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Explore the ancient tales of the Tuatha De Danaan, divine beings from Irish Mythology, their arrival in Ireland, powerful treasures, and ultimate fate in this insightful journey into Irish folklore.
Irish Mythology Irish mythologyisdividedinto four cycles, or types of stories. While the stories are old, there has been some trouble because not all of the stories survivedIreland’sconversion to Christianity. Can anyonethink of whymyths and legendsmight have been changed?
Christianity Irish Christiansconsidered the oldlegends and myths to betoopagan, and againstwhattheybelieved in. As a result, many stories werechanged or forgotten in order to present Ireland as a Christian country.
The Four Cycles Irish mythologyisdividedinto four cycles: the mythological cycle, the Ulster cycle, the Fenian cycle and the historical cycle. Whilethere are someelementsthatrepeatacross the cycles, they have individual, specificcharacteristics.
The Mythological Cycle The mythological cycle is not verywellpreserved, but its stories tell us about the Tuatha De Danann, who in some stories are the gods of old Ireland. They are believed to be the fifth group of people to take over Ireland, and fought a greatbattleagainst the evilBalor.
The Mythological Cycle – Tuatha De Danaan The Tuatha De Danaan, or peoples of the goddessDanu, came from four cities – Falias, Gorias, Murias and Finias – wheretheylearnedmagic and practicedtheirskills. Althoughwe are to believethey are mortalkings and queens, there are many clues about their divine origins.
The Arrival in Ireland When the Tuatha De arrived, theyarrived in smoke and fire. Whilesomethoughtitwasmagic, otherssaytheyarrived in shipswhichtheythenburnedbehindthem. Whywouldthey do that?
With no boats, the enemycould not attack the homelands the Tuatha De hadleftbehind. It alsoleft the Tuatha De with no choice: theywouldfight, or die.
The Four Treasures of The Tuatha De Danaan The stories tell of the four treasures of the Tuatha De. The words ‘treasures’ do refer to the four citiesthey came from, but also to four objectstheycarried: The Stone of Fail The Spear of Lug The Sword of Light of Nuada The Dagda’s Caudron Whatmagicdidthey have?
The Stone of Fail wouldcry out whentouched by the trueking of Ireland. Legend has itthatitwasplaced by the Hill of Tara where the kingswouldmeet.
The Spear of Lugwas a powerfulweaponwhichcould not bedefeated in battle. The owner of the weaponwhocarrieditintobattlewasalmostinvincible.
The Sword of Light was a burningswordwhichwas impossible to escape from. Once itwasdrawn, itcoulddefeat the enemywithoutfail.
The Dagda’sCauldronwasused for feedingsoldiers. It wassaidthatnobodythatatefrom the cauldronwaseverhungryafterwards.
The Final Battle The Tuatha De ruled in Ireland until the arrival of the Gaels, alsocalled the Milesians.
Theyfoughtagainst the Milesians but could not beat them. Theyasked for a truce of threedays, duringwhich time the Milesianswouldstay in theirboatsnear the Irish shore. What do youthink the Tuatha De didnext?
Betrayal The Tuatha De created a magicalstorm to try and drive the Milesiansaway, but the MilesianpoetAmergincalmed the stormwithmagic and the Milesiansdefeatedthem. Amerginwascalled to divide the land of Ireland between the two groups, whichhedid. How do youthinkhedividedit?
Division Amerginwas not stupid! He chose above the ground for his people, the Milesians, and for the Tuatha De he chose the underground. The Tuatha De Danaanwereledunder the ground by Manannan mac Lir, whowas the son of Lir, the god of the sea.
More Division Whyisitinterestingthattherewas division in ancient Ireland? How doesthislink to the Ireland we know today?
The End of the Tuatha De Danaan? Althoughtheyappearmostly in the Mythological cycle, the characters of the Tuatha De reappearlater in different stories. Charactersalsoparallelothermythology of the time: Nuadaislinked to the British godNodens, for example.
Vocabulary conversion – change to somethingelse pagan – not religious elements - pieces truce – an agreement not to makewar invincible – cannotbedefeated
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