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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Explore the truths of evolution, Bible's authority, and the errors of experience-based theology. Unveil how science conflicts with evolution and the Bible's divine origin.

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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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  1. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

  2. Spiritual Confusion The Errors of Experience Based Theology What is claimed about God, Jesus and the gospel will reveal whether any group is heretical or orthodox The Bible and evolution are incompatible. Which is true and why?

  3. The Truth About Evolution Amino acids are isometric, but all animal proteins only occur in the L form D L

  4. The Truth About Evolution Evolution is directly contrary to the Second Law of Thermodynamics (Entropy) Continuing Decay

  5. The Truth About Evolution Without a specific mechanism to harness Sunlight, it only increases the rate of disintegration

  6. The Truth About Evolution Too many geochronometers limit the age of the earth to only millions or just thousands of years Decay of Earth’s Magnetic Field <10,000 Efflux of Helium to Atmosphere <175,000 Decay of Earth’s Rotational Speed <500 mil Cooling of the Earth < 80 mil - 2 bil

  7. The Truth About Evolution Science is too limited to be the source of authority, and scientists are still sinners

  8. The Bible as the Source of Truth The Bible claims to be the Word of God. The Bible is historically accurate The Biblical writers were of the highest integrity Fulfilled prophecies attest to divine origin

  9. The Bible as the Source of Truth The internal character and preservation of the Bible demonstrate God’s hand upon it. The Scripture’s description of the physical world reveals what could have only been known at that time by the creator.

  10. The Truth About the Bible The Bible has multiple mutually supporting sources of authority within it God reveals Himself in multiple ways including angels and His Son. The Bible reveals hidden mysteries for all to see The Bible gives us all we need to live in godliness – 2 Peter 1:2-4

  11. The Truth About the Bible The authority structure in the church is still subject to the Bible The Bible establishes traditions, calls for us to reason and to experience God as part of becoming godly

  12. The Truth About the Bible Similar experiences and reasoning about the same evidences can still result in opposite conclusions Experience is an important teacher to make us wise, but it is limited. We need God’s revelation of truth

  13. The Value of Experience Wisdom comes with age - Job 12:12; Proverbs 20:29, 19:32; Deut. 1:15 The young are to learn from the parents - those older. Proverbs 1:8-9; 5:1-2. God invites people to come and experience Him - Psalm 34:8; Genesis 5:22,24; 17:1

  14. The Value of Experience It is wiser to learn from the experiences of others. The Bible is a treasury of human experience Even the aged are limited in wisdom and some are just old fools. Job 32:9

  15. The Errors of Experience 1) Experience is limited That reality drives men to find a source of knowledge beyond himself False intellectualism (yielding to supposed experts) results in foolishness Literary analysis can show priority of Matthew, Mark or Luke. Matthew was an apostle & eyewitness

  16. The Errors of Experience Pride in experience leads to disaster. Proverbs 16:18; 14:12 2) Experience cannot always tell between what is perceived and what is real and true

  17. Men in a Coffee Cup?

  18. Taller/smaller or the same?

  19. Parallel or Divergent?

  20. In motion or static?

  21. The Errors of Experience Incorrect perceptions lead to wrong conclusions - and unnecessary conflicts

  22. Religious Errors Arising from Experience Based Theology Atheists demand an experience according to their own satisfaction. They are fools (Psalm 14:1) rejecting God’s revelation in the Bible and creation (Psalm 19; Romans 1) Only the arrogant can be atheists. Intellectual honesty demands they are agnostics

  23. Religious Errors Arising from Experience Based Theology Experience of demonic power in false religions keeps many people entrapped by fear Cults: Particular experiences hold the individual in the cult regardless of the evidence against the system

  24. Experiential Error in Aberrant Sects Aberrant sects - orthodox on fundamentals, but also hold extreme or non-Biblical positions Pentecostalism’s belief in tongues as the sign of Spirit Baptism is contrary to Acts & 1 Cor. 12-14 Claiming their experience over Biblical exposition opens the door for greater abuses

  25. Experiential Error in Aberrant Sects Charismatics give even great value to experience resulting in some rejecting even basic doctrine Charismatic experience has fostered ecumenical ties even with those that reject the Biblical gospel Determining right and wrong by experience results in rejection of Biblical commands and precepts

  26. Experiential Error in Evangelicalism Evangelical believers will also often use past experiences as excuses to disobey God Faith is stepping out to obey God and trusting Him for the results regardless past experiences or lack While God does direct through His providence, that leading can only be discerned by the Scriptures

  27. Conclusions Experience must never supersede or interpret the Bible. Experiences must be understood by the Bible

  28. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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