to fit every PSYC internship), or write some specific objectives to match your internship duties. Choose one duty/assignment, from your supervisor’s job description to meet each Learning Objective.
PSYC 499 Psychology InternshipForms PSYC 499 Psychology InternshipForms • Student Internship Agreement—page 2 • When you follow these guidelines, there is no need to consult individually. • Learning Objectives: Duties help you to meet Learning Objectives and Learning Objectives name what you hope to learn by completing the Duties and Assignments. You may write Learning Objectives that match your Duties and Assignments.
PSYC 499 Psychology InternshipForms PSYC 499 Psychology InternshipForms • Student Internship Agreement—page 2 • V. Internship Guidelines for Students • VI. Final Signatures • The signature of the Organization’s Representative, your supervisor, is essential. • I will sign when all blanks on this form are completed. • Mr. Mahan in the Internship office will sign last.
PSYC 499 Psychology InternshipForms PSYC 499 Psychology InternshipForms • Internship Registration Form • Student Information • I. Academic Information— • Professional Advisor will sign when you have correctly filled in from ASIST: • GPA • Number of Credits Total • Number and list of PSYC Credits • Number of FT Semesters • Number of GNED/CSER
PSYC 499 Psychology InternshipForms • Internship Agreement Form • I. Academic Information • A Professional Advisor signature is required to verify that the prerequisites (2.0 GPA, Senior status, 21 PSYC hours, CSER completion) are met. • This signature is required before the Registrar signature.
PSYC 499 Psychology InternshipForms PSYC 499 Psychology InternshipForms • Internship Registration Form • II. International Student Approval—if needed • III. Final Signatures (obtain in order) • Student Signature • Office of Student Conduct—former Dean of Men/Women, to verify conduct and lack of reprimands. • I will sign when all blanks on this form are completed. • Registrar’s Office
PSYC 499 Psychology Internship PSYC 499 Psychology Internship • Plan to enjoy your internship experience. It is your unique opportunity to combine your Christian ministry, academic knowledge, professional goals, and personal satisfaction.
PSYC 499 Psychology Internship PSYC 499 Psychology Internship • You will finish with professional experience, a professional recommendation, and a joy in your Psychology success.